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Full Name: Frederick Troy
Nationality: British
Organization: Scotland Yard
Occupation Police Officer

Creator: John Lawton
Time Span: 1995 - 998e


Frederick Troy is a homicide detective with Scotland Yard.

The period of time of the recorded adventures we have for Troy extend from 1938, just before the start of the hostilities of World War II, to 1963 and middle of the Baby Boomer era. The changes in the world around Troy during those near quarter century will be extensive and to a large degree exhausting but there will be several constants that will be inescapable in his line of work; people will still kill others for a wide variety of reasons and people like he will be needed to track them down and bring them to justice.

Since it is established firmly that Troy is a police officer and not in any way, at any time, a spy, the question arises then why he is included in this compendium. The answer comes from the fact that in those 20+ years he will deal with many, many homicides and the investigations of a fascinating number of those will pull him into the cloak and dagger world. This will greatly complicate his life and his doing his job because while with most homicides, the killer does not want to be caught, in the case of the clandestine world, quite often there will be a host of other interested parties who would prefer a case just go away. Sometimes those so wishing will have a good deal of authority to make it happen.

Troy joined the police force in 1936 at age 21 and after a couple years walking a beat, he was moved to the position of detective, working on "murder cases had led him to define all human relations in terms of conflict". To his mind, his early reach of the rank of Sergeant came from a a "rapid solution to a tricky case, together with the shortage of men in ... the War". To everyone else, he enjoyed whatever rank he has because he has earned it the hard way.

While Troy is British born and raised, he comes from Russian stock, his parents being emigres to England after leaving the Motherland to first spend time in Vienna and then make their way across the Channel. His older brother, Rod, had been born in Vienna. This will lend Troy an interesting pedigree which will help push him into some of the clandestine cases he will find thrown him way; namely his Russian heritage, and understanding of the language and culture, and his parents' time spent in a Germanic-speaking country, and thus a partial grasp of that region.

In the England in which Troy does his crime investigations, the outside threats will largely be felt coming from the hulking Soviet Union or its key satellite, East Germany. Both those nations will have ample reasons over the years to send their operatives to British soil and sometimes a few of them would find reason to kill the odd English citizen or two, or be themselves the victim of homicide. Those deaths would need to be investigated and when it came to picking the right man to head the cases, Troy with his lineage would be a logical choice.

One fascinating aspect of Troy's career will be that his impressive track record of solving difficult cases will make him to many the man to call and to many others the man to not call.


Number of Books:8
First Appearance:1995
Last Appearance:998e

1 Black Out Black Out
Written by John Lawton
Copyright: 1995

The years are 1944 and 1948.
"Sgt. Frederick Troy, the son of a distinguished Russian emigre. Children playing on an East End bombsite during the Blitz find a severed arm. This is no ordinary murder and Troy is soon on the trail of a German espionage network leading through a labyrinth of conspiracy and betrayal."
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2 Old Flames Old Flames
Written by John Lawton
Copyright: 1996

The year is 1956.
"The Cold War is at its height. For the first time, Soviet leaders (Bulganin and Khrushchev) visit Britain. The body of a diver is found floating near a Russian ship at Portsmouth. Is this the excuse Bulganin and Khrushchev need to storm out and freeze the Cold War still further? Chief Inspector Troy, by parentage a Russian speaker, investigates ... "
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3 A Little White Death A Little White Death
Written by John Lawton
Copyright: 1998e

The year is 1963.
"The old guard, shocked by the habits of the war baby youth, sets out to fight back. The battle reaches uncomfortably close to Troy. While he is on medical leave, the Yard brings charges against an acquaintance of his, a hedonistic doctor with a penchant for voyeurism and young women, two of whom just happen to be sleeping with a senior man at the Foreign Office as well as a KGB agent.
But on the eve of the verdict a curious double case of suicide drags Troy back into active duty. Beyond bedroom acrobatics, the secret affairs now stretch to double crosses and deals in the halls of power, not to mention murder."
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4 Riptide Riptide
aka Bluffing Mr. Churchill
Written by John Lawton
Copyright: 2001

