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Full Name: Michael Waring
Codename: The Falcon
Nationality: American
Organization: American Intelligence
Occupation Agent

Creator: Drexel Drake
Time Span: 1936 - 1954


Michael Waring, aka The Falcon, is an agent with American Intelligence.

Okay, to get the really, really confusing elements out of the way, there are several people 'out there' with the moniker of The Falcon. It isn't my fault nor, apparently, the fault of the chronicler of the adventures of the first of these Falcons. Blame the movie studios, I say! Them and the second author. More on this in a bit.

The Falcon appears first in print form penned by Drexel Drake and when he does, he can be described as an adventurer. I have also seen him listed as a freelance investigator (like a private eye but he does it for fun!) and as a troubleshooter (again freelance but still out to fix problems). Later a chap named Waring and going by The Falcon would start working for the government as a traveling operative and problem-solver. I am assuming that the Waring's are the same.

This (first) Falcon went by the name of Malcolm J. Wingate which might be his real name (other people have certainly thought as much) but he also identified himself in one of the adventures as 'Jeffries Gate' so who knows!? Certainly adding nothing to solving of this mystery is the fact that the chronicler always refers to the man as The Falcon and not by any real name. Was he ever addressed as Michael or Mike Waring? Unlikely, at least I could not find it.

This iteration of The Falcon is said to be an American who was raised a fair amount in, and educated in, England so his speech is reminiscent of our English cousins. He was left a very tidy sum by his parents so a day job was not necessary. His avocation, though, is definite - he likes to "liberate stolen funds and property from thieves" and return the bulk to their rightful owners. He might in the process help fray his expenses with some of the booty. He is aided in his anti-larceny by a former police officer named Steve Hardy who goes by the nickname of 'Sarge', a very close friend to the Falcon and one who is as eager to cause mayhem as his pal. 'Sarge' does not help in the solving of the name issue as he always refers to his buddy as 'Chief'.

As Frank Derato commented in an article printed in the Thrilling Detective website, the Falcon takes the attitude that "property that had been already removed from its rightful ownership by the process of crime was proper spoils for a smarter, more adept criminal." Obviously the Falcon deems himself that more capable person and the results of the several adventures we have initially bear this out. Mr. Derato also explains that Wingate gave himself the nickname of The Falcon while on a train heading to London after seeing a falcon in the sky and thinking, "The falcon, powerful of wing and indomitable of courage, takes its quarry as it moves, plunging down upon it from above". That was rather fitting, considering the line of work he would go into.

Now we move into the confusing phase.

Two years after the third and last of the full-length adventures of the Wingate Falcon was released to the public, the second chronicler (named Michael Arlen) came out with a short story adventure about a man named Gay Stanhope Falcon. This fellow, who at least had the decency to have Falcon as his actual name, was also an adventurer who loved to stick his nose into other people's problems.

Author Arlen was already a very successful movie screenplay writer very much in demand. That short story, named Gay Falcon after the hero's name, Gaylord Falcon, was snatched up by a major movie studio (RKO) and turned into a movie. In typical Hollywood love of muddying waters, the film version of 'Gay Falcon' would be called 'The Gay Falcon' but his actual name would be switch to Gay Laurence. Why? Who on earth knows!!!

This Falcon/Laurence is quite a lot different than the fellow above, not least of it being the name getting switched soon (in the second movie) to be spelled Lawrence. He is not into relieving crooks of their ill-gotten gains so much as just stopping them for further ill-getting. Seeing a crime committed and the unknown culprit yet free drives this fellow into a dither and he does something about it. He is invariably accompanied by a beautiful woman, often intending at any moment to be the wife of the Falcon - though the woman would change from adventure to adventure, each lady being obviously disappointed that she would not long be by his side. Falcon is also constantly palling around with Jonathan 'Goldy' Locke, an amusing sidekick who has more staying power than the aforementioned ladies.

This Falcon does love excitement as much as the earlier one and is successful enough to find it on four recorded adventures before tragedy strikes and he meets his end.

Enter Tom Lawrence, brother to Gaylord, who is initially out to find his sibling's killer(s) and making sure justice happens. Tom is apparently a couple years older than Gay but just as much into the love of adventure and righting wrongs as his younger bro. His adventures in such a pursuit will continue for quite some time (more than twice as many as Gay) and he would be accompanied briefly by Goldy Locke (though his appearance would change as would the spelling).

Even as Tom 'The Falcon' Lawrence was going solo after getting vengeance for Gay 'The Falcon' Lawrence in 1943, 'The Falcon' attributed to the original author, Drexel Drake, would become a popular source for adventure on the radio. This Falcon was definitely named Michael (Mike) Waring.

Is this Drexel Drake Falcon the same as Malcolm Wingate? Unknown but unlikely but what do I know! He never ever uses the Wingate name and there is never an appearance or mention of Sarge so ... probably not.

Now he is earning a living (if Wingate, did he run out of his inheritance?) as a private investigator. Apparently he made the decision to actually have an office to go into, a place where he also became quite friendly with his new gal, Nancy who would share a lot of his escapades and had one very understanding nature to her. An incredible number of adventures (480+) would be related to listeners.

"Ready with a hand for oppressed men and an eye for repressed women" is one quote I read about the Falcon's radio adventures. 

Towards the end of his adventures over this medium, his cases switched to missions and he is said to have been more and more involved in helping American Intelligence out on matters of national security and spy-hunting.

Two years after Tom Lawrence's last appearance and well into that long run of radio adventures, Michael 'The Falcon' Waring returns to the big screen, albeit initially confusing us by having his last name overdubbed as Watling before switching back to Waring for two more adventures. He was still in the same line of work, i.e., investigator.

Even as his radio adventures were just completing, Michael Waring would begin having stories told about his exploits on the small screen. He was largely working fulltime for the government. His travels would become even more frequent, heading to all sort of places outside his normal Big Apple haunts. His cases would expand tremendously as well with having to go up against enemy agents, traitors, and international criminals while still fighting injustice at home with breaking up smugglers and catching murderers and counterfeiters.

Note: There are other characters out there with the sobriquet of The Falcon but nothing close to those mentioned above and definitely not anything that would fall inside the criteria for this compendium. Two are worth mentioning, though.

The first is the British superhero told in comicbook format in the Radio Fun magazine starting in 1947 and lasting until 1960; said fellow being referred to as the "Robin Hood of Crime". He was the "Man of Many Disguises" about whom the tag line read: "Police can't catch him! All crooks fear him!" He had a nifty winged suit that let him either fly or glide (couldn't tell which) and he was pretty handy with his fists (duh!).

The second is the American superhero whose real name is Sam Wilson, a black man who had one very impressive rig on his back which let him truly fly like his namesake avian. He would become a very close ally of Captain America.


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:1936
Last Appearance:1938

Before Michael Arlen published his short story Gay Falcon which would lead to a string of B films about Gay Lawrence and then his brother Tom Lawrence, author Drexel Drake had his own version of the Falcon, aka Malcolm Wingate/Michael Waring in the three books listed below.

Note: 'doughty' as used in the blurb descriptions below means "brave and persistent" (you're welcome!).

1 The Falcon's Prey The Falcon's Prey
Written by Drexel Drake
Copyright: 1936

'The doughty Falcon who takes money from those who come by it illegally and, in constant danger of his life, thwarts the plans of the gangsters and their allies, the crooked politicians and police'.

2 The Falcon Cuts In The Falcon Cuts In
Written by Drexel Drake
Copyright: 1937

The discovery of a naked male corpse falling out of a taxicab is the start of an adventure which will see the doughty Falcon waging "a lone battle against crooks and crime, this time with a burlesque strip-tease queen mixed up with the crooked policemen and politicians and gangsters".

3 The Falcon Meets A Lady The Falcon Meets A Lady
Written by Drexel Drake
Copyright: 1938

The discovery of a naked male corpse falling out of a taxicab is the start of an adventure which will see the Falcon waging "a lone battle against crooks and crime, this time with a burlesque strip-tease queen mixed up with the crooked policemen and politicians and gangsters".


Number of Stories:2
First Appearance:1938
Last Appearance:1940

1 The Falcon Strikes The Falcon Strikes
Written by Drexel Drake
Copyright: 1938

Published in The American Magazine, November 1938.
[plot unknown]

2 Gay Falcon Gay Falcon
Written by Michael Arlen
Copyright: 1940

Published in The Strand Magazine, January 1940. Reprinted in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine #21, March 1945, Ellery Queen's Anthology #24, Fall/Winter 1972, and Ellery Queen's Anthology #59, Fall 1988.
A Gay Falcon [Gay Lawrence] story.
The gorgeous and elegant Diana Temple was likely one of the very best dressed women in the world. She appealed to Gaylord Falcon for help when it looked like someone close to her was determined to kill her.
Note: a copy of this story is available for reading at Davy Crocketts Almanack.


Number of Movies:16
First Appearance:1941
Last Appearance:1949

Author Michael Arlen was already a very established screenplay writer in Hollywood when he penned an enjoyable short story about a fellow named Gaylord 'Gay' Falcon.

RKO Pictures was in the process of casting off the apparently hefty licensing fees that they were paying to Leslie Charteris for the rights to the string of successful movies about Simon Templar, aka The Saint, movies which starred the very popular George Sanders in the title role.

Looking for a new character they could have Sanders portray, they went to Arlen, or he to them, and The Falcon was born, albeit with the new last name of Laurence, soon to be Lawrence.

Pure speculation time: Was it Arlen who decided to use the moniker of The Falcon in the movies or was it RKO? My money is on the latter as it was that company which wanted to replace The Saint so going with something like The Falcon seemed an excellent choice.

Tangent question time: Did author Charles Huff, aka Drexel Drake, know that the same nickname he had picked for his main character in his books from a half decade earlier had been appropriated? If he did, did he complain. If he did, did he get anything out of such a complaint? Certainly the credits in the movies do not show any mention of him at all. Oh well!

According to legend, Sanders played The Falcon for three movies and decided he was tired of starring in such movies, having now done 5 Saint and 3 Falcon flicks. RKO was not done with The Falcon, though, and they convinced him to come back for a part in a 4th film which would also star Sander's real-life older brother, Tom Conway, as The Falcon's older brother, Tom Lawrence.

Spoiler Alert (but it's been 80 years!), Gay Lawrence is killed and Tom Lawrence comes for vengeance!

RKO must have liked the return on their investment from this movie because they asked Tom Conway to continue in the role of Tom Lawrence for another movie, and then another, and then yet another. A total of 9 movies were released with Tom Lawrence now being called The Falcon.

Tangent time: Back on the matter of Drexel Drake's Falcon and Arlen/RKO's Falcon, it is interesting to note that though the names were different and the sidekick The Falcon had was different (switch a stolid, dependable Sarge for the bit flightier and whole lot funnier Goldie), IMHO there is not a whole lot of difference in the basic characters of Wingate and Lawrence.

