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Full Name: Emily Abbott
Series Name: The Accidental Cases of Emily Abbott
Nationality: American
Organization: ICS
Occupation Agent

Creator: Perry Elisabeth Kirkpatrick
Time Span: 2019 - 2020


Emily Abbott is an agent with the ICS.

Before I explain what that organization is, I should mention that if Abbott heard me call her an agent she would laugh and there would be some eye-rolling; at first, anyways. Later not quite such a reaction but still, agent? Really? Yes, and no.

Emily Abbott is a barista. That is more accurate for when we first meet her and for some time after that. That is something she knows she is and knows she's good at it. She should be since she has been working at the same busy place for over a year when we meet up. But it is because she is a barista that she will become an agent. Thanks to Brent. More on him in a bit. For now let's concentrate on 19-year-old Abbott being at home behind the counter making lots of different coffee orders and fruit smoothees and trying like the dickens to save up money for college which is really hard on what a barista makes especially when she has a car that loves to suck up so-called extra cash. She is not an agent. Yet.

Now back to the ICS. When Abbott first hears that acronym, she was as ignorant about it as we are. International Covert Society is one guess she makes. Interim Coding Setup is another. Ice Cream Sandwich is a third. None of that is correct, apparently, but I can not tell you what is. In fact, Abbott explains finally that "It's something weird Brent calls [the] organization. Apparently, the real name of it is so top-secret, he had to invent an acronym to call it around me. I don't even know what the acronym stands for." Well, if she doesn't and she sort of works for them, off and on, I do not feel bad in my ignorance.

It would be more accurate to state that Abbott is "an accidental agent" because she was never supposed to become an agent. She was not supposed to even know that the agency, whatever it really is, exists. She just fell into the situation, well, accidentally. And then sort of does it again and again.

I mentioned there would be more on Brent so here it is. We meet him just a couple of pages after we meet Abbott and our meeting him is at the same time she does, which is when she arrives a tad late (again) at work to see him behind the counter very much not knowing how to make a decent expresso. Naturally being an operative, he is there undercover on a mission but Abbott has no way of knowing this and only sees that a really hunky guy is making a mess at barista-ing but is a perfect charmer when it comes to dealing with customers.

His real job and his real reason for being undercover will be revealed to Abbott, and us, soon thereafter and that is when the fun really begins.


Number of Books:8
First Appearance:2019
Last Appearance:2020

1 Red Rover, Red Rover Red Rover, Red Rover
Written by Perry Elisabeth Kirkpatrick
Copyright: 2019

"He's a spy, and he needs her help...
Emily Abbott is working hard as a coffee barista in downtown Phoenix, keeping one eye on her tiny college fund and the other on the mysterious new guy with his profound lack of coffee-making skills.
Just when she thinks they might be getting the hang of working together, she's abruptly thrust into his world of espionage and danger.
Brent Peterson needs her help to keep Red Rover safe and the information he carries out of the wrong hands. But she's just a barista—what can she do?
Much more than she thinks."
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2 Plan To Fail Plan To Fail
Written by Perry Elisabeth Kirkpatrick
Copyright: 2019

"She's just a coffee barista low on grocery money... does she have what it takes to go undercover?
When Brent asks Emily to be his date, she knows it doesn't mean anything. He has a mission requiring him to go undercover at a charity gala. After getting a makeover at his spy agency headquarters, she's ready to assume the role of an opinionated book reviewer from New York.
The Gremlin is planning to steal and sell top-secret blueprints from the aerospace company for which he works. When Emily literally bumps into him at the gala, she is able to plant an ICS tracking chip on his glasses. But the Gremlin is smarter than they thought, and ICS finds themselves in the dark about his buyer. With time running out, and the sale imminent, Emily must rely on instinct and quick thinking to save the day."
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3 Bad Things, Small Packages Bad Things, Small Packages
Written by Perry Elisabeth Kirkpatrick
Copyright: 2019

