Vanessa Tavonovich is an agent with the SVRR.
For those to whom the breakout of that acronym does not leap to mind, it is Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki Rossii, or Russian Federation Foreign Intelligence Service. In either languages, it sounds, as it should, like a very formidable organization to have to cross, or even work for.
According to a dossier in the archives of British intelligence agency CI6 (as opposed to MI6) on this highly gifted and dangerous female operative: "Tavonovich is known to have attended the Baryshnikov Ballet Academy of Dance in Moscow. It was there that she was recruited into the KGB. She is known to be an expert marksman, with a rating of Alpha plus. Tavonovich was trained in Martial Arts by the training wing of Bravo Battalion, 2nd Spetsnaz. Along with her skills as a dancer, Tavonovich is also a trained makeup artist. Making her difficult to find, as she never has the same face twice. She has been suspected in several assassinations over the past 8 years, though we cannot prove it. Currently Colonel Tavonovich is head of the Russian Counter-intelligence Agency and is assigned on a temporary basis with the Red Army. If apprehended, terminate.
According to that operative regarding the final words in that description: "If seen, terminate with extreme prejudice. Don't look so shocked comrades. I have earned my reputation. I am the deadliest of the species. I may look soft and feminine but inside beats the heart of a panther. Dark and deadly. This is what makes a good infiltrator and espionage agent."
When we first meet both the man reading that first description, Matt Brooks, and the subject of the description, Tavonovich, the former is finding yet again just how deadly the latter can be having just barely escaped capture and a very unpleasant future. Both promise themselves better results "next time".
As we discover through this series of adventures, there will be several next times.