1 The Gay Falcon The Gay Falcon
Director: Irving Reis
Writers: Lynn Root, Frank Fenton
Actors: George Sanders as Gay Laurence, Wendy Barrie as Helen Reed, Allen Jenkins as Goldie Locke, Arthur shields as Inspector Waldeck
Released: 1941

[Gaylord Lawrence] - The Falcon investigates jewel thieves who are working with hard up socialites to defraud insurance companies.

2 A Date with the Falcon A Date with the Falcon
Director: Irving Reis
Writers: Lynn Root, Frank Fenton
Actors: George Sanders as Gay Lawrence/The Falcon, Wendy Barrie as Helen Reed, Allen Jenkins as Goldie Locke, James Gleason as Inspector Mike O'Hara
Released: 1942

[Gaylord Lawrence] - A scientist has discovered how to make synthetic diamonds and a criminal gang (closely pursued by the Falcon) are out to discover the formula.

3 The Falcon Takes Over The Falcon Takes Over
Director: Irving Reis
Writers: Lynn Root, Frank Fenton
Actors: George Sanders as Gay Lawrence/The Falcon, Lynn Bari as Ann Riordan, Allen Jenkins as Goldie Locke, James Gleason as Inspector Mike O'Hara
Released: 1942

[Gaylord Lawrence] - The Falcon and reporter Ann Riordan try to solve a string of murders after an ex-wrestler, released from jail, goes looking for his girl friend.

4 The Falcon's Brother The Falcon's Brother
Director: Stanley Logan
Writers: Stuart Palmer, Craig Rice
Actors: George Sanders as Gay Lawrence/The Falcon, Tom Conway as Tom Lawrence, Jane Randolph as Marcia Brooks, Don Barclay as Lefty
Released: 1942

[Gaylord and Tom Lawrence] - Tom Lawrence, Gay's brother, takes over for his injured sibling in a case which involves Nazi espionage and political assassination.

5 The Falcon Strikes Back The Falcon Strikes Back
Director: Edward Dmytryk
Writers: Edward Dein, Gerald Geraghty, Stuart Palmer
Actors: Tom Conway as Tom Lawrence/The Falcon, Harriet Nelson as Gwynne Gregory, Jane Randolph as Marcia Brooks, Cliff Edwards as Goldie Locke, Edgar Kennedy as Smiley Dugan
Released: 1943

[Tom Lawrence] - Tom Lawrence, who has inherited his brother's sobriquet of "The Falcon," is framed for the theft of war bonds and murder.

6 The Falcon in Danger The Falcon in Danger
Director: William Clemens
Writers: Fred Niblo, Jr., Craig Rice
Actors: Ton Conway as Tom Lawrence/The Falcon, Jean Brooks as Iris Fairchild, Elaine Shepard as Nancy Palmer, Amelia Ward as Bonnie Caldwell
Released: 1943

[Tom Lawrence] - After a passenger plane crash lands at a local airport, bystanders and first responders are shocked to find there is no one aboard.

7 The Falcon and the Co-eds The Falcon and the Co-eds
Director: William Clemens
Writers: Ardel Wray, Gerald Geraghty
Actors: Tom Conway as Tom Lawrence/The Falcon, Jean Brooks as Vicky Gaines, Rita Corday as Marguerita Serena, Amelita Ward as Jane Harris
Released: 1943

[Tom Lawrence] - Posing as an insurance investigator, Tom Lawrence investigates a murder of a teacher disguised as a suicide at a women's college.

8 The Falcon in Hollywood The Falcon in Hollywood
Director: Gordon Douglas
Writer: Geralf Geraghty
Actors: Tom Conway as Tom Lawrence/The Falcon, Barbara Hale as Peggy Callahan, Veda Ann Borg as Billie Atkins, John Abbott as Martin S. Dwyer
Released: 1944

[Tom Lawrence] - The Falcon investigates the murder of an actor on a Hollywood backlot.

9 The Falcon in Mexico The Falcon in Mexico
Director: William Berke
Writers: George Worthing Yates, Gerald Geraghty
Actors: Tom Conway as Tom Lawrence/The Falcon, Mona Maris as Raquel, Martha Vickers as Barbara Wade, Nestor Paiva as Manuel Romero
Released: 1944

[Tom Lawrence] - An artist's daughter becomes suspicious when new paintings by her supposedly dead father begin turning up in New York. When a gallery owner is murdered, the Falcon and Miss Wade head for Mexico City to investigate.

10 The Falcon Out West The Falcon Out West
Director: William Clemens
Writers: Billy Jones, Morton Grant
Actors: Ton Conway as Tom Lawrence/The Falcon, Carole Gallagher as Vanessa Drake, Barbara Hale as Marion Colby, Joan Barclay as Mrs. Irwin
Released: 1944

[Tom Lawrence] - Detective Falcon and the police travel west to a ranch in Texas to try and solve the mystery of the murder by venom from a rattlesnake, in a New York City nightclub, of a Rich cattle baron

11 The Falcon in San Francisco The Falcon in San Francisco
Director: Joseph H. Lewis
Writers: Robert E. Kent, Ben Markson
Actors: Tom Conway as Tom Lawrence/The Falcon, Rita Corday as Joan Marshall, Edward Brophy as Goldie Locke, Sharyn Moffett as Annie Marshall
Released: 1945

[Tom Lawrence] - The Falcon and his friend Goldie Locke check into what appears to be a silk-smuggling racket in San Francisco.

12 The Falcon's Adventure The Falcon's Adventure
Director: William Berke
Writer: Aubrey Wisberg
Actors: Tom Conway as Tom Lawrence/The Falcon, Madge Meredith as Louisa Braganza, Edward Brophy as Goldie Locke, Myrna Dell as Doris Blanding
Released: 1946

[Tom Lawrence] - The Falcon rescues Louisa Braganza from kidnappers who want her father's secret formula for making diamonds. Her father's murder is pinned on the Falcon and, when he and she flee to Florida, another murder seems to confirm his guilt.

13 The Falcon's Alibi The Falcon's Alibi
Director: Ray McCarey
Writers: Paul Yawitz, Dane Lussier, Manuel Seff
Actors: Tom Conway as Tom Lawrence/The Falcon, Rita Corday as Joan Meredith, Vince Barnett as Goldie Locke, Jane Greet as Lola Carpenter
Released: 1946

[Tom Lawrence] - A wealthy woman's secretary, fearing that she will be blamed if her employer's jewelry is stolen, hires the Falcon as guardian. The Falcon is blamed when the jewels are stolen and murders ensue.

14 Devil's Cargo Devil's Cargo
Director: John F. Link Sr.
Writers: Don Martin, Robert Tallman, Jason Maes
Actors: John Calvert as Michael 'The Falcon' Watling, Rochelle Hudson as Margo Delgado, Roscoe Karns as Lt. Hardy, Lyle Talbot as Johnny Morello
Released: 1948

[Michael Waring] - The Falcon (John Calvert) probes a race-track murder.
According to IMDB: Poverty-row continuation of The Falcon series; mundane murder mystery showcasing Calvert's magic act skills."
This film is said to have overdubbing changing each use of "Waring" to "Wating".

15 Appointment with Murder Appointment with Murder
Director: Jack Bernhard
Writers: Joel Malone, Harold Swanton, Don Martin
Actors: John Calvert as Michael 'The Falcon' Watling, Catherine Craig as Lorraine W. Brinckley, Jack Reitzen as Norton Benedict, Lyle Talbot as Fred M. Muller
Released: 1948

[Michael Waring] - The Falcon is hired by an insurance company to recover two stolen paintings, a job that takes him across the country and then across the Atlantic to Italy. Before he knows it, his investigation leads him into a world of double-crosses and big-time art fraud.

16 Search for Danger Search for Danger
Director: Jack Bernhard
Writers: Jerome Epstein, Don Martin
Actors: John Calvert as Michael 'The Falcon' Watling, Albert Dekker as Kirk, Myrna Dell as Wilma Rogers, Ben Welden as Gregory
Released: 1949

[Michael Waring] - Murders of a rival private eye and a suspected thief draw the attention of The Falcon.


Number of Episodes:39
First Appearance:1954
Last Appearance:1954

Charles McGrawMichael Waring [ 1 ]

Coming near the end of a highly impressive run on radio where over 480 episodes were aired starting in 1943, The Adventures of the Falcon found a brief but enjoyable run on television.

The radio shows started on NBC and went to MBS and back to NBC and finally back to MBS. When the television show came, it was on CBS rather than those two.

Mike Waring was now working mostly, if not entirely, for the U.S. government as a roving troubleshooter.

The opening title sequence was pretty cool, especially since it was in black and white. You see a man dressed in fedora and trenchcoat walking away what appears to be an evening lamplight. To his right, a very long shadow of his silhouette morphs into the shadow of a falcon in flight. It was impressive!

1 Backlash
Episode S1-1, first aired 06/24/1954
Director: Ralph Francis Murphy
Writer: Herbert Purdum

Waring visits Macao and enlists the aid of a beautiful newspaperwoman to help him investigate the illegal exchange of Communist gold for U.S. currency.

2 A Drug On The Market
Episode S1-2, first aired 06/30/1954
Director: Paul Landres
Writer: Gene Wang

Michael Waring goes to Vienna to investigate a black market gang dealing in terramycin, a drug which is desperately needed in the city.

3 Borderline Case
Episode S1-3, first aired 06/30/1954
Director: George Waggner
Writer: Gene Wang

Undercover government agent Michael Waring, known as The Falcon, investigates the murder of a German who was shot while crossing from East to West Berlin and meets a lovely blonde who claims to be the dead man's widow.

4 The Case Of The Babbling Brook
Episode S1-4, first aired 07/24/1954
Director: Paul Landres
Writer: Gene Wang

Waring goes to London to investigate a suspected Communist spy.

5 Double Identity
Episode S1-5, first aired 07/27/1954
Director: Ralph Francis Murphy
Writer: William Leicester

Waring assumes the identity of a captured assassin as part of a plan to help British Intelligence rescue a beautiful young woman who's being held political hostage by neo-Nazis.

6 The Furious Lady
Episode S1-6, first aired 08/02/1954
Director: (not known)
Writer: Herbert Purdum

When a prominent European politician threatens to go over to the Communists, Waring suspects that the man's daughter is being held prisoner in East Berlin and sets out to rescue her.

7 The Picture In The Case
Episode S1-7, first aired 08/06/1954
Director: Ralph Francis Murphy
Writers: Budd Lesser , Gene Wang

Waring is assigned to Rome, unaware that the man who claims to be his partner on the mission is actually a double agent.

8 The Case Of The Lonely Hunter
Episode S1-8, first aired 08/13/1954
Director: Paul Landres
Writers: Herbert Purdum , Gene Wang

Waring tries to stop an exiled American gangster who plans to take over the city of Cairo.

9 Tangiers Finale
Episode S1-9, first aired 08/19/1954
Director: Paul Landres
Writer: Herbert Purdum

While in Tangier to investigate a friend's murder, Waring encounters ex-Nazis and a beautiful exotic dancer.