"Someone is chasing ICS agent Brent Peterson for the contents of a microSD card. The problem is... he doesn't have it.
Emily is just trying to adult: make ends meet, save for college, and keep from getting sick and missing work. But the microSD card Brent stashed on her car is making more trouble than either of them could have guessed. Getting it to the decryption genius before it self-destructs, and understanding its contents is going to take both of them.
The spy agency needs saving, but Brent and Emily don't even know it.
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4 Tutor, Nanny, Spit-Up, Spy Tutor, Nanny, Spit-Up, Spy
Written by Perry Elisabeth Kirkpatrick
Copyright: 2019

"When a highly-trained female spy breaks her leg just before beginning an undercover mission as a nanny, Emily Abbott, coffee barista, is asked to fill in.
Chatter suggests a guerrilla group is plotting the assassination of a South American diplomat while he and his family are in the U.S., and that the assassin may actually be one of his protection detail.
As nanny to the diplomat’s four young children, Emily will be perfectly positioned to keep an eye on things and report back to ICS, the spy organization Brent Peterson works for. Emily and Brent–who is undercover as the children’s tutor–navigate long-division, spit-up, arguments over toys, and suspicious guards to discover a plot that’s far more complicated and urgent than they realized.
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5 A-Spying We Will Go A-Spying We Will Go
Written by Perry Elisabeth Kirkpatrick
Copyright: 2019

"Camping doesn't lead to kidnapping... usually.
When Emily goes on a group camping trip in Northern Arizona, she suspects her biggest danger will be mosquito bites and bear-sightings. The trip becomes far from relaxing, however, when she hears from a family friend that they can't get in touch with her dad. Unable to call, due to spotty cell phone reception, she manages to send a text asking for Brent's help in checking on her dad.
But the spy has been incommunicado for several days, and it turns out he's up North too--trying to locate a missing ICS agent with information about the Ten Thousand."
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6 Once Upon A Dime Once Upon A Dime
Written by Perry Elisabeth Kirkpatrick
Copyright: 2019

"Emily Abbott is accidentally in danger. Targeted by the 10,000, a mysterious group of rogue spies, she’s been relocated to a safe-house, placed under the protection of an ICS agent, and given a new, temporary job in a political campaign’s call-center.
But when Brent calls her in a panic to say a bomb threat has been made against the campaign, she can’t help but become involved. As the threats ramp up, stolen RFID tech disguised as a pair of dimes shows up in Phoenix.
Is it a coincidence? Emily doesn’t think so.
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7 Five Star Spy Five Star Spy
Written by Perry Elisabeth Kirkpatrick
Copyright: 2020

"Friends don't let friends fail their mission...
Brent Peterson is back in town after chasing operatives of the group known as The 10,000-- and he's much worse for wear.
Emily is delighted to see him, but she's worried: Agent Nighthawk never fails at a mission, but if she doesn't help him he just might fail this one and let a mysterious 10,000 criminal slip through his fingers.
Not to mention worsen the barely-healed gunshot wound in his shoulder..."
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8 Fair In War Fair In War
Written by Perry Elisabeth Kirkpatrick
Copyright: 2020

"She expected popcorn and cheap prizes -- not a front-row seat to crime and conspiracy...
When Brent's brother Carter, unexpectedly arrives in Phoenix bearing important intel, Brent disappears into their world of espionage and world-saving, leaving Emily feeling left out. Telling herself she doesn't really belong in their world anyway, she determines to enjoy her afternoon at the state fair with Izzy.
But as she sees more and more familiar faces in the crowds and among the vendors, and when Izzy is arrested by security on trumped-up charges, it becomes clear something more is going on."
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From barista to undercover agent - that is a bit of a stretch, I'll grant you. This light-hearted spy series has a really fun time pulling you into the right position to pull it off. Does it? Well, not really but after a few minutes with Emily, you really don't care. She is fun to follow.

The series name the author/publisher came up with is The Accidental Cases of Emily Abbott and that really tracks as she never tried to become an operative, she was just in the wrong place at the right time. Several times over!

This is not a serious spy series but it is a hoot.


My Grade: B


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