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Full Name: Rick Bernard
Nationality: American
Organization: AIU
Occupation Agent

Creator: Ted Borris
Time Span: 2020 - 2022


Rick Bernard is an agent with the AIU.

So is Summer Sawyer who is nearly as important to the series as Bernard but is not given series title credit by the publisher or author. That remains the domain of Bernard alone.

But first the AIU. That appears to be an organization with an unusual concept.

The acronym comes from the designation given each of the operatives chosen to work for the group. As was explained to Bernard a dozen years before the first recorded adventure takes place, "The CIA, DIA, NSA, FBI all have intelligence missions. They are required by law to only work in certain theaters of operation. They only seem to communicate fully when there is a crisis and usually after the fact, like in the aftermath of 9/11. Your designation would be agent/intelligence/agency unassigned. By being unassigned you can avoid the red tape and legalities of being assigned to one agency."

The interviewer back then continued the explanation with "your assignment, as we see it today, would be to act as a deep cover agent. We would set you up in a great job and the vast majority of the time you would be doing that work. Occasionally, we would call upon you to do something for us, mainly surveillance or courier work. Nothing that would be dangerous or violent would be in your job description. You would have that job until we needed you elsewhere or you retired. Our service would help you to be successful and happy. We would send you to training for the work I have described in such a way that your family and friends would never know what you were doing. We will expect you to keep this position confidential and you will not be able to tell anyone including your immediate family. There will be benefits that you cannot at this time imagine."

This interview took place during his third year at Loyola University in Chicago and for the rest of that year and all of his senior year he waited for his first assignment and when it finally came just before graduation, it was a let-down. No fast cars and exotic settings and certainly no gorgeous femme fatales awaited him. He was told he would be a Chicago Public School teacher.

If you think this is all rather strange, you are not alone as Bernard did as well. He would find that strange would become a new norm for his work with the AIU.

As for Summer Sawyer, she will become an AIU operative and will work alongside Bernard, putting her life every bit as much on the line as Bernard. The interesting aspect to their relationship is that she was his assignment in his surveillance lessons.


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2020
Last Appearance:2022

1 What If?? What If??
Written by Ted Borris
Copyright: 2020

"The Coronavirus Pandemic has affected people around the world. Is this virus a naturally occurring phenomena or is it a weapon and part of a greater plot ? "What If?" is a fictional account of the plan, the weapon and the unlikely way it is stopped by an ordinary American, thrust into a heroic role."
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2 A Statement Of Vengeance A Statement Of Vengeance
Written by Ted Borris
Copyright: 2021

"A Chinese Drug Lord, Disgraced Military Officers, and a desire to get vengeance for plots and networks that have been disrupted lead to chaos on the streets of America.
AIU Agents Rick Bernard and Summer Sawyer are thrust into the maelstrom as America is attacked again by foreign interests bent on upsetting our way of life and destroying our confidence in our system of governing."
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3 The Kestrel Affair The Kestrel Affair
Written by Ted Borris
Copyright: 2022

"Counterfeit American currency is appearing around southern Europe in large Amounts.
These bogus bills are so good that only an expert can discern them from genuine bills. This high quality causes the fear at the NSA that it could be an inside work at Treasury or even the CIA.
Into this case, Rick Bernard and Summer Sawyer, on assignment to the NSA and Treasury, are sent undercover to find the source of this funny money centered around a Portuguese resort."
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There are times reading a good adventure that I need to take a break and remind myself that this is just fiction ... it is not real. That would be the case with this series except it is hard to do the convincing; what happens in the pages could actually be happening in real life.

Does the author have some inside scoop on things or is he just really imaginative? Let's go with the latter as that helps me sleep, especially after the first adventure. Well, all of them, truth be told.

Fine writing and great plotting. And kinda scary and thought-provoking.


My Grade: B+


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