10 Out Of All Evil
Episode S1-10, first aired 08/26/1954
Director: Seymour Friedman
Writers: William Leicester, J. Benton Cheney

Waring learns that the starting point for a ring smuggling diamonds from Rome into Communist countries is a monastery.

11 Decision In Red
Episode S1-11, first aired 09/03/1954
Director: Paul Landres
Writer: Herbert Purdum

Waring goes to Paris to guard a jet plane which proceeds to explode in midair.

12 Rocky's Asylum
Episode S1-12, first aired 09/10/1954
Director: Ralph Francis Murphy
Writer: Warren Wilson

Waring goes to Italy to bring a notorious gangster back to the United States but can't get the local police to co-operate.

13 The Big Heist
Episode S1-13, first aired 09/17/1954
Director: Ralph Francis Murphy
Writer: Gene Wang

Waring tries to locate a beautiful young woman who has run off with two million dollars.

14 Deadly Welcome
Episode S1-14, first aired 09/23/1954
Director: Derwin Abbe
Writer: Herbert Purdum

Aboard a ship, Waring meets a lovely young woman who involves him in an international blackmail scheme.

15 Kiss Me Not
Episode S1-15, first aired 10/01/1954
Director: Derwin Abbe
Writer: Herbert Purdum

Waring pursues a young woman who took her mother's insurance check and ran away with a dangerous killer.

16 The Baby Sitter
Episode S1-16, first aired 10/07/1954
Director: Ralph Francis Murphy
Writer: Warren Wilson

Waring tries to help a paralyzed athlete who's been accused of murdering a friend.

17 The $4.98 Buddha
Episode S1-17, first aired 10/15/1954
Director: Derwin Abbe
Writers: J. Benton Cheney , Gene Wang

Waring is sent to San Francisco to track down the Communist agents who are believed to be flooding the United States with narcotics.

18 The Blonde Bomber
Episode S1-18, first aired 10/15/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Waring discovers that the syndicate which has been sending illegal punchboards through the mail is headed by a beautiful blonde.

19 Murder With Hi-Fi
Episode S1-19, first aired 10/22/1954
Director: Ralph Francis Murphy
Writer: Gene Wang

The Falcon finds himself defending a professional killer.

20 The Guilty Stamps
Episode S1-20, first aired 10/22/1954
Director: Ralph Francis Murphy
Writer: Ben Markson

Waring is assigned to track down a man who was supposed to purchase rare stamps for his boss but instead bought counterfeits for a fraction of his employer's money and pocketed the difference.

21 False Faces
Episode S1-21, first aired 10/22/1954
Director: Paul Landres
Writer: J. Benton Cheney

Waring is assigned to investigate the attempted robbery of an Army payroll.

22 Target
Episode S1-22, first aired 10/22/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Waring goes to Honolulu to sabotage the mission of a professional hit man.

23 The Golden Phony
Episode S1-23, first aired 10/22/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: Louis Vittes

The Falcon follows a lead to Los Angeles to find out how American gold is being smuggled to the European blackmarket.

24 The Paper Finger
Episode S1-24, first aired 10/25/1954
Director: Paul Landres
Writer: unknown

Waring pursues some thieves who stole top secret papers by mistake.

25 A Very Dangerous Bedfellow
Episode S1-25, first aired 07/27/1954
Director: Ralph Francis Murphy
Writer: Warren Wilson

Waring parachutes into Czechoslovakia to contact a French scientist working on a new guided missile.

26 Invisible Destroyer
Episode S1-26, first aired 10/29/1954
Director: Derwin Abbe
Writer: Herbert Purdum

Waring comes to Arizona to investigate sabotage in a top-secret nerve gas plant.

27 The Reckoning
Episode S1-27, first aired 10/29/1954
Director: Donald McDougall
Writer: Herbert Purdum

Waring follows an ex-convict in search of stolen checks.

28 Eyes In My Back
Episode S1-28, first aired 10/29/1954
Director: Paul Landres
Writers: Edmond E. Kelso, Charles E. Savage

Waring poses as a convict in order to find out where a thief hid $500,000 in loot.

29 The Big Break
Episode S1-29, first aired 10/29/1954
Director: Donald McDougall
Writer: J. Benton Cheney

Waring goes to a prison to pick up a man but is taken captive by a group of convicts planning an escape.

30 Reunion
Episode S1-30, first aired 10/29/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: J. Benton Cheney

Waring is called in to stop a divorced woman from fleeing the United States with her son.

31 Rare Editions
Episode S1-31, first aired 11/05/1954
Director: Ralph Francis Murphy
Writer: J. Benton Cheney

After a dope pusher is killed in a bookshop that serves as a front for a narcotics ring, Waring tries to gain the gang's confidence by pretending to be on the run from the police.

32 Hot Cargo
Episode S1-32, first aired 11/05/1954
Director: Robert G. Walker
Writer: Earl Baldwin

Waring is sent to take the place of an agent who was murdered while investigating an illegal alcohol racket.

33 Snake Eyes
Episode S1-33, first aired 11/05/1954
Director: Robert G. Walker
Writer: Gene Wang

Waring is sent to Las Vegas to find the two men who posed as Treasury agents and robbed a casino operator.

34 Green Means Danger
Episode S1-34, first aired 11/05/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: Earl Baldwin

Waring finds himself between two groups of criminals who are fighting over $100,000 in diamonds hidden in dummy bullets.

35 The Small Hotel
Episode S1-35, first aired 11/12/1954
Director: Ralph Francis Murphy
Writer: Louis Vittes

Waring encounters a strange series of incidents in Detroit where he is to meet with a man who has a list of wealthy income tax evaders.

36 Dawn's Early Light
Episode S1-36, first aired 11/12/1954
Director: Donald McDougall
Writer: Earl Baldwin

Waring is assigned to recover a tape recording of a crucial conversation.

37 The Stevedore Kid
Episode S1-37, first aired 11/16/1954
Director: Derwin Abbe
Writers: Herbert Purdum, Warren Wilson

Waring poses as a stevedore in order to get hold of a film that incriminates a dangerous arsonist.

38 The Wheel Of Fortune
Episode S1-38, first aired 11/19/1954
Director: Seymour Friedman
Writers: J. Benton Cheney , Gene Wang

Waring is assigned to find an Army hero who disappeared in Chicago after a run-in with gamblers and a beautiful gold-digger.

39 Buried Treasure
Episode S1-39, first aired 11/23/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: Herbert Purdum

Waring helps a friend who's stolen a large sum of money from the government.


Number of Episodes:486
First Appearance:1943
Last Appearance:1954

Les TremayneMichael Waring [ 2-4 ]
Les DamonMichael Waring [ 4-8 ]
Berry KroegerMichael Waring [ 1 ]
James MeighanMichael Waring [ 2 ]
George PetrieMichael Waring [ 9 ]

Right up front, I want to tell you about the incredible site online for the radio series: The Digital Deli Too. The stunning amount of data for this series, as well as so many other radio shows, is … well, stunning!!! Most of what I mention below is learned from them.

For some time in early 1943, NBC's Blue Network working out of station WJZ hinted about the coming of The Falcon, already made popular with four movies out there for enjoyment and more on the way. On April 10, 1943, it came through with its promise and off and on for the next 11 years listeners of NBC and then the Mutual Broadcasting System (MBS) and then back to NBC would have upwards of 480 adventures.

It is obvious that NBC was playing off the success of the movie version of The Falcon but credit for the creation of the radio version goes to the original Falcon scribe, Drexel Drake, and the name of the Falcon is Mike Waring, not Gay or Tom Lawrence.

As Digital Deli Too puts it, "Set in cosmopolitan New York City, the series was initially an east coast production supported by many of the finer New York Radio talents of the era. The Blue Network series aired for thirty-nine episodes as a comedy-mystery, 30-minute format for the most part sustained by The Blue Network, though there may well have been local sponsor breaks in some of the original broadcasts. Failing to find a sponsor, the series ended on December 29, 1943." It ran on Saturday nights for the first 21 episodes of 30-minutes each before switching to Wednesday and going to 25-minute episodes for the remaining 18. All 39 stories, ending in December 1943 had Berry Kroeger as Mike Waring. [I call these Season 1 below.]

A year and a half would pass before rival MBS would take on the task of presenting Falcon adventures. The feel of the show would stay largely the same, a delightful mixture of comedy and drama, the only real change being veteran actor James Meighan was the voice of Michael Waring. There would be an impressive 109 episodes with Meighan before a final 8 would air with Les Tremayne taking the job. [These 117, running from July 1945 to September 1947, I mark as Season 2.]

A brief hiatus of 3 months go by before The Falcon returns, again voiced by Les Tremayne, for another impressive run of adventures lasting the from January 1948 to the end of April 1950. Digital Deli Too breaks this large volume of tales into three chunks (Season 3: Jan 48 - Dec 48, Season 4: Jan 49 to Apr 50, Season 5: May 50 to Aug 50) largely (I think) due to the fact that the days and times of the broadcasts underwent big shifts. In total, 140 episodes would air with Les Tremayne staying as Waring for 105 of them before being replaced by Les Damon for the remaining 35.

Apparently without interruption, NBC took back the broadcasts of Mike Waring, aka The Falcon, just a week after the last MBS airing (though some MBS stations would continue for some time with likely repeats). From September 1950 to September 1952, it would present more thrilling adventures with Les Damon staying on as the voice of Mike Waring. This run of 99 tales are again broken into three seasons below due to switching of times and days (Season 6: Sep 50 - May 51, Season 7: Jun 51 - Aug 51, Season 8: Oct 51 - Sep 52).

The final set of The Falcon radio adventures were back on MBS for the last, also very impressive, 91 stories, this time with Mike Waring having the voice of George Petrie. This Season 9 ran from January 1953 to October 1954 and it was in this string of 'cases' that Waring really goes all out to handle all sorts of spy missions for the American government.

1 Title Unknown
Episode S1-1, first aired 04/10/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

2 Title Unknown
Episode S1-2, first aired 04/17/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

3 Title Unknown
Episode S1-3, first aired 04/24/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

4 Title Unknown
Episode S1-4, first aired 05/01/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

5 The Falcon Collects A Fee
Episode S1-5, first aired 05/08/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Michael Waring, better known as the Falcon, undertakes to solve a baffling murder mystery for $5,000, but nets little profit in The Falcon Collects A Fee,""""

6 Title Unknown
Episode S1-6, first aired 05/15/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

7 Title Unknown
Episode S1-7, first aired 05/22/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

8 Title Unknown
Episode S1-8, first aired 05/29/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

9 Title Unknown
Episode S1-9, first aired 06/05/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

10 Title Unknown
Episode S1-10, first aired 06/12/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

11 The Veiled Lady
Episode S1-11, first aired 06/19/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

The Falcon, romantic sleuth of fiction, falls victim to the charms of a veiled woman and gets slugged for his weakness in The Veiled Lady."" suspenseful ""Adventure of The Falcon"" to he heard Saturday, at 7 p.m., EWT, over WJZ.""

