mad_magazine_146 mad_magazine_342 mad_magazine_503 mad_magazine_537 mad_magazine_521 mad_magazine_543 mad_magazine_183 mad_magazine_62 mad_magazine_519 mad_magazine_479 mad_magazine_459 spy_vs_spy_bk_5thmrosvs mad_magazine_377 mad_magazine_426 mad_magazine_446 mad_magazine_100 mad_magazine_394 mad_magazine_219 mad_magazine_102 mad_magazine_315 mad_magazine_375 mad_magazine_276 mad_magazine_286 mad_magazine_462 mad_magazine_324
Full Name: White Spy and Black Spy (and Gray Spy)
Nationality: Unknown
Organization: Unknown
Occupation Agent

Creator: Antonio Prohias
Time Span: 1961 - 2018


Black Spy and White Spy are agents for their country.

These are the two 'names' most commonly associated with the two although it is not unexpected with what they consistently wear that they are referred to as "Man in Black" and "Man in White". If either of these fellow had a real name outside of work, we never learn it.

We cannot list what countries those are because we are never, ever told. It is obvious that the nations abut each other because more than one of their skirmishes take place at a border crossing. From their proximity and the constant attempts to eliminate the other we can deduce that these two territories have been hostile to each other for some time..

We also have no idea whatsoever what agency inside those governments these two fellows work for. Does their respective departments have names or are they shadowy organizations best never mentioned outside a whisper? Such is the secretive world in which they operate that we are kept forever ignorant.

The two opponents are virtual carbon copies of each other, having the same builds and sizes and features. Both wear trenchcoats with wide-brim hats and low-heeled pointed-toe boots. White Spy is always clad in white garb while Black Spy constantly sports black apparel. Other than the color of their outfits they are indistinguishable from the other, including the mysterious sunglasses they always sport, even when relaxing at home.

Not very long after the start of the rivalry between Black Spy and White Spy, we are introduced to Grey Spy, a female agent otherwise known as "Woman in Gray". She is an operative who is best considered freelance or neutral; we get no idea what nation she is employed by. Nor do we ever learn if she favored one side or the other. Certainly both of them favored her and the mayhem between the two men got even more motivated after she showed up.


Number of Books:19
First Appearance:1965
Last Appearance:2016

1 The All New MAD Secret File on Spy vs Spy The All New MAD Secret File on Spy vs Spy
Written by Antonio Prohias
Copyright: 1965

"You are about to meet the BLACK SPY and the WHITE SPY - the two MAD-est spies in the whole world. Their antics are almost as funny as the C.I.A.S. These are the unprofessional agents who taught James Bond everything he knows -- about what not to do..."

2 MAD's Spy vs Spy Follow-Up File MAD's Spy vs Spy Follow-Up File
Written by Antonio Prohias
Copyright: 1968

36 escapades from MAD Magazine starting with "The Caged Bat Bites" and ending with "Miniaturizing a spy in a box mailed to the embassy".

3 The Third MAD Dossier of Spy vs Spy The Third MAD Dossier of Spy vs Spy
Written by Antonio Prohias
Copyright: 1972

"Don't go stir crazy! Break out of the doldrums! This book locks up another all new collection of crazy clashes between those two loveable mad spies! (How's that for a soft cell?)"

4 The Fourth MAD Declassified Papers on Spy vs Spy The Fourth MAD Declassified Papers on Spy vs Spy
Written by Antonio Prohias
Copyright: 1974

Collection of Spy vs Spy action from the pages of Mad Magazine.

5 The Fifth MAD Report on Spy vs Spy The Fifth MAD Report on Spy vs Spy
Written by Antonio Prohias
Copyright: 1978

Collection of Spy vs Spy action from the pages of Mad Magazine.

6 The Sixth MAD Case Book on Spy vs Spy The Sixth MAD Case Book on Spy vs Spy
Written by Antonio Prohias
Copyright: 1982

Collection of Spy vs Spy action from the pages of Mad Magazine.

