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Full Name: Wolfgang Pierce
Nationality: American
Organization: SPIRE
Occupation Agent

Creator: Logan Ryles
Time Span: 2021 - 2024


Wolfgang Pierce is an agent with SPIRE.

We are told that SPIRE was "a private espionage service specializing in subterfuge, procurement, infiltration, retaliation, and entrapment", hence the acronym.

Pierce works for SPIRE under a man named Edric whom he calls Eddie, likely to get a rise out of the man. He has been with the organization for three years at the time we meet him initially, starting with Pierce was only 18 years old. Working for something like SPIRE sounded to the young man as a thrilling way to make a living but now after three years of, to him fairly mundane assignments, he is more than a tad bored.

In his mind, "dumping a laxative in a business executive's coffee felt more junior high than espionage elite, regardless of how effective the strategy was". His effective performance was marred by his now jaded attitude towards the work. He craved something a bit more interesting and challenging. He would be offered it.

Pierce's work with SPIRE had been up to this point strictly a one-man operation; he always worked alone with no back-up. He thought that was the way SPIRE did everything. Then he learned that this was largely for "petty corporate ops". For the big ticket items where the job was too large for one person, a team was needed. It is at this point that Pierce is introduced to Charlie Team.

Charlie Team executes "covert operations on behalf of SPIRE around the world. Next-level stuff. Stuff with a lot more risk and a lot more reward". It was already "fully operation" with the team leader, Edric, a tech guy, and three "ground-level operators". A mission three weeks prior to his being told about Charlie, an operation had gone badly in Damascus and the team was down one person. Charlie Team has a new assignment, Pierce is told, and they need a replacement third person. Pierce tells Edric, "lucky you! I'm free this weekend."

Pierce has a strong sense of humor as well as an appreciation for the absurd and a willingness to point out the latter often using the former. He has shown during his initial three years of work that he is clever, resourceful, and extremely competent. He is also, as mentioned, bored. He "had dreamed of fast jets, flying bullets, and exotic locales" but his simple assignments would "more likely to land him in Cleveland than Bangladesh. Hardly the stuff of James Bond movies".

He gets what he wishes for.


Number of Books:1
First Appearance:2022
Last Appearance:2022

1 The Wolfgang Pierce Series The Wolfgang Pierce Series
Written by Logan Ryles
Copyright: 2022

A collection of the six separately released novellas concerning the adventures of Wolfgang Pierce. Those adventures are:
That Time In Paris
That Time In Cairo
That Time In Moscow
That Time In Rio
That Time In Tokyo
That Time In Sydney

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Number of Stories:10
First Appearance:2021
Last Appearance:2024

1 That Time In Paris That Time In Paris
Written by Logan Ryles
Copyright: 2021

Published singly as a novella, this was later released in the collection The Wolfgang Pierce Series.
When the CIA learns of a terrorist cell about to wreck havoc on the global economy, they get poised to snatch up the group and learn how they were going to pull it off. Then the Agency learns that the Russians are sending a team to kill each cell member. SPIRE is hired and Wolfgang Pierce and his team is sent to stop the Russians.
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2 That Time In Cairo That Time In Cairo
Written by Logan Ryles
Copyright: 2021

Published singly as a novella, this was later released in the collection The Wolfgang Pierce Series.
An ancient scroll found in Libya is thought to hold the location of a hidden Egyptian tomb, hoped to hold tremendous riches. The convoy bringing the scroll to Cairo is attacked and the scroll taken. SPIRE is hired to get it back and Wolfgang Pierce's Charlie team is selected. They will find that SPIRE was not given all the facts and that "some things should remain buried".
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3 That Time In Moscow That Time In Moscow
Written by Logan Ryles
Copyright: 2021

Published singly as a novella, this was later released in the collection The Wolfgang Pierce Series.
SPIRE is hired by the CIA to send Charlie Team led by Wolfgang Pierce to go to Moscow and snatch an informant having intel on an illegal chemical weapons program being run. This will get the Russians out to eliminate the informant and Charlie Team and may result in the deaths of many thousands.
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4 That Time In Rio That Time In Rio
Written by Logan Ryles
Copyright: 2021