12 Title Unknown
Episode S1-12, first aired 06/26/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

13 Title Unknown
Episode S1-13, first aired 07/03/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

14 Title Unknown
Episode S1-14, first aired 07/10/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

15 Title Unknown
Episode S1-15, first aired 07/17/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

16 Title Unknown
Episode S1-16, first aired 07/24/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

17 Title Unknown
Episode S1-17, first aired 07/31/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

18 Title Unknown
Episode S1-18, first aired 08/07/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

19 The Falcon Catches A Phony
Episode S1-19, first aired 08/14/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

A baffling musician and a disappearing girl friend combine to confuse the Falcon"" - but not for long - in ""The Falcon Catches a Phony,"" thrilling episode to be heard Saturday at 7 p. m., EWT., over WKZ.""

20 Title Unknown
Episode S1-20, first aired 08/21/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

21 Death Makes No Mistakes
Episode S1-21, first aired 08/28/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

In Death Makes No Mistakes,"" exciting new adventure, Waring runs into a guy who is more than a reasonable facsimile of the famous Falcon and finds himself accuesed of a murder the ""double"" has committed. However, he manages to stay out of the law's clutches until he is able to track down the real criminal and turn him over to the pursuing gendarmes.""

22 Title Unknown
Episode S1-22, first aired 09/01/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

23 Title Unknown
Episode S1-23, first aired 09/08/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

24 Title Unknown
Episode S1-24, first aired 09/15/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

25 Title Unknown
Episode S1-25, first aired 09/22/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

26 Title Unknown
Episode S1-26, first aired 09/29/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

27 Title Unknown
Episode S1-27, first aired 10/06/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

28 Title Unknown
Episode S1-28, first aired 10/13/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

29 Title Unknown
Episode S1-29, first aired 10/20/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

30 Title Unknown
Episode S1-30, first aired 10/27/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

31 Title Unknown
Episode S1-31, first aired 11/03/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

32 Title Unknown
Episode S1-32, first aired 11/10/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

33 Title Unknown
Episode S1-33, first aired 11/01/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

34 Title Unknown
Episode S1-34, first aired 11/24/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

35 Title Unknown
Episode S1-35, first aired 12/01/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

36 Title Unknown
Episode S1-36, first aired 12/08/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

37 Title Unknown
Episode S1-37, first aired 12/15/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

38 Title Unknown
Episode S1-38, first aired 12/22/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

39 Title Unknown
Episode S1-39, first aired 12/29/1943
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

40 Title Unknown
Episode S2-1, first aired 07/03/1945
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

41 Murder Is No Burlesque
Episode S2-2, first aired 07/10/1945
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

42 The Falcon Cops A Corpse
Episode S2-3, first aired 07/17/1945
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

43 Title Unknown
Episode S2-4, first aired 07/24/1945
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

The Falcon is entangled with Nazi smugglers, art treasure, and murder.

44 Marriage Can Be Murder
Episode S2-5, first aired 07/31/1945
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Falcon is drugged into marriage and next door to murder.

45 Murder is the Payoff
Episode S2-6, first aired 08/07/1945
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Murder is the Payoff when a heavyweight contender throws a fight.

46 Murder Has No Detour
Episode S2-7, first aired 08/14/1945
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

The Falcon tries to go on a vacation but finds that Murder Has No Detour""""

47 Murder Tells Its Fortune
Episode S2-8, first aired 08/21/1945
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

The Falcon visits a fortune teller and ends up with a murder

48 Murder Shows Its Hand
Episode S2-9, first aired 08/28/1945
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

49 Murder Is No Bargain
Episode S2-10, first aired 09/04/1945
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

It usually leads to at least mild trouble when a young man tries to pick up a beautiful blonde at a bar but when Mike (the Falcon) Waring does it it leads to three murders

50 Death Is the Verdict
Episode S2-11, first aired 09/11/1945
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

51 Death Doesn't Disappear
Episode S2-12, first aired 09/18/1945
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

The Falcon has his sanity questioned by the police during the dramatization of Death Doesn't Disappear,""""

52 Death Deals In Diamonds
Episode S2-13, first aired 09/25/1945
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

53 Dames Are Deadly
Episode S2-14, first aired 10/02/1945
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

54 Murder Is a Snap
Episode S2-15, first aired 10/09/1945
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

55 A Medal for Murder
Episode S2-16, first aired 10/16/1945
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

56 Death Marks the Cards
Episode S2-17, first aired 10/23/1945
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

57 Never Make Book On Murder
Episode S2-18, first aired 10/30/1945
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike (the Falcon) Waring learns about privately printed books and discovers that sometimes the female is deadlier than blackmail in Never Make A Book on Murder.""""

58 Murder Goes to School
Episode S2-19, first aired 11/06/1945
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

59 Murder Knows No Borderline aka Death Takes an Excursion
Episode S2-20, first aired 11/13/1945
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike (the Falcon) Waring flies to Mexico City for a much-needed vacation, but finds that sometimes Death Takes An Excursion"" too, in the ""Adventures of the Falcon"" drama to be heard over the Mutual Broadcasting System at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday As frequently happens with the debonair Falcon, he makes the acquaintance of a young lady on the plane and arranges to date her when they arrive at Mexico City, but when Mike calls for her, he finds her badly beaten up. She is subsequently accused of murder. All this being too much for the Falcon't strong sense of chivalry, he puts his quick wits and formidable fists at the service of hte distreessed damsel with happy results for all except the murderer.""

60 Death Follows the Leader
Episode S2-21, first aired 11/20/1945
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

61 Murder Is A Family Affair
Episode S2-22, first aired 11/27/1945
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

62 Murder Is A Grave Situation
Episode S2-23, first aired 12/04/1945
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

63 Death Hooks A Loan Shark
Episode S2-24, first aired 12/11/1945
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

64 Murder Is In the Stars
Episode S2-25, first aired 12/18/1945
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

65 Murder for Christmas
Episode S2-26, first aired 12/25/1945
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[Christmas Program]

66 The New Year Starts with Murder
Episode S2-27, first aired 01/01/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike (The Falcon) Waring is not quite sure that he wants to begin 1946 caught in the toils of deception and foul play, but there seems to be no surcease as The New Year Stars with Murder""""

67 Death Has Five Letters
Episode S2-28, first aired 01/08/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

68 Murder Leads a Double Life
Episode S2-29, first aired 01/15/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

69 Murder Is a Cut-Throat Game
Episode S2-30, first aired 01/22/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

70 Murder on Parade
Episode S2-31, first aired 01/29/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

71 Murder Is a Killing Business
Episode S2-32, first aired 02/05/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

72 Death Paints in Oil
Episode S2-33, first aired 02/12/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

73 The Rising Cost of Murder
Episode S2-34, first aired 02/19/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

74 B Is for Blood
Episode S2-35, first aired 02/26/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

75 Murder Is a Bad Bet
Episode S2-36, first aired 03/05/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

76 Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow
Episode S2-37, first aired 03/12/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

77 Some Dames Are Murder
Episode S2-38, first aired 03/19/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

78 A Gem of A Murder
Episode S2-39, first aired 03/26/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

79 Murder Is the Safe Way
Episode S2-40, first aired 04/02/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

80 There's No Cure for Coffin
Episode S2-41, first aired 04/09/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

81 Death Is On Guard
Episode S2-42, first aired 04/16/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

82 Murder Is a Snap
Episode S2-43, first aired 04/23/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

83 Brooklyn Can Be Murder
Episode S2-44, first aired 04/30/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

84 Murder Takes a Wife
Episode S2-45, first aired 05/07/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

85 Death Takes A Preview
Episode S2-46, first aired 05/14/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

86 Death Is a Blind Item
Episode S2-47, first aired 05/21/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

87 Death Is Stone Blind
Episode S2-48, first aired 05/28/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

88 Death Comes in Duplicate
Episode S2-49, first aired 06/04/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

89 Murder Is a Bum Steer
Episode S2-50, first aired 06/11/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

90 Murder Is the Payoff
Episode S2-51, first aired 06/18/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

91 Murder Is Dead Wrong
Episode S2-52, first aired 06/25/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

92 Murder Is Double Trouble
Episode S2-53, first aired 07/02/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

93 Murder Is No Mistake
Episode S2-54, first aired 07/09/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

94 Murder Is a Bad Break
Episode S2-55, first aired 07/16/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

95 Death Is a Strange Bedfellow
Episode S2-56, first aired 07/23/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

96 Death Needs a Body
Episode S2-57, first aired 07/30/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

97 Murder Is a Bad Play
Episode S2-58, first aired 08/06/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

98 Murder Is A Dangerous Habit
Episode S2-59, first aired 08/13/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

99 Death Is A Bombshell
Episode S2-60, first aired 08/20/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

The Falcon explodes munitions plot.

100 Death Comes in Double Dealing
Episode S2-61, first aired 08/27/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

The Falcon discovers Death Comes in Double Dealing"" when he mixes with unscrupulous murderess.""

101 Death Comes in Boxes
Episode S2-62, first aired 09/03/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

story of international intrigue.

102 Death Springs From a Pen
Episode S2-63, first aired 09/10/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

103 Death Tells the Story
Episode S2-64, first aired 09/17/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

104 The Boston Bluebeard
Episode S2-65, first aired 09/24/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Attending the wedding of a ""Boston Bluebeard"" whose previous wives have disappeared in a most unorthodox manner, 'The Falcon"" decides that he and his girl friend, Maggie, will crash the honeymoon.

105 Murder Is No Dummy
Episode S2-66, first aired 10/01/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

106 Death Makes a Hit
Episode S2-67, first aired 10/08/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

107 Death Finds the Missing
Episode S2-68, first aired 10/15/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

108 Death Comes As a Surprise
Episode S2-69, first aired 10/22/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

109 Death Keeps a Blind Date
Episode S2-70, first aired 10/29/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

110 Death Goes Along for the Ride
Episode S2-71, first aired 11/05/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Machine gun bullets tear thru the taxicab in which Mike (The Falcon) Waring is riding around town, but this time it's the cab driver who is the target when ""Death Goes Along for the Ride"".