7 MAD's Big Book of Spy vs Spy Capers: and Other Surprises MAD's Big Book of Spy vs Spy Capers: and Other Surprises
Written by Antonio Prohias
Copyright: 1982

"What's Cooking...? A tasty potpourri of some of the best "Spy vs Spy" adventures...laced with a few they were originally served in "Mad Magazine" by that Master Chef of Intrigue, Antonio Prohias."

8 Spy vs Spy Casebook Of Craziness Spy vs Spy Casebook Of Craziness
Written by Antonio Prohias
Copyright: 1984

"A collection of 25 bizarre and brutal battles featuring the world's most ferociously feuding foes in a gruesome grudge match that has no end!"

9 MAD Spy vs Spy The Updated Files #7 MAD Spy vs Spy The Updated Files #7
Written by Antonio Prohias
Copyright: 1989

"A collection of at least 22 conflicts between BS and WS starting with "Super Secret Peanut Potion Elephant Munch" and going to "Tarred and Flattened in the End".

10 MAD Spy vs Spy The Updated Files #8 MAD Spy vs Spy The Updated Files #8
Written by Antonio Prohias
Copyright: 1993

"A collection of 23 conflicts between BS and WS starting with "Helicopter sky plane" and going to "Lady spy operates blade hurdles".

11 Spy vs Spy: The Complete Casebook Spy vs Spy: The Complete Casebook
Written by Antonio Prohias
Copyright: 2001

"In the grand tradition of Krazy Kat & Ignatz Mouse and the Road Runner & Wile E. Coyote, the Spies (one dressed in black, the other in white) are an endless variation on a Cold War theme—forever one-upping the other, til death do they part.In the grand tradition of Krazy Kat & Ignatz Mouse and the Road Runner & Wile E. Coyote, the Spies (one dressed in black, the other in white) are an endless variation on a Cold War theme—forever one-upping the other, til death do they part."

12 Spy vs Spy 2: The Joke and Dagger Files Spy vs Spy 2: The Joke and Dagger Files
Written by Peter Kuper
Copyright: 2007

"Black versus white. Yin versus yang. Good versus...wait, they’re both evil. Or are they both good? Discuss. Everyone knows and loves Spy vs. Spy, the two MAD magazine spies locked in eternal, existential battle. In the rich tradition of Spy vs. Spy one-upmanship, Spy vs. Spy 2: The Joke and Dagger Files is the follow-up to Spy vs. Spy: The Complete Casebook. This full-color sequel (only the spies are still black and white) takes up where the first volume left off and includes a foreword by J.J. Abrams, 230 Spy strips by Spy artist Peter Kuper, 56 Spy strips by Bob Clarke, 85 Spy strips and Sunday newspaper strips by Dave Manak, and material from the popular Spy Mountain Dew commercials, MAD TV spots, and MAD Kids Spy vs. Spy Jr."

13 Spy vs Spy Masters of Mayhem Spy vs Spy Masters of Mayhem
Written by Antonio Prohias
Copyright: 2009

Collection of 192 pages of Spy vs Spy escapades from Mad Magazine.

14 Spy vs Spy Danger! Intrigue! Stupidity! Spy vs Spy Danger! Intrigue! Stupidity!
Written by Antonio Prohias
Copyright: 2009

Another collection of 192 pages of Spy vs Spy escapades from Mad Magazine.

15 Spy vs Spy The Top Secret Files Spy vs Spy The Top Secret Files
Written by Peter Kuper
Copyright: 2011

"Spy vs. Spy has been one of the most popular features in MAD Magazine. The diabolical duo of double-crosses and deceit (one dressed in black, the other in white) have continued to one-up each other until death do they part. This new edition of Spy Vs. Spy spotlights the work of Peter Kuper who continues the series following the death of Antonio Prohías, the original creator."