The year is 1941.
"After ten years spying for the Americans, Wolfgang Stahl disappears during a Berlin air raid. The Germans think he's dead. The British know he's not. But where is he?
MI6 convince US Intelligence that Stahl will head for London, and so Captain Cal Cormack, a shy American 'aristocrat', is teamed with Chief Inspector Stilton of Stepney, fat, fifty, and convivial, and between them they scour London, a city awash with spivs and refugees.
But then things start to go terribly wrong and, ditched by MI6 and disowned by his embassy, Cal is introduced to his one last hope - Sergeant Troy of Scotland Yard..."
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5 Blue Rondo Blue Rondo
aka Flesh Wounds
Written by John Lawton
Copyright: 2005

The year is 1959.
"An old flame has returned to Troy's life: Kitty Stilton, now wife of an American presidential hopeful, has come back to London, and with her, an unwelcome guest.
Private eye Joey Rork has been hired to make sure Kitty's amorous liaisons with a rat-pack crooner don't ruin her husband's political career.
He wants to know why Kitty has been spotted with Danny Ryan, whose twin brothers, in addition to owning one of London's hottest jazz clubs, are said to have inherited the crime empire of fallen mobster Alf Marx.
Before Rork can find out, he meets a gruesome end...
But he isn't the only one,"
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6 Second Violin Second Violin
Written by John Lawton
Copyright: 2007

The year is 1938.
"In London, Frederick Troy, newly promoted to the prestigious Murder Squad at Scotland Yard, is put in charge of rounding up a list of German and Italian "enemy aliens" that also includes Frederick's brother, Rod, who learns upon receiving an internment letter that despite having grown up in England he is actually Austrian.
Hundreds of men are herded by train to a neglected camp on the Isle of Man.
And, as the bombs start falling on London, a murdered rabbi is found, then another, and another. Amidst great war, murder is what matters."
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7 A Lily Of The Field A Lily Of The Field
Written by John Lawton
Copyright: 2010

The year is 1948.
"Vienna, 1934. Ten-year-old cello prodigy Meret Voytek becomes a pupil of concert pianist Viktor Rosen, a Jew in exile from Germany.
The Isle of Man, 1940. An interned Hungarian physicist is recruited for the Manhattan Project in Los Alomos, building the atom bomb for the Americans.
Auschwitz, 1944. Meret is imprisoned but is saved from certain death to play the cello in the camp orchestra. She is playing for her life.
London, 1948. Viktor Rosen wants to relinquish his Communist Party membership after thirty years. His comrade and friend reminds him that he committed for life...
These seemingly unconnected strands all collide forcefully with a brazen murder on a London Underground platform, revealing an intricate web of secrecy and deception."
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8 Friends And Traitors Friends And Traitors
Written by John Lawton
Copyright: 2017

The year is 1958.
"Chief Superintendent Frederick Troy of Scotland Yard, newly promoted after good service during Nikita Khrushchev's visit to Britain, is not looking forward to a European trip with his older brother, Rod.
Rod has decided to take his entire family on "the Grand Tour" for his fifty-first birthday: a whirlwind of restaurants, galleries, and concert halls from Paris to Florence to Vienna to Amsterdam.
But Frederick Troy only gets as far as Vienna. It is there that he crosses paths with an old acquaintance, a man who always seems to be followed by trouble: British spy turned Soviet agent Guy Burgess.
Suffice it to say that Troy is more than surprised when Burgess, who has escaped from the bosom of Moscow for a quick visit to Vienna, tells him something extraordinary: “I want to come home.” Troy knows this news will cause a ruckus in London—but even Troy doesn’t expect an MI5 man to be gunned down as a result, with Troy himself suspected of doing the deed . . ."
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I have no idea why it took me so very long to add this fascinating character to the compendium. I think for too long I told myself he was a police detective and therefore did not belong but when I saw several other lists of spy series contain this one, I finally decided to revisit them and - shazam! They were right.

These historical adventures, which are an awesome combination of police detective stories and spy-hunter stories, are written by a genius of a writer and each page is worth spending time in.


My Grade: A

Your Average Grade:   A


A 2023-01-20

Really, really enjoyed these books. The writing is wonderful, I like the droll humour that appears on occasion. I chose to read these in chronological order...seemed to make sense at the time...

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