111 Title Unknown
Episode S2-72, first aired 11/12/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

112 Death Takes a Long Lease
Episode S2-73, first aired 11/19/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

113 Murder Is a Deadly Sin
Episode S2-74, first aired 11/26/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

114 Murder Sets A Killing Pace
Episode S2-75, first aired 12/03/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

115 Death Is On the Payroll
Episode S2-76, first aired 12/10/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

116 Death Cries Bloody Murder
Episode S2-77, first aired 12/17/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

117 Murder for Christmas
Episode S2-78, first aired 12/24/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

118 Murder Is a Bad New Year's Resolution
Episode S2-79, first aired 12/31/1946
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

119 Murder is the End Result
Episode S2-80, first aired 01/07/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

120 Shakedowns Can Be Murder
Episode S2-81, first aired 01/14/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

121 Murder Takes a Pretty Picture
Episode S2-82, first aired 01/21/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

122 Death Jumps At Conclusions
Episode S2-83, first aired 01/28/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

123 Death Is A Bad Split
Episode S2-84, first aired 02/04/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

124 Murder Sets a Killing Pace
Episode S2-85, first aired 02/11/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

125 Murder Has 100-Grand Excuses
Episode S2-86, first aired 02/18/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

126 Death Is the Key to All
Episode S2-87, first aired 02/25/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

127 Murder Is for Keeps
Episode S2-88, first aired 03/04/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

128 Death Tells No Lies
Episode S2-89, first aired 03/11/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

129 Death Out for the Count
Episode S2-90, first aired 03/18/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

130 Death Comes in a Powder Box
Episode S2-91, first aired 03/25/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

131 Death Takes the Stage
Episode S2-92, first aired 04/01/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

132 The Guiding Eye
Episode S2-93, first aired 04/08/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

133 Title Unknown
Episode S2-94, first aired 04/15/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

134 Death Marks the Boundary
Episode S2-95, first aired 04/22/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

135 Murder Is A Bad Act
Episode S2-96, first aired 04/29/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike Waring is called in by the Airplane association to investigate the seizure of airplanes by pirates of the sky, who daub them up to look like army surplus.

136 Death Makes the Break
Episode S2-97, first aired 05/06/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

137 Murder Is a Sucker's Bet
Episode S2-98, first aired 05/13/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

The Falcon discovers an unwholesome trio has pulled the world's oldest ""con"" game on a wealthy visitor to the big city, getting him to invest in phoney stock. 'A murder is staged involving the victim and lie's afraid to go to the police. Mike Waring is called in to solve ""Murder Is a Sucker's Bet.""

138 Murder Stacks the Chips
Episode S2-99, first aired 05/20/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

The owner of a big-time gambling house objects to his house manager's fixing the games more than he had already set them and is murdered before Mike Waring can give him the protection he requested.

139 Murder Set the Frame
Episode S2-100, first aired 05/27/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

story of lawyer who frames man to win girl.

140 Murder Runs A Fast Mile
Episode S2-101, first aired 06/03/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Murder Runs a Fast Mile for the Falcon when he finds gamblers bribing; a jockey, then betting on his horse to win. The jockey accepts the bribe but one of the gamblers tells a bartender of the ""fix,"" who in turn tells the owner of the horse.

141 Murder Draws the Deadline
Episode S2-102, first aired 06/10/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

142 Murder Makes a Triple Double-Cross
Episode S2-103, first aired 06/17/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

The Falcon, retained as a private detective, investigates a bank robbery tonight. When he finally corners the ingenious thieves, they, in turn, attempt to hire him—at gun point—to expose thedouble-crosser in their own ranks.

143 Murder At the Double-Crossroads
Episode S2-104, first aired 06/24/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

144 Murder Knows the Count
Episode S2-105, first aired 07/01/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

145 Murder Has A Strange Voice
Episode S2-106, first aired 07/08/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

146 Title Unknown
Episode S2-107, first aired 07/08/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

147 Murder Has A Heart
Episode S2-108, first aired 07/22/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

148 Murder In Diamonds
Episode S2-109, first aired 07/29/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

149 Death Never Fiddles Around
Episode S2-110, first aired 08/05/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown] - [Les Tremayne replaces James Meighan as The Falcon]

150 Death Tries to Muscle In
Episode S2-111, first aired 08/12/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

They were two gangsters in the big-time rackets, but one of them received a rude shock when he learned that his most valued men were switching their loyalty to his opposition, as revealed in the story of ""Death Tries to Muscle In"".

151 Death Is An Odd-On Choice
Episode S2-112, first aired 08/19/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike Waring finds that ""Death Is An Odd-On Choice"" as he breaks up a bookmaking mob seeking to frame a police investigator.

152 Murder Marks the Bills
Episode S2-113, first aired 08/26/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike (the Falcon) Waring will stalk jewel robbers who find that ""Murder Marks the Bills"" they got for their loot.

153 Murder Covers All Bets
Episode S2-114, first aired 09/02/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike Waring (The Falcon) finds that murder covers all bets as he checks the business activities of an industrial tycoon.

154 Title Unknown
Episode S2-115, first aired 09/09/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

155 Murder Likes to Repeat
Episode S2-116, first aired 09/16/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Two thugs rob a safe, but murder the night watchman who interrupts their work. Then they learn that ""Murder Likes to Repeat"".

156 Death Can Be So Convenient
Episode S2-117, first aired 09/23/1947
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

157 Murder Is A Killing Business
Episode S3-1, first aired 01/05/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

158 Diamonds Are Trump
Episode S3-2, first aired 01/12/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Yes, Teacher! The lady will listen! The Falcon will manage to teach a scheming woman that, when it comes to murder, there's no such thing as a perfect gem. A fortune in jewels disappears and the investigation resulting is titled ""Diamonds Are Trump.""

159 Murder Is Where You Find It
Episode S3-3, first aired 01/19/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

160 Shakedowns Can Be Murder
Episode S3-4, first aired 01/26/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

161 Murder Is a Cold Proposition
Episode S3-5, first aired 02/03/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

A young cop knocks one of a trio of thugs around rather roughly but gives the others their perfect alibi for ""Murder Is a Cold Proposition"". They drop their bruised and battered partner as excess baggage and, when his body is found, they blame the rookie for his death But Mike (Falcon) Waring finds telling flaws in their story which clear the cop and nail the thugs.

162 Title Unknown
Episode S3-6, first aired 02/09/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

163 Title Unknown
Episode S3-7, first aired 02/16/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

164 Dead Men Don't Kill
Episode S3-8, first aired 02/23/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

165 Death Springs from A Pen
Episode S3-9, first aired 03/01/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike Waring becomes involved when ""Death Springs From A Pen.""

166 Murder Is Family Affair
Episode S3-10, first aired 03/08/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

167 Murder Packs A Wallop
Episode S3-11, first aired 03/15/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

168 Murder Is An Obscure Title
Episode S3-12, first aired 03/22/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

169 Title Unknown
Episode S3-13, first aired 03/29/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

170 Murder is a Long Haul
Episode S3-14, first aired 04/05/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

171 Title Unknown
Episode S3-15, first aired 04/12/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

172 Title Unknown
Episode S3-16, first aired 04/19/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

173 Murder Is A Dead End
Episode S3-17, first aired 04/26/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

174 Murder Doesn't Need A Frame
Episode S3-18, first aired 05/03/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

175 Death Is A Great Illusion
Episode S3-19, first aired 05/10/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

176 Murder Is A Long Shot
Episode S3-20, first aired 05/17/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

177 Murder Can't Keep A Secret
Episode S3-21, first aired 05/24/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Six millions at stake and Mike Waring finds that ""Murder Can't Keep A Secret.""

178 Murder Is On The Payroll
Episode S3-22, first aired 05/31/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

179 Title Unknown
Episode S3-23, first aired 06/07/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

180 Death Takes A Lovely Picture
Episode S3-24, first aired 06/14/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

181 Title Unknown
Episode S3-25, first aired 06/21/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

182 Death Dives For Diamonds
Episode S3-26, first aired 06/28/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

183 Title Unknown
Episode S3-27, first aired 07/05/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

184 Title Unknown
Episode S3-28, first aired 07/12/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

185 Title Unknown
Episode S3-29, first aired 07/19/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

186 Murder Has A New Look
Episode S3-30, first aired 07/26/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Plastic surgery causes the story title for this week's adventure. It's ""Murder Has A New Look.""

187 Murder Has A New Look
Episode S3-31, first aired 08/02/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

188 Title Unknown
Episode S3-32, first aired 08/09/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

189 Murder is the Worst Policy
Episode S3-33, first aired 08/16/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike (the Falcon) Waring finds out indeed that ""Murder is the Worst Policy."" The Falcon deals with a fellow who has a plan for having his. wife's jewels stolen and collecting, insurance on his show tonight.

190 Murder Can't Buy A Substitute
Episode S3-34, first aired 08/23/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

191 Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow
Episode S3-35, first aired 08/30/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

192 Murder Minds Its Own Business
Episode S3-36, first aired 09/06/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

193 Murder Is Yours For The Asking
Episode S3-37, first aired 09/13/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

194 Murder Can't Add
Episode S3-38, first aired 09/20/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

195 Murder Is The Safe Way
Episode S3-39, first aired 09/27/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

196 Murder Is A Crooked Deal
Episode S3-40, first aired 10/04/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

197 Title Unknown
Episode S3-41, first aired 10/11/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

198 Murder Thumbs A Ride
Episode S3-42, first aired 10/18/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

199 Nick Carter and The Falcon
Episode S3-43, first aired 10/25/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Pity the plight of the poor murderer. He won't have a chance because Nick Carter will team up with Mike (Falcon) Waring to snare the poor guy. Lon Clark, star of Mutual's Sunday evening ""Nick Carter, Master Detective"" series, will assist Les Tremayne, the doughty Falcon, in unravelling a tough case, thereby proving that two heads are better than one.

200 Murder Is A Bad Bluff
Episode S3-44, first aired 11/01/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

201 Murder Doesn't Fit The Frame
Episode S3-45, first aired 11/08/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

202 Murder Is The Wrong Play
Episode S3-46, first aired 11/15/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

203 Title Unknown
Episode S3-47, first aired 11/22/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

204 Title Unknown
Episode S3-48, first aired 11/29/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

205 Murder Misses The Boat
Episode S3-49, first aired 12/06/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

206 Death Is Double In Spades
Episode S3-50, first aired 12/13/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

207 Title Unknown
Episode S3-51, first aired 12/20/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

208 Murder Goes to The Fair
Episode S3-52, first aired 12/27/1948
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

209 Title Unknown
Episode S4-1, first aired 01/02/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

There's never a dull moment when Mike (Les Tremayne) Waring starts trailing a criminal.

210 Title Unknown
Episode S4-2, first aired 01/09/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

211 Title Unknown
Episode S4-3, first aired 01/16/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

212 Title Unknown
Episode S4-4, first aired 01/23/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

213 Title Unknown
Episode S4-5, first aired 01/30/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

214 Title Unknown
Episode S4-6, first aired 02/06/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

215 Murder Slips On The Ice
Episode S4-7, first aired 02/13/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

216 Murder Is A Knock-Out
Episode S4-8, first aired 02/20/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

217 Murder Rides A Hot-Ride
Episode S4-9, first aired 02/27/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

There's 'Hot Ride' Set For 'Falcon'. A fellow starts out to have his car valves ground-but gets his throat cut instead to provide the exciting tale of, ""Murder Rides A Hot-Ride"". It all begins when a used car dealer buys what he believes to be a hot car, only to find that the real owner is the seller.

218 Title Unknown
Episode S4-10, first aired 03/06/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

219 Murder Is No Swindler
Episode S4-11, first aired 03/13/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

220 Murder Is A Diamond Flush
Episode S4-12, first aired 03/20/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

221 Murder Flies by Night
Episode S4-13, first aired 03/27/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

222 Murder Takes A Big Percentage
Episode S4-14, first aired 04/03/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Turning over a half-interest in an up-and-coming young fighter is one way to pay a gambling debt, but when that same interest is also turned over to an ex-wife to lieu of alimony payments ""Murder Takes A Big Percentage"".