16 MAD Spy vs Spy: Black (And White) Ops MAD Spy vs Spy: Black (And White) Ops
Written by Antonio Prohias
Copyright: 2011

"25 Classic Spy battles by Antonio Prohias! Featuring electrocutions! Explosions! Strangulation by Octopus! And much, much more!"

17 Spy vs Spy Fight To The Finish Spy vs Spy Fight To The Finish
Written by Peter Kuper
Copyright: 2013

"Spy vs. Spy has been one of the most popular features in MAD Magazine since 1961. The diabolical duo of double-crosses and deceit (one dressed in black, the other in white) have continued to one-up each other until death do they part.
The Spy vs. Spy comics collect here were hand picked by The Usual Gang of Idiots to provide the maximum amount of idiotic espionage!"

18 MAD Spy vs Spy: An Explosive Celebration MAD Spy vs Spy: An Explosive Celebration
Written by Antonio Prohias
Copyright: 2015

"MAD Magazine's iconic Spy vs Spy comic strip--now in full color!
One of the most celebrated comic strips in MAD's history has a deceptively simple concept: twin spies, one clad in black and the other in white, outdoing each other in elaborately stupid plots to achieve the other's demise. Now, for the first time, MAD presents a new Spy vs Spy anthology celebrating 150 classic adventures in blazing full color."
Contains a slew of extras!

19 MAD Presents Spy vs Spy: The Big Blast MAD Presents Spy vs Spy: The Big Blast
Written by Antonio Prohias
Copyright: 2016

"A celebration of deceit, destruction and mayhem!"


Number of Stories:1
First Appearance:1961
Last Appearance:2018

In Mad Magazine #60 in January, 1960, a new feature appeared which would stay for the remainder of the august publications very long life; Spy vs Spy.

It was created by award winning Cuban artist and satirist Antonia Prohias, a man who had run afoul of then new President Fidel Castro and had fled that Caribbean island nation to avoid his wrath.

According to the blurb introducing the new series in the magazine, the editor wrote, "Once here, he came directly to MAD. Among the things he showed us was this captivating cartoon-sequence of friendly rivalry called Spy vs Spy".

1 Tea at the Cafe Tea at the Cafe
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1961

1st of 3 stories published in MAD Magazine #60, Jan 1961.
BS and WS meet at an outdoor cafe for coffee. 

2 Park Bench Spying Park Bench Spying
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1961

2nd of 3 stories published in MAD Magazine #60, Jan 1961.
BS and WS steal each other's secrets sitting on a park bench.

3 Time Bomb Time Bomb
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1961

3rd of 3 stories published in MAD Magazine #60, Jan 1961.
BS learns alarm clocks can be killer.

4 Toasting White Spy's Demise Toasting White Spy's Demise
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1961

1st of 2 stories published in MAD Magazine #61, Mar. 1961.
BS is a bit premature toasting the death of WS.

5 Dog Walking Dog Walking
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1961

2nd of 2 stories published in MAD Magazine #61, Mar. 1961.
WS watches BS innocently walking his dog.

6 Girls of Their Dreams Girls of Their Dreams
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1961

1st of 2 stories published in MAD Magazine #62, Apr. 1961.
Both WS and BS dream how they can lure the other to his death.

7 Blown Girls of Their Dreams Blown Girls of Their Dreams
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1961

2nd of 2 stories published in MAD Magazine #62, Apr. 1961.
Both WS and BS pass on the street the women of their dreams and blow it.

8 Deadly Phone Call Deadly Phone Call
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1961

1st of 2 stories published in MAD Magazine #63, Apr. 1961.
Thanks to WS, BS finds answering the phone can be murder.

9 Deadly Egg Deadly Egg
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1961

2nd of 2 stories published in MAD Magazine #63, Apr. 1961.
WS finds out the hard way that Hen + TNT = Oops.

10 Cat Disguise Cat Disguise
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1961

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #64, Jul 1961.
WS disguises himself as a cat to infiltrate BS's home. BS retaliates as a dog.

