Michael Wolfe is an agent with the CIA.
He was an agent; that might be a bit more accurate, although since he still takes contract work for the Agency, it is probably a moot point. And it is with a CIA handler/friend of his that Wolfe will be meeting when we first meet him, said rendezvous to let the handler know that someone out there really wants Wolfe dead. Considering that Wolfe's expertise is killing people, it is not surprising friends or relatives or associates of someone he has dispatched might harbor ill will towards him.
As that sometime handler would tell another, ""His resume is pretty impressive. Decorated Marine sniper during Desert Shield and Desert Storm. Left the military and earned a degree in International Business Management at Georgetown University. He spent several years working for me at the CIA. During this period, he met a woman from Israel, got married and moved there. After she was killed in a Palestinian terrorist attack, he did a little work for the Mossad."
"Now he calls himself an international business consultant. He's handy with languages, fluent in French, German, Hebrew and passable in Spanish and Arabic." We are also told that his skills as a marksman, especially long distance shooting is exceptional.
If you want to locate Wolfe, you need to head to the southern part of Missouri near the border with Arkensas. You will need to know where to get off Highway 90 onto a "barely-passable road composed of exposed dirt, ruts and the occasional patch of river rock". Do not look for a traditional house; instead look closely for an earthen berm with a mostly concealed entrance. Getting past the "massive ornately carved oak door reinforced wiht a layer of Kevlar between two solid shees of oak planks" might be tricky but the surprising view inside is worth it. Wolfe might opt to disguise his abode, keeping it hidden even from satellites, but his interior decorating skills are impressive. That sort of hiding might reek of paranoia unless you were aware of the type of people who deeply desire Wolfe's death, and the money and power that they can throw at such a project.
Wolfe's deadly abilities are not obvious when looking at him. He is described as being of average height and build, his hair and beard showing more gray than brown on an oval face. His eyes are said to be green and narrow.
Working closely with Wolfe in his adventures - very closely, if you get my drift - is Mossad agent Nadia Picard, a beautiful slender woman with long dark brown hair who has been an operative for a fair number of years and had worked with Wolfe back in the day before each had gone their separate ways. When we meet Wolfe, he is coming back into contact with her and will stay that way.