223 Murder Sets A Killing Pace
Episode S4-15, first aired 04/10/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

224 Murder Says A Mouthful
Episode S4-16, first aired 04/17/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

225 Murder Has No Alibi
Episode S4-17, first aired 04/24/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

226 Murder Is A Strikeout
Episode S4-18, first aired 05/01/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike Waring is asked by a client to prove that a certain fellow is in the underworld.

227 Death Has No Relatives
Episode S4-19, first aired 05/08/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

228 Murder Is The Main Attraction
Episode S4-20, first aired 05/15/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

229 Murder Takes A Late Train
Episode S4-21, first aired 05/22/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

230 Title Unknown
Episode S4-22, first aired 05/29/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

231 Title Unknown
Episode S4-23, first aired 06/05/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

232 Murder Doesn't Strike Oil
Episode S4-24, first aired 06/12/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

233 Murder Takes A Long Lease
Episode S4-25, first aired 06/19/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

When Mike Waring's next-door neighbor asks him to rent a suddenly vacated apartment for him, and Mike obliges, he finds that ""Murder Takes A Long Lease"".

234 Title Unknown
Episode S4-26, first aired 06/26/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

235 Murder Is No Protection
Episode S4-27, first aired 07/03/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

236 Murder Hides What Isn't There
Episode S4-28, first aired 07/10/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

A person who gets caught double-crossing a friend may easily become embarrassed to death, as Mike waring learns as he proves sometimes ""Murder Hides What Isn't There"".

237 Murder Runs A Fatal Errand
Episode S4-29, first aired 07/17/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Being sent out after some stolen jewelry is one thing, but getting safely back is quite another, Mike (Falcon) Waring learns as ""Murder Runs A Fatal Errand"". An elderly woman who wants to sell her gems, a nephew who prefers that she will them to him, and a young courier sent from New York to pick up the baubles are the principles, beside Waring/

238 Murder is No Bargain
Episode S4-30, first aired 07/24/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

A man who signs a contract to kjll someone may be signing his own 'death warrant, Mike Waring learns during the exciting lesson that ""Murder is No Bargain"".

239 Murder Is No Getaway
Episode S4-31, first aired 07/31/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

240 Murder Is A Bad Bet
Episode S4-32, first aired 08/07/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

241 Title Unknown
Episode S4-33, first aired 08/14/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

242 Title Unknown
Episode S4-34, first aired 08/21/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

243 Murder Has the Last Word
Episode S4-35, first aired 08/28/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Blackmail is a nasty thing, but it can become even nastier when ""Murder Has the Last Word."" Mike (Falcon) Waring meets a man who offers to sell his silence and finds death his buyer.

244 Title Unknown
Episode S4-36, first aired 09/04/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

245 Title Unknown
Episode S4-37, first aired 09/11/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

246 Title Unknown
Episode S4-38, first aired 09/18/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

247 Title Unknown
Episode S4-39, first aired 09/25/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

248 Title Unknown
Episode S4-40, first aired 10/02/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

249 Title Unknown
Episode S4-41, first aired 10/09/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

250 Title Unknown
Episode S4-42, first aired 10/16/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

251 Title Unknown
Episode S4-43, first aired 10/23/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

252 Murder Is No Gold Mine
Episode S4-44, first aired 10/30/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

A mousey little man with $50,000 to invest, a big-time swindler, a beautiful New York model and a jealous fiance, are the ingredients for the ""Murder Is No Gold Mine"" mystery case.

253 Title Unknown
Episode S4-45, first aired 11/06/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

254 Title Unknown
Episode S4-46, first aired 11/13/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

255 Title Unknown
Episode S4-47, first aired 11/20/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

256 Title Unknown
Episode S4-48, first aired 11/27/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

257 Title Unknown
Episode S4-49, first aired 12/04/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

258 Title Unknown
Episode S4-50, first aired 12/11/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

259 Title Unknown
Episode S4-51, first aired 12/18/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

260 Title Unknown
Episode S4-52, first aired 12/25/1949
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

261 Title Unknown
Episode S4-53, first aired 01/01/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

262 The Case of the Falling Star
Episode S4-54, first aired 01/08/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Murder and blackmail occupy Mike ""The Falcon"" Waring's attention as he solves ""The Case of the Falling Star"".

263 The Case of the Unhappy King
Episode S4-55, first aired 01/15/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Some monarchs aren't happy when crowned. That's the ironic note that Mike (Falcon) Waring comes upon when he investigates the ""Case of the Unhappy King"".

264 The Case of the Frightened Barber
Episode S4-56, first aired 01/22/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike ""Falcon"" Waring is one of those adventurers who finds the eerie mystery stage set for him — even in the barber's chair. It all happens when a big shot meets a bigger shot — and Mike (Les Damon) proves he's the biggest shot of all.

265 Title Unknown
Episode S4-57, first aired 01/29/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

266 The Case of the Photo Finish
Episode S4-58, first aired 02/05/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

267 The Case of the Cautious Client
Episode S4-59, first aired 02/12/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

A prizefighter who answered to the name of ""champ"" when he entered the squared circle discovers that life outside the ring is a lot more dangerous. And that's just the situation that confronts Mike (Falcon) Waring as he tangles with ""The Case of the Cautious Client"". Waring finally solves this strange mystery — but not before two boxers take the long count via the murder route.

268 Title Unknown
Episode S4-60, first aired 02/19/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

269 The Caes of the Jack of Hearts
Episode S4-61, first aired 02/26/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

270 The Case of the Double Play
Episode S4-62, first aired 03/05/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

BASEBALLS are normally associated with a ball frame. 'Tis not so as when which baseball players throw the lead.

271 Title Unknown
Episode S4-63, first aired 03/12/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

272 Title Unknown
Episode S4-64, first aired 03/19/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

273 Title Unknown
Episode S4-65, first aired 03/26/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

274 Title Unknown
Episode S4-66, first aired 04/02/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

275 Title Unknown
Episode S4-67, first aired 04/09/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

276 Title Unknown
Episode S4-68, first aired 04/16/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

277 Title Unknown
Episode S4-69, first aired 04/23/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

278 Title Unknown
Episode S4-70, first aired 04/30/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

279 The Case of the Trumped Diamonds
Episode S5-1, first aired 05/07/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

280 The Case of the Amorous Bookkeeper
Episode S5-2, first aired 05/14/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

281 The Case of the Frozen Lettuce
Episode S5-3, first aired 05/21/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Michael Waring alias ""The Falcon"" is called upon to protect a beautiful young girl who is innocently embroiled in the affairs of three gangsters.

282 The Case of the Disappointed Doll
Episode S5-4, first aired 05/28/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

283 Title Unknown
Episode S5-5, first aired 06/04/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

284 Title Unknown
Episode S5-6, first aired 06/11/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

285 Title Unknown
Episode S5-7, first aired 06/18/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

286 Title Unknown
Episode S5-8, first aired 06/25/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

287 Title Unknown
Episode S5-9, first aired 07/02/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

288 Title Unknown
Episode S5-10, first aired 07/09/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

289 Title Unknown
Episode S5-11, first aired 07/16/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

290 Title Unknown
Episode S5-12, first aired 07/23/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

291 Title Unknown
Episode S5-13, first aired 07/30/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

292 The Case of the Bashful Brother
Episode S5-14, first aired 08/06/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike Waring takes up the case of a wife accused murdering her husband. The brother proves to be ""bashful"" when it is learned that the accused has no brother.

293 Title Unknown
Episode S5-15, first aired 08/13/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

294 Title Unknown
Episode S5-16, first aired 08/20/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

295 Title Unknown
Episode S5-17, first aired 08/27/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

296 The Case of the Disappearing Doll
Episode S5-18, first aired 08/30/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

297 The Case of the Quarrelsome Quartet
Episode S6-1, first aired 09/03/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

298 The Case Of The Worried Champion
Episode S6-2, first aired 09/10/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

299 The Case of the Double Deal
Episode S6-3, first aired 09/17/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

300 The Case Of The Friendly Target
Episode S6-4, first aired 09/24/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

301 The Case of the Talented Twins
Episode S6-5, first aired 10/01/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

302 Title Unknown
Episode S6-6, first aired 10/08/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

303 The Case of the Careless Client
Episode S6-7, first aired 10/15/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

304 The Case of the Double Nephews
Episode S6-8, first aired 10/22/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

305 The Case of the Double Exposure
Episode S6-9, first aired 10/29/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

306 The Case of the Rich Racketeer
Episode S6-10, first aired 11/05/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

307 The Case of the Widow's Gorilla
Episode S6-11, first aired 11/12/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

308 The Case of the Puzzling Pin-up
Episode S6-12, first aired 11/19/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Detective faces false murder charge in blackmail case

309 The Case of the Stooge's Errand
Episode S6-13, first aired 11/26/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

The Falcon solves death of legal swindler

310 The Case of the Harried Husband
Episode S6-14, first aired 12/03/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

311 The Case of the Raw Deal
Episode S6-15, first aired 12/10/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

The Falcon shows gun tops royal flush in poker game.

312 The Case of the Baby Brother
Episode S6-16, first aired 12/17/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

313 The Case of the Unwelcome Christmas
Episode S6-17, first aired 12/24/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

314 The Case of the Rolling Stones
Episode S6-18, first aired 12/31/1950
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

315 The Case of the Invisible Thug
Episode S6-19, first aired 01/07/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

316 The Case of the Happy Hoodlum
Episode S6-20, first aired 01/14/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

A man frames his own arrest so he can kill fellow prisoner.

317 The Case of the Substitute Target
Episode S6-21, first aired 01/21/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

318 The Case of the Bellicose Boxer
Episode S6-22, first aired 01/28/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

319 The Case of the Neighbor's Nightmare
Episode S6-23, first aired 02/04/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike Waring deflates an ego.

320 The Case of the Mighty Muscle
Episode S6-24, first aired 02/11/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

321 The Case of the Superfluous Murder
Episode S6-25, first aired 02/18/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

322 The Case of the Practical Choker
Episode S6-26, first aired 02/25/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

323 The Case of the Gangster's Girl
Episode S6-27, first aired 03/04/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

324 The Case of the Unsilent Butler
Episode S6-28, first aired 03/11/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

325 The Case of the Witty Widow
Episode S6-29, first aired 03/18/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

326 The Case of the Talented Texan
Episode S6-30, first aired 03/25/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

327 The Case of the Worried Wife
Episode S6-31, first aired 04/01/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

328 The Case of the Carved Ham
Episode S6-32, first aired 04/08/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Jealousy leads to murder.

329 The Case of the Shopkeeper's Gun
Episode S6-33, first aired 04/15/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

330 The Case of the Missing Miss
Episode S6-34, first aired 04/22/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

A senator's suicide points to profiteering swindle.

