Anna Ledin is an agent with the CIA.
Was an agent and then is again, to be more accurate.
When we first meet her, she is marking "two years since she walked away from her position as Special Investigator with the CIA. The toll the physical and emotional pain took on her after the accident was too much to overcome and she refused to let her ego allow any more innocent people to be put in harm or worse die, because of it."
We learn almost immediately that back when she was employed by the Agency, "she was great at her job. She was the best actually. She was top of her class at the academy and her supervisors fast-tracked her into the field because of her insanely innate ability to read terrorist threats and how they related to international economic trends, making her an invaluable profiler. She spoke five languages and none with the hint of an accent which made her perfect for undercover agent work."
Physically we are told that she "was average height, about 5'7" and wore her sandy brown hair shoulder length. She had a naturally athletic body that allowed her to easily mask her core strength within her frame without the necessity of excessive bulk. Anna's strong cardio was essential in gaining the respect of the other agents in training, because no matter how arduous the task, she could always keep up, and even exceed some of her classmates during their highly competitive drills."
The accident mentioned above was the result of a terrorist explosion that destroyed the headquarters for the group she was attached to, killing several dozen fellow employees including her supervisor and her friend and work partner, Devon. She had figured out the attack was about to happen and had been racing to give warning - the phone lines having been severed - when the bomb went off as she was within a block. Her physical injuries were bad but nothing compared to the survivor's quilt she felt.
She quit the Agency and took a job as an inner-city social worker and has been such for nearly 24 months. She knew she would never go back to her old line of work. She would be proven wrong on that.
Good Line:
- From a blurb about the series: "If Bourne had a sister, it would be Anna"