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Full Name: Kate Adler
Nationality: American
Organization: The Cartel
Occupation CEO

Creator: Richard D. Taylor
Time Span: 2021 - 2022


Kate Adler is a spymaster with the Cartel.

A couple of important qualifications to that statement are in order.

First the matter of what exactly the Cartel is comes up. Even that name isn't right because since it officially does not exist, it can hardly have an official name for itself. "Some referred to it as the Cartel" is the way that the President of the United states tells his closest advisor about the group and even this is only a short while after the Chief Executive learns of it himself. According to him, there were "a group who addresses issues that normal law abiding countries find problematic for one reason or another - problems that can't be addressed because of treaty obligations or just plain political correctness". When pressed for more information, he reveals "a group of billionaires who have chosen the Cartel as their philanthropic vehicle provides ample funding" allowing them to have "a tactical element they can employ". Read into that boots on the ground with guns in their hands.

In different words, the Cartel is a private intelligence agency with tremendous resources and the will to take action when they feel needed. Normally such an organization would eventually, if not purposely, acquire a reputation but "their desire to remain secret was somewhere beyond paranoid" so they did whatever they could to make sure they remained unknown.

Heading the Cartel is - or rather will be - Kate Adler.

Which brings up the second qualification mentioned above. When we first meet Adler, she does not know she is slated to be the leader of this shadowy spy agency; she does not have any idea that it exists.

Mind you, she knows that companies dedicated to intelligence gathering existed. This 35-year-old single woman is no stranger to the cloak-and-dagger world. She was recruited while in college by the CIA and joined that organization upon graduation; even attending its impressive training. After two years of very boring posting doing next to nothing to challenge her very impressive mind, she switched employers to work for the NSA where her intellect and her knowledge of computers got a better use.

What she most definitely did not do was to go to work for Adler Electronics, the now-mega conglomerate with its hands in anything dealing with high-tech. Founded by her father shortly after he and she, as a very young girl, fled East Germany, the company has grown to be worth many, many billions. Young Adler's deep love and admiration for her father did not extend to wanting to take over for him some day, despite the fact that he insisted she be on the board and hold "ceremonial director's positions". Even when the aging Adler began to suffer from Alzheimer's, she demurred taking the reins. It was only on his death that she was forced to take an active role.

And it was then that she learned that her father was the man who had set up the Cartel and who ran it. And now she did.


Number of Books:4
First Appearance:2021
Last Appearance:2022

1 Geneva Intrusion Geneva Intrusion
aka The Geneva Intrusion
Written by Richard D. Taylor
Copyright: 2021

"Kate Adler led a quiet life as a computer analyst, never expecting someone would want to kill her.
One day Kate decrypts an encoded message exposing Iran’s secret plans to start a war by triggering a global market crash. In Germany, she escapes an assassination attempt by an Iranian hit team with the help of Brad Danner, an ongoing romantic interest.
While running for her life with Brad, Kate learns she’s head of the Cartel, a secret organization founded by her late father. Armed with the Cartel’s special forces capability and the unique Geneva 9 supercomputer, Kate becomes the hunter. In a suspense-filled journey, Kate’s confidence grows as she attempts to stop a war while pursuing those who tried to kill her."
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2 Primary Protocol Primary Protocol
Written by Richard D. Taylor
Copyright: 2021

"The French Ambassador to Mali reaches out to the Cartel to stop a terrorist attack on an unknown target in France. Because the French authorities have no factual information upon which to act, Kate and the Cartel team are the only remaining option. Armed with information from Geneva9, the Cartel’s one-of-a-kind surveillance computer, they work to uncover the plot to kill 70,000 innocent people in the French National stadium."
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3 Islands of Peace Islands of Peace
Written by Richard D. Taylor
Copyright: 2021

"Russian President Kozloff vows to eliminate damaging sanctions levied by the United States. He constructs a terrorist scheme to help his cause. Using blackmail, Kozloff demands the United States remove the sanctions, or he will tell the world they knew about and failed to stop an impending terrorist attack. It's a damaging lie that leaves the U.S. without an acceptable international response.
The U.S. President contacts the Cartel, recognizing it as the only option for peace."
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4 Brimstone Offensive Brimstone Offensive
Written by Richard D. Taylor
Copyright: 2022

"Kate and the Cartel, a secret organization she controls, fight to save the business empire she inherited from her Father. Attacks on several fronts by TerraDyne [a Mafia-like corporation] threaten the company’s survival.
While struggling to regain the company’s solid reputation, Kate experiences the assassination of a head of state, arson, and the rescue of an employee by the Cartel’s special forces team. It’s all set in a backdrop of Kate’s growing romance with Konner Houston, an agent who is separately investigating TerryDyne’s smuggling operations, and who reports directly to the U.S. president.
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The idea of a super secret organization created by ultra rich people all out for the good of humanity is not a new one. There have been a good number that I have read in my many years of enjoying spy fiction. There have been even more that had such an organization be not so altruistic. Learning which this one will turn out to be was a good chunk of the fun I enjoyed with these adventures.

Which one is it? Good guys or bad guys? I am not saying and you should appreciate that. Read them for yourself. And while you are, enjoy the heck out of Kate Adler. Very interesting character she is.


My Grade: B+


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