331 The Case of the Big Talker
Episode S6-35, first aired 04/29/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

A gang holds Waring's girl as threat to him.

332 The Case of the Flaming Club
Episode S6-36, first aired 05/06/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

A night club fire uncovers murder.

333 The Case of the Dutch Doll
Episode S6-37, first aired 05/13/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

A big time mobster's daughter seeks help.

334 The Case of the Curious Cop
Episode S6-38, first aired 05/20/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

335 The Case of the Unwelcome Wife
Episode S6-39, first aired 05/27/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

336 The Case of the Proud Papa
Episode S7-1, first aired 06/06/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

An attempted swindle leads to two murders.

337 The Case of the Sweet Swindle
Episode S7-2, first aired 06/13/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

A story of gambler's attempt fo find long-lost daughter.

338 The Case of the Broken Fingerprint
Episode S7-3, first aired 06/20/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

339 The Case of the Nervous Shakedown
Episode S7-4, first aired 06/27/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

A blackmailer is murdered, his victim asks detective to drop case.

340 The Case of Everybody's Gun
Episode S7-5, first aired 07/04/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

341 The Case of the Vanishing Varmint
Episode S7-6, first aired 07/11/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

An escaped convict becomes jealous--and dead.

342 The Case of the Cautious Cousin
Episode S7-7, first aired 07/18/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Vast inheritance exerts sinister influence over greedy cousins.

343 The Case of the Plenty Twenty
Episode S7-8, first aired 07/25/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

344 The Case of the Hypocritical Hypo
Episode S7-9, first aired 08/01/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

The Falcon seeks missing gangster and uncovers payroll robbery

345 The Case of the Bashful Boss
Episode S7-10, first aired 08/08/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

346 The Case of the Loose Lip
Episode S7-11, first aired 08/15/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Small-time thug seeks revenge, becomes murder suspect.

347 The Case of the Beautiful Bait
Episode S7-12, first aired 08/22/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Gullible prizefighter becomes pawn in deadly conspiracy.

348 The Case of the New Dealer
Episode S7-13, first aired 08/29/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

349 The Case of the Missing Million
Episode S8-1, first aired 10/28/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

350 The Case of the Cipher Patsy
Episode S8-2, first aired 11/04/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Blackmail plan backfires.

351 The Case of the Dangerous Date
Episode S8-3, first aired 11/11/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

352 The Case of the Treacherous Triangle
Episode S8-4, first aired 11/18/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

353 The Case of the Jilting Gigolo
Episode S8-5, first aired 11/25/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

354 The Case of the Extra Alibi
Episode S8-6, first aired 12/02/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

355 The Case of the Sweet Sister
Episode S8-7, first aired 12/09/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

356 The Case of the Wet Ghost
Episode S8-8, first aired 12/16/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

357 The Case of the Helping Hand
Episode S8-9, first aired 12/23/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

358 The Case of the Pretty Pictures
Episode S8-10, first aired 12/30/1951
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

359 The Case of the Helping Hand
Episode S8-11, first aired 01/06/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

360 Title Unknown
Episode S8-12, first aired 01/13/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

361 Title Unknown
Episode S8-13, first aired 01/20/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

362 Title Unknown
Episode S8-14, first aired 01/27/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

363 The Case of the Invisible Thug
Episode S8-15, first aired 02/03/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

364 Title Unknown
Episode S8-16, first aired 02/10/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

365 The Case of the Missing Patient
Episode S8-17, first aired 02/17/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

366 The Case of the Gold Ring
Episode S8-18, first aired 02/24/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

367 The Case of the Natural Seven
Episode S8-19, first aired 03/02/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

368 The Case of the Killer's Key
Episode S8-20, first aired 03/09/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

369 The Case of the Grand Gamble
Episode S8-21, first aired 03/16/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Hired thug tries to kill Mike Waring

370 The Case of the Murdering Missus
Episode S8-22, first aired 03/23/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

371 The Case of the Strong Sister
Episode S8-23, first aired 03/30/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

372 The Case of the Deadly Dame
Episode S8-24, first aired 04/06/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

373 The Case of the Handy Help-Mate
Episode S8-25, first aired 04/13/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

374 The Case of the Jumping Jack
Episode S8-26, first aired 04/20/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

375 The Case of the Weeping Willow
Episode S8-27, first aired 04/27/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

376 The Case of the Fatal Fix
Episode S8-28, first aired 05/04/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

It deals with a grief-stricken father seeking to stop a murder involving his son.

377 The Case of the King of Hearts
Episode S8-29, first aired 05/11/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

378 The Case of the Falling Star
Episode S8-30, first aired 05/18/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

379 The Case of the Happy Hoodlum
Episode S8-31, first aired 05/25/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

380 The Case of the Burning Bridges
Episode S8-32, first aired 06/01/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

381 The Case of the Dirty Dollar
Episode S8-33, first aired 06/08/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

382 The Case of the Faded Rose
Episode S8-34, first aired 06/15/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

383 The Case of the Vanishing Visa
Episode S8-35, first aired 06/22/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

384 The Case of the Menacing Mademoiselle
Episode S8-36, first aired 06/29/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

385 The Case of the Babbling Brooks
Episode S8-37, first aired 07/06/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

386 The Case of the Running Waters
Episode S8-38, first aired 07/13/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

387 The Case of the King of Clubs
Episode S8-39, first aired 07/20/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

388 The Case of the Broken Key
Episode S8-40, first aired 07/27/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

389 The Case of the Lonely Hunter
Episode S8-41, first aired 08/03/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

390 The Case of the Rolling Stones
Episode S8-42, first aired 08/10/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

391 The Case of the Gorgeous Greek
Episode S8-43, first aired 08/17/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

392 The Case of the Silent Butler
Episode S8-44, first aired 08/24/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

393 The Case of the Careless Corpse
Episode S8-45, first aired 08/31/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

394 The Case of the Jack of Diamonds
Episode S8-46, first aired 09/07/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

395 The Case of the Strawberry Blonde
Episode S8-47, first aired 09/14/1952
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

396 Title Unknown
Episode S9-1, first aired 01/05/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

397 Title Unknown
Episode S9-2, first aired 01/12/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

398 The Case of the Queen of Hearts
Episode S9-3, first aired 01/19/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Today the greatest crimes of all are committed by nations—their loot, whole countries. Mike Waring, as an intelligence officer for the United States, travels to London to uncover a plot against this country. He routs the spies as he solves ""The Case of the Queen of Hearts"".

399 The Case of the Babbling Brooks
Episode S9-4, first aired 01/26/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

LOVE and a pair of missing cuff links can get Mike Waring into plenty of trouble . . . particularly in fog-bound, spy-ridden London.

400 The Case of the Blushing Bride
Episode S9-5, first aired 02/02/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

401 The Case of the Lonely Hunter
Episode S9-6, first aired 02/09/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike Waring is a gentleman adventurer who finds working for the government's intelligence service a fine panacea and excuse for his wanderlust.

402 The Case of the Gorgeous Greek
Episode S9-7, first aired 02/16/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

403 The Case of the Double Double-Cross
Episode S9-8, first aired 02/23/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike Waring, writing for Army Intelligence, is assigned to Berlin to clear up a matter of murder and secret information on rockets.

404 The Case of the Strawberry Blonde
Episode S9-9, first aired 03/02/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

405 The Case of the Silent Butler
Episode S9-10, first aired 03/09/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

The Falcon, Mike Waring, working for U.S. Army Intelligence, travels to Lisbon to break up ao International spy ring. His task becomes complicated when he runs Into the proverbial love triangle, and a murder.

406 The Case of the Menacing Mimselle
Episode S9-11, first aired 03/16/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Paris Is the site for Mike Waring's next daring escapade. It's there he meets Fleurette and becomes involved In the ""Case of the Menacing Mimselle.""

407 The Case of The King of Clubs
Episode S9-12, first aired 03/23/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike Waring, who is the Falcon"" for American Intelligence Services, finds new phases of international intrigue right in the U.S. army headquarters in West Berlin. The victim in this story is an army major. His wife is blamed for his murder. But Mike knows better and proves her innocence.

408 The Case of the Jack of Diamonds
Episode S9-13, first aired 03/30/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike Waring aids U.S. army intelligence.

409 The Case of the Broken Key
Episode S9-14, first aired 04/06/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike Waring stops spy ring. Mike Waring travels to Casablanca to put an end to a communist spy ring trafficking in Govemment secrets. Complications set in when Waring, acting for U.S. Intelligence Is accused of murder by the local police.

410 Title Unknown
Episode S9-15, first aired 04/13/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

411 Title Unknown
Episode S9-16, first aired 04/20/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

412 Title Unknown
Episode S9-17, first aired 04/27/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

413 The Case of the Deadly Drugs
Episode S9-18, first aired 05/04/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

People throughout the world have the same fears and frustrations. Mike Waring finds this out the hard way.

414 The Case of the Helping Hand
Episode S9-19, first aired 05/11/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Low ideas on high finance. Mike Waring arrived in London to do some confidential investigating for Army Intelligence. But a friend interrupted his activities to show him a threatening murder note. It seemed that a pretty miss had some low ideas on high finance and a sure-fire method for carrying out her plans. Mike sees through the murder plot as he solves ""The Case of the Helping Hand"".

415 The Case of the Deadly Do
Episode S9-20, first aired 05/18/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

416 The Case of the Happy Corpse
Episode S9-21, first aired 05/25/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

A man dies laughing. Mystery is the diet on which Mike Waring thrives. It's his meat and drink

417 The Case of the Easy Marks
Episode S9-22, first aired 06/01/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike Waring teaches ""big shot"" he can't get away with murder. U. S. Army Intelligence ships Hike Waring off to Berlin to teach a ""big shot"" that he can't get away with murder. Mike calls it ""The Case of the Easy Marks"".

418 Title Unknown
Episode S9-23, first aired 06/08/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

419 The Case of the Treacherous Trio
Episode S9-24, first aired 06/15/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

One way to break up a romantic triangle that has angled the wrong way is to hire a gunman to kill the girl in the case. That' s when Mike Waring steps in to solve ""The Case of the Treacherous Trio"".

420 The Case of the Ace of Spades
Episode S9-25, first aired 06/22/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike Waring, ace private investigator, has a date with a modern Annie Oakley that tums into quite an adventure. Mike cautions her that sometimes a dead shot can wind up shot dead, and also proves that just when the cards seem to be coming fine someone usually trumps the ace.

421 The Case of the Big Steal
Episode S9-26, first aired 06/29/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

422 The Case of the Faded Rose
Episode S9-27, first aired 07/06/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

One thing you learn working as a private detective, observed Mike Waring, ""is that competition can be the death of trade."" To prove his point Mike tells the story of a fellow professional, Phil Stacey.

423 The Case of the Strong Sister
Episode S9-28, first aired 07/13/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike Waring unravels the hangman's knot in ""The Case of the Strong Sister.""

