pocketdetectivelibrary_cb_01 espionage_cb_04 espionage_cb_06 espionage_cb_15 nolan_ross_cb_esp19 sabrethrillerlibrary_cb_86 espionage_cb_02
Full Name: Ross Nolan
Nationality: British
Organization: British Intelligence
Occupation Agent

Creator: Unknown
Time Span: 1967 - 1975


Ross Nolan is an agent with British Intelligence.

Exactly what department in the intelligence community he belongs to is not mentioned except to say that if was a "small but powerful branch of counter-intelligence" and Nolan answered directly to the Deputy Head, a man known as Jellicoe.

When we meet him for the first time, he has just been released from prison where he spent the previous three months doing hard labor, all to get close to an inmate they want information from. His dedication to Queen and Country is impressive, especially considering the fairly poor way he is treated by his boss for his sacrifice.

Nolan appears to be in his late 20s or very early 30s, good looking and described as a "alert, virile" man with "a kind of hard edge to him". He wears his dark hair reasonably short and is clean shaven. As would appear normal for the period of time, he is typically dressed in a suit and tie, even out in the field, which has to make being a man of action somewhat constricting.

We unfortunately learn next to nothing about Nolan except for that devotion to his job. Where he came from or how he got involved in the intelligence business are left unsaid. We do not know if he has a family or not, though considering his occupation and his willingness to go to prison to do it, that seems very unlikely.

Good Line:
- Apparently meant to be tough talk, Nolan is heard chastising a brute of a man who had just threatened him, "You bag of wind! You don't frighten me, punk! I've seen bigger guys than you weep!" [The exclamation points must have been important.]
- As Nolan and the brute just mentioned near each other to fight, Nolan orders, "Shut the face, Fatso!"


Number of Stories:8
First Appearance:1967
Last Appearance:1975

1 The Long Wait The Long Wait
Published by Brugeditor Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1967

Printed in Espionage #2, a comics picture library.
"It was an undercover job. But Ross Nolan found it different from the usual run. He was involved in a conflict of loyalties - for once his instinct was wrong and he faced an implacable enemy alone! When an agent makes a mistake he pays with his life - this was the price expected of Nolan.
Click here to read the story.

2 The Deadly Shadow The Deadly Shadow
Published by Brugeditor Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1967

Printed in Espionage #4, a comics picture library, 1967.
"Nolan was a tough, experienced profession agent. But he believed in something - in the right of people to liberty. This mission was different - he had to probe the motives of seemingly innocent people, to smash his way through a world of ideals and expose the subtle evil that can touch even the innocent!"

3 The Big Gamble The Big Gamble
Published by Brugeditor Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1967

Printed in Espionage #6, a comics picture library, 1967.
"A man died, a particularly brutal death against the colorful background of a racecourse. Had this incident a connection with the world of espionage? Nolan was sure it had and was ready to gamble on it. He had to be sure - because his life was at stake!"
Click here to read the story.

4 See No Evil See No Evil
Published by Brugeditor Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1967

Printed in Espionage #15, a comics picture library, 1967.
[plot unknown]

5 The Art Of Terror The Art Of Terror
Published by Brugeditor Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1967

Printed in Espionage #19, a comics picture library, 1967.
"A man died in what appeared to be an ordinary road accident. But Ross Nolan knew taht in the world of espionages there were no accidents, no coincidences. Everything was a potential threat..."

6 The Big Snatch The Big Snatch
Published by Thorpe & Porter
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1971

Printed in Pocket Detective Library #1, 1971.
"There are many pawns in the game of world power. Sometimes a nation is used, sometimes an individual. Those who walk in the public eye live precariously. The assassin's gun is still a weapon of diplomacy. the prizes are high, any risk is justified, any sacrifice ..."
Click here to read the story.

7 A Friend In The Shadows A Friend In The Shadows
Published by Sabre
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1974

Printed in Sabre Thriller Picture Library #69, May 1974.
[plot unknown]

8 The Unseen Enemy The Unseen Enemy
Published by Sabre
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1975

Printed in Sabre Thriller Picture Library #86, Jan. 1975.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.


There is nothing especially attractive or detractive about this series. Nolan comes across as a 'typical' dedicated operative who apparently lives for his job because he shows no interest in anything else.

The storyteller(s) knows that the target audience, young males, wanted action and nothing else - well, they almost certainly had an interest in females but British comics of the mid-60s would not have offered much in that regard. Definitely not any that would keep the intrepid secret/special agent from doing his job.


My Grade: B


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