brongaard_fenna_bk_tis brongaard_fenna_bk_itsotm brongaard_fenna_bk_tsh
Full Name:
Series Name: The Greenland Trilogy
Nationality: Danish
Organization: PET
Occupation Agent

Creator: Christoffer Petersen
Time Span: 2016 - 2017


Fenna Brongaard is an agent with the DSIS.

The acronym is the English form of the agency's name: Danish Security and Intelligence Service. Its Danish name and acronym is the Politiets Efterretningstjeneste or PET. The agency focuses solely on national security with its stated purpose being to "prevent, investigate and counter operations and activities that pose or may pose a threat to the preservation of Denmark as a free, democratic and safe country". Further, "the primary duties of the PET are counter-terrorism, counter-extremism, counter-espionage and security."

Brongaard will become an operative with that organization as the series progresses. When we first meet her, however, she is a member of the Sirius Sledge Patrol (Slaedepatruljen Sirius) which "is an elite special forces unit within the Danish military with the primary mission of maintaining Danish sovereignty in Northeast Greenland".

She was 22 when she joined that very unusual and hazardous line of work, possibly the first woman to have made the very rigorous grade. As we catch up with her she is on her third rotation into the barely inhabited terrain where survival relied on your solo human partner, your sled dogs, and your own ingenuity and endurance. She asked for this assignment because of the challenge. "Competing in a biathlon is one thing, but I always wanted something more."

She will get more than the challenge when she is pushed from one harsh career into an even harsher one going up against agents from other countries far above the Arctic Circle where trust is harder to find than people. The dangers and suffering are made abundantly clear to her in her training, which is brutal in itself and had me wanting her to return to that facility later to get some much deserved revenge..

The tag line for this trilogy of adventures is "Run with Dogs. Fight Like Wolves". Brongaard has learned how to do both.


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2016
Last Appearance:2017

1 The Ice Star The Ice Star
Written by Christoffer Petersen
Copyright: 2016

Fenna Brongaard must trust a Greenlandic policeman and a local hunter if she is to have any chance of uncovering a scheme by a foreign power to undermine Danish power in the Arctic Circle.
"Alone in the world of men, Fenna soon realises that if you run with dogs, you have to fight like wolves."
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2 In The Shadow Of The Mountain In The Shadow Of The Mountain
Written by Christoffer Petersen
Copyright: 2017

Fenna Brongaard discovers upon returning to Greenland that the island "is only the tip of the iceberg, as Arctic and non-Arctic nations alike lay claim to the greatest prize in the High Arctic: the North Pole."
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3 The Shaman's House The Shaman's House
Written by Christoffer Petersen
Copyright: 2017

"In the eyes of the Danish government, Fenna Brongaard has switched sides and gone rogue.
The collateral damage she left in her wake in Greenland's capital, Nuuk, has been brushed away by a shadowy figure known as The Magician.
In return for his assistance, Fenna is tasked with entering the United States in the wake of a Presidential assassination, with one clear goal: to apprehend the assassin."
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I hate the cold; growing up on a farm in the center of South Dakota with its brutal winters, having no indoor plumbing makes needing to pee at 3am a very, very unpleasant event.

So why am I so fascinated by a series in which the main character is a woman from Denmark falling in love with life in the desolate northern part of Greenland?

I have no answer to that except to reaffirm that I was hooked on this series from the beginning and stayed that way.

I was especially hooked on Fenna Brongaard and the tenacity she shows constantly. She has her share of doubts as to her survival prospects - who wouldn't considering the number of times the bad guys get the drop on her and then pound the daylights out of her - but she never wavers from her determination to get the job done. The job to her is protecting Greenland for its natives.

This is a trilogy and it is a darn good one. I doubt there will be any more stories about her but I sure am glad to have read the three that I did.


My Grade: A-


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