424 The Case of the Murdering Missus
Episode S9-29, first aired 07/20/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

425 Title Unknown
Episode S9-30, first aired 07/27/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

426 Title Unknown
Episode S9-31, first aired 08/03/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

427 The Case of the Big Talker
Episode S9-32, first aired 08/10/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

You never know who will overhear a conversation and ""The Case of the Big Talker"" proves that tonight.

428 The Case of the Loose Lip
Episode S9-33, first aired 08/17/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

429 The Case of the Missing Miss
Episode S9-34, first aired 08/24/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

430 The Case of the Restless Sleeper
Episode S9-35, first aired 08/31/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

431 The Case of the Pretty Picture
Episode S9-36, first aired 09/07/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Story concerns photographic blackmail.

432 The Case of the Rolling Stone
Episode S9-37, first aired 09/14/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mystery dealing with a missing diamond.

433 The Case of the Talented Texan
Episode S9-38, first aired 09/21/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

A love triangle loses one angle when one of the parties involved turns up as a corpse. At this point the call goes out for Mike Waring who solves the ""Case of the Talented Texan"".

434 The Case of the Grand Gamble
Episode S9-39, first aired 09/28/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Tale of murder for hire.

435 The Case of the Proud Papa
Episode S9-40, first aired 10/05/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

436 Title Unknown
Episode S9-41, first aired 10/12/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Waring finds clues are slim, but enough to bring a man to justice.

437 Title Unknown
Episode S9-42, first aired 10/19/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

A husband blackmails his wife.

438 Title Unknown
Episode S9-43, first aired 10/26/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike Waring, working for the United States government, brings to justice another group of people who are planning ihe overthrow the the government.

439 The Case of the Disappearing Doll
Episode S9-44, first aired 11/02/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

440 The Case of the Bashful Brother
Episode S9-45, first aired 11/09/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

This adventure tells of the ""Bashful Brother"" who concentrated on murder, then found his one-track mind changes by Mike Waring.

441 The Case of the Faded Rose
Episode S9-46, first aired 11/16/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

442 The Case of the Jumping Jacks
Episode S9-47, first aired 11/23/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

A jealous husband and a fearful wife each hire private detectives. While comparing notes, Mike and the cither detective have a murder thrust at them. From there on, it's ""TheCase of the Jumping Jacks.""

443 The Case of the Handy Help-Mate
Episode S9-48, first aired 11/30/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Ever hear of the ""Handy Help-Mate?"" Mike Waring will tonight and tells of such s lady on the broadcast.

444 The Case of the Natural Seven
Episode S9-49, first aired 12/07/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

The Falcon observes a pass for a ""Natural Seven"" and a loss of $5,000. The story will take the Falcon gambling for a solution of murder.

445 The Case of the Curious Cop
Episode S9-50, first aired 12/14/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

446 The Case of the Unwelcome Wife
Episode S9-51, first aired 12/21/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

447 The Case of A Nervous Shakedown
Episode S9-52, first aired 12/28/1953
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike Waring has a ""Nervous Breakdown"" when he finds himself involved with a seedy bum, a beautiful blonde and a murderer. He manages, however, to pull himself together to solve the crime.

448 Title Unknown
Episode S9-53, first aired 01/04/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

449 The Case of the New Dealer
Episode S9-54, first aired 01/11/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike Waring gets a ride. Mike Waring, gets a ride for his money when he takes over a seemingly routine investigation of a ""New Dealer.""

450 The Case of the Flying Saucer
Episode S9-55, first aired 01/18/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

451 The Case of the Puzzling Pin-up
Episode S9-56, first aired 01/25/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike Waring plays cupld for a convict courtship when a guy from the big house is released to his not-so-true love.

452 The Case of the Hot Canary
Episode S9-57, first aired 02/01/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike Waring flnds himself in the position of arbitrator for a mangled marital mess. His problems are complicated further when one of the parties turns up as a corpse.

453 The Case of the Wondering Wife
Episode S9-58, first aired 02/08/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Most men worry about wandering wives—but Mike Waring gets involved with a ""Wondering Wife"" who's concerned about a corpse.

454 The Case of the Extra Spouse
Episode S9-59, first aired 02/15/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Fire is a consuming force. But in the case of ""The Extra Spouse"" it didn't consume enough and prompted the blackmail intrigue that Mike Waring investigates for the Adventure* of the Falcon broadcast tonight over WCLO at 10:30. The husband found out, in what he nought would be his good fortune, his first wife had not made him a widower. And he sought recompense for his sorrow.

455 The Case of the Careless Corpse
Episode S9-60, first aired 02/22/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

456 The Case of the Missing Millions
Episode S9-61, first aired 03/01/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Never judge a book by its cover becomes Mike's new philosophy when he encounters clean-cut lad who always carries a gun, and sometimes uses it.

457 The Case of the Big Brother
Episode S9-62, first aired 03/08/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

458 The Case of the Deadly Deadbeat
Episode S9-63, first aired 03/15/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Deals amd dilemmas are all part of dashing Mike Waring's everyday schedule. But tonight he runs into a new kind of character--a guy who pays off debts with bullets.

459 The Case of the Proud Papa
Episode S9-64, first aired 03/22/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

460 The Case of the Burning Bridges
Episode S9-65, first aired 03/29/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

461 The Case of the Careless Cutie
Episode S9-66, first aired 04/05/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

462 The Case of the Big Fix
Episode S9-67, first aired 04/12/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

This evening contact men are the go-betweens for the underworld. How they operate is dramatically told during the broadcast when hero Mike Waring gets involved In the ""Case of the Big Fix"".

463 The Case of the Missing Mail
Episode S9-68, first aired 04/19/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

The story for tonight concerns pinning a rap on Mike Waring which can result in unforeseen difficulties for a criminal. And when ''Missing Mail"" is involved, the issue is even more serious. Mike, the star of the show, is forced to find the culprit to| clear himself and keep his reputation as a private detective. How he does it will be learned tonight.

464 The Case of the Hired Hand
Episode S9-69, first aired 04/26/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

465 The Case of the Blank Will
Episode S9-70, first aired 05/03/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

466 Title Unknown
Episode S9-71, first aired 05/10/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

467 The Case of the Dead Pigeon
Episode S9-72, first aired 05/17/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

A phone call can be the payoff and the solution to murder. Daring Mike Waring proves how.

468 The Case of the Unsilent Butler
Episode S9-73, first aired 05/24/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

469 The Case of the Snappy Snapshots
Episode S9-74, first aired 05/31/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

470 The Case of the Handy Helpmate
Episode S9-75, first aired 06/07/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

A Wife who plots against her husband and her accomplice, too often ends up a victim herself. This theory will be ably demonstrated on tonight's story.

471 The Case of the Baby Bonds
Episode S9-76, first aired 06/14/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Stealing securities has its risks, even after a jury has acquitted the thief of the crime. Take ""The Case of the Baby Bonds,"" for example, which Mike Waring does tonight Mike fails to stop a murder, but does get tbe murderer.

472 The Case of the Hot Disc
Episode S9-77, first aired 06/21/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

A murder recorded via ""The Hot Disc"" is a case for Mike Waring on the Adventures of the Falcon story. While he knows the slayer and has the transcription to prove it, Mike has to use more than brawn to outwit a mob and its pay-off racket.

473 The Case of the Baby Brother
Episode S9-78, first aired 06/28/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

The Baby Brother who tried to steal his girl friend and ended up a suicide becomes a case for Mike Waring. It happens when an older brother sets out to get the girl in question with the aid of ""The Falcon.""

474 The Case of the Big Grab
Episode S9-79, first aired 07/05/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Two men who kidnap a bookie for ransom in ""The Big Grab"" become a case for Mike Waring, especially after both of them art found dead, one in Mike's apartment.

475 The Case of the Persian Lamb Coat
Episode S9-80, first aired 07/12/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

476 The Case of the Meandering Missus
Episode S9-81, first aired 07/19/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

A cool killer with hot slugs and a suspect who gets rattled can confuse the best of private eyes, but not Mike Waring. With ""The Meandering Missus"" to consider, plus his own client, Mike has to make only a simple process of elimination for his solution.

477 The Case of the Tangled Trio
Episode S9-82, first aired 07/26/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike Waring takes a beating as he tracks down stolen game on tonight's story. His client this time discovers she's been used as a dupe by ""The Tangled Trio,"" adding a murder to the charges.

478 The Case of the Triple Cross
Episode S9-83, first aired 08/02/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike is called in to investigate a murder. A married woman who was being blackmailed by the victim is an obvious suspect. But Mike sees through the plot of another person who tries to cover up through an ingenious triangle.

479 The Case of the Witless Witness
Episode S9-84, first aired 08/09/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Mike Waring can well be called the ""Lochinvar of the Private Eyes."" He's ready and waiting to joust with police theories about murder, particularly when they involve a fair lady. The cops had a perfect set of women's fingerprints on the murder weapon, but Mike said it just couldn't be she who'd pulled the trigger. He proves it, too.

480 The Case of the Infamous Informer
Episode S9-85, first aired 08/16/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Income tax evasion is definitely no reason for murder. And Mike Waring explains why during the broadcast of the program this evening at 8:30. This one concerns the ""Case of the Infamous Informer,"" an employee who told on the boss and caused a murder.

481 The Case of the Great Ego
Episode S9-86, first aired 08/23/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

Never date your secretary! That's the moral to the story Mike Waring becomes involved in. Waring gets involved when a worried wife wonders why her husband is paying out large sums of money. It's blackmail, of course

482 The Case of the Hot Heir
Episode S9-87, first aired 08/30/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

A young man with a wealthy father is good bait for a gold digger, Mike Waring discovers. The father in question knows it all too well and makes an extreme effort to save the son: He frames Waring. When there's a murder added, Mike has to use muscles to free himself of ""The Hot Heir."".

483 The Case of the Perfect Butler
Episode S9-88, first aired 09/06/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

A valuable device for locating oil wells Is worth the price of murder Mike Waring learns. Trying to unravel the crime is Mike's job as he takes on ""The Case of the Perfect Butler"".

484 Title Unknown
Episode S9-89, first aired 09/13/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

485 Title Unknown
Episode S9-90, first aired 09/20/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]

486 The Case of the Sneaking Suspicion
Episode S9-91, first aired 06/27/1954
Director: unknown
Writer: unknown

[plot unknown]


I love the Adventures of the Falcon.

I state that up front in case there is any doubt with the next statement.

I am not sure what I enjoy more - the plethora of highly entertaining stories in books, magazines, movies, radio and television - OR - the fascinating history behind all of those.

Looking at the plethora of articles and blogs and collections of downloadable radio and television episodes, it is easy to see I am not alone in my interest. And just a short time listening, watching, or reading and chances are you will be among the horde.

Most of the stories have The Falcon as a troubleshooter or a private detective but enough have him either as an actual government intelligence operative or as a private eye hired by them to make his membership in this compendium more than justified.

And I, for one, am mighty pleased to welcome him.


My Grade: B


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