Jude Wyland is a private investigator.
He used to be an operative for the CIA but that ended, in his opinion, quite badly and now he is far more content (well, less unhappy) earning a living as a PI. He had worked for the Agency for just shy of a decade and would have been more than willing to put in his 20 with them if it had not been for the unfortunate event that made him want to leave; unfortunate for him but deadly for his partner at the time.
Prior to his nine years working for the folks at Langley, Wyland had put in four years as a Marine. Between the two careers, his daily habits were pretty well ingrained, some of which worked nicely for his new career as a private eye and some, like getting up at 6 am every day flew in opposition to a PI's penchant for night work.
When we first meet him he had been away from the CIA for half a year and was working hard to stay off any real radar in order to keep them from locating him. He left them, not the other way around. They still wanted him and would take him back immediately if he gave them a chance; he was just determined to not do so. At 33 years of age and still in excellent shape - a Marine would not have it any other way - and with his years of experience, his desirability was understandable.
Wyland's presence in this compendium is caused by the fact that though he had definitely and permanently left the CIA, it had obviously not left him and would come calling for 'a favor'. The fact that that request would be in line with his new profession would make it easier to grudgingly agree but then again, it is very hard to say no to the Agency.
Good Lines:
- "Most teenage boys were made out of hormones and awkwardness."
- "Nine years in the CIA learning exactly what the government was capable of had instilled a healthy sense of survival-based paranoia."