Published singly as a novella, this was later released in the collection The Wolfgang Pierce Series.
The daughter of a high-ranking Intelligence official has been kidnapped while vacationing in Brazil. When SPIRE sends Charlie Team to rescue her,  Wolfgang Pierce will learn that it is not money that the kidnappers were after but the power holding the woman gives them to cause trouble on a global level.
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5 That Time In Tokyo That Time In Tokyo
Written by Logan Ryles
Copyright: 2021

Published singly as a novella, this was later released in the collection The Wolfgang Pierce Series.
The experimental vaccine distribution method was developed in Japan. Then it was stolen and placed on the black market for sale. The CIA hires SPIRE to disrupt the sale and get the tech back. Charlie Team is given the assignment but things get complicated when an old enemy shows up to cause trouble.
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6 That Time In Sydney That Time In Sydney
Written by Logan Ryles
Copyright: 2021

Published singly as a novella, this was later released in the collection The Wolfgang Pierce Series.
A tragedy has struck Charlie Team and Wolfgang Pierce is determined to find the people responsible and make sure justice is given. As he does so, he learns that yet another terrorist plan in underway and his desire for vengeance might have to wait a bit.
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7 That Time In Appalachia That Time In Appalachia
short story
Written by Logan Ryles
Copyright: 2021

A prequel story talking of when Wolfgang Pierce was 14 years old living in West Virginia. A company is out to acquire all the land for miles around and they are both ruthless and efficient. And they seem to have the law on their side. Pierce wants to find a way to stop them.

8 That Time In Bangkok That Time In Bangkok
Written by Logan Ryles
Copyright: 2

"Living alone in the rural forests of upstate New York, Wolfgang has embraced his depression, ready to run out his years staring into the abyss. Then an old friend comes calling.
Wolfgang hasn't spoken to the Director since Charlie Team was betrayed, and he's not interested in talking now. But when the Director asks for a critical favor—and offers to pay Wolfgang handsomely for his trouble—the prospect of an adrenaline rush and a chance to throw his life away is too tantalizing to resist. The mission is simple: An old friend of the Director's has lost her son in Bangkok, and she thinks the boy may be in trouble. Wolfgang will fly to Thailand to bring him home. An easy job...or is it?"
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9 That Time In Hong Kong That Time In Hong Kong
Written by Logan Ryles
Copyright: 2023

"Wolfgang Pierce is broken. After a disastrous mission in Bangkok that left him the prisoner of brutal Thai gangsters, death seems the likeliest eventuality and the most hopeful path to escape. Wolfgang only needs an opportunity to take a few of his enemies with him.
While traveling through the seedy underworld of Far Eastern organized crime, the landscape is worse than Wolfgang ever dreamed. Whispers of his eventual doom grow darker as he’s brought by night into an unknown city, buried in an unknown prison…and then abandoned. But Wolfgang isn’t alone. He can hear the screams. He can smell the death. The place he has been brought to is known as The Pit, and it’s the closest thing to Hell Wolfgang has ever witnessed."
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10 That Time In Dubai That Time In Dubai
Written by Logan Ryles
Copyright: 2024

"Hiroshi Bennett is a smooth-talking mystery man who appears in Wolfgang's life as if by accident. His occupation? Professional assassin. His reputation? One of the best in the business. His proposal? To train Wolfgang in the trade of converting blood into money. All he asks in return is for Wolfgang to assist him in a particularly deadly mission. The kind of mission where even the best killers are likely to find themselves in body bags.
It’s a strange offer, and yet Wolfgang finds it difficult to refuse. After losing so much, he’s without a home. Without an identity. Without anything left to cling to. The prospect of becoming greater than himself is tantalizing, but he's still unsure…"
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Boy, I wish more authors would spend time in the short story/novella world. There are far too many books which drag on and on to fill a required page count. These tales do not. The author is really good at getting to the meat of a situation while still having darn good character development.

The main character is interesting in that he is cocky and brass and really used to working in his own and not needing or wanting anyone else along to slow him down. Then he is forced to work in a team and at least one of the team members greatly resents him presence. Seeing that dynamic change over time is fun.

I hope the author keeps these missions going.


My Grade: B+


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