11 Dog Deception Dog Deception
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1961

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #64, Jul 1961.
After training his dog to want to attack WS, BS takes him on a hunt but is is coated with white paint, making him look to the dog like WS.

12 Music Over Machinegun Music Over Machinegun
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1961

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #65, Sep 1961.
Meeting at a street corner each with a violin case, WS pulls out a machinegun while BS has a violin. Bad music wins.

13 Eavesdropping Isn't Nice Eavesdropping Isn't Nice
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1961

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #65, Sep 1961.
BS sneaks up to WS's house and hears what he thinks is WS using a telegraph and decides to intercept the traffic.

14 I Need Therapy I Need Therapy
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1961

Single story in MAD Magazine #67, Dec 1961.
About to meet on a street corner, WS paints himself black while BS paints himself white. Actually meeting, they both end up on psychiatrist's couches.

15 Tunnel Trouble Tunnel Trouble
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #69, Mar 1962.
BS sees WS camping. He digs a tunnel to beneath where WS has his tent and leaves a bomb. It does not end well.

16 Trash Can Trouble Trash Can Trouble
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #69, Mar 1962.
Certain that BS is lying in wait at a street corner, WS quickly stashes important documents in a trashcan to keep them from being stolen. It does not end well.

17 Shocking Present Shocking Present
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #70, Apr 1962.
Seeing an approaching storm, WS steals a lightning rod from a building and wraps it into a present for BS. It does not end well.

18 A Fan of Bomb Dropping A Fan of Bomb Dropping
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #70, Apr 1962.
Both suffering from the heat, WS sees BS sticking his head out of a window one floor below. WS realizes the opportunity to drop a bomb on BS. BS is kind of a fan of the idea.

19 Precisely Calculated Location Precisely Calculated Location
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #71, Jun 1962.
WS watches BS make detailed calculations as to where to leave a bucket of water and is very curious about that.

20 Here, Doggy, Try This Here, Doggy, Try This
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #71, Jun 1962.
Concerned that WS might have doctored BS's meal at a cafe, BS gives some to a passing dog to make sure it is alright. 

21 Wind-Up Spy Wind-Up Spy
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #72, Jul 1962.
Watching BS wind up a life-like version of himself, WS sneaks up and attacks, to unexpected results.

22 Smoking Will Kill You Smoking Will Kill You
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #72, Jul 1962.
Facing a firing squad of one, WS asks for a final cigar. BS learns smoking is bad for you.

23 Maybe Not So Dead Maybe Not So Dead
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #73, Sep 1962.
The evidence is clear. WS is gone. Cut in half by a train. Drowned. Stabbed in the back. Gone. Not so much.

24 Romantic Rivalry Romantic Rivalry
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #73, Sep 1962.
GS entices first BS then WS and literally gives each enough rope to do themselves harm.

25 Out One Barrel And Into Another Out One Barrel And Into Another
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #74, Oct 1962.
Why BS would blindly follow WS into a sewer pipe is unknown but it does not work out well when part of the pipe is a cannon.

26 Magnetic Pull Magnetic Pull
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #74, Oct 1962.
GS proves opposites attract in an unpleasant manner when she secrets onto WS a powerful magnet and onto BS a large iron object.

27 Topsy Turvy See-Saw Topsy Turvy See-Saw
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #75, Dec 1962.
BS has an interesting plan to use WS's skill with Judo against him.

28 Amuse Me! Amuse Me!
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #75, Dec 1962.
After enticing both BS and WS with fancy weaponry, GS sits atop a knoll to watch them go at it.

29 Just Follow The Instructions Just Follow The Instructions
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1963

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #77, Mar 1963.
BS steals from WS a set of instructions for a top secret device which when put together, do not work like BS expected.

30 Jigsaw Puzzle Jigsaw Puzzle
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Antonio Prohias (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1963

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #77, Mar 1963.
Seeing pieces of a large jigsaw puzzle on the ground, WS and BS decide to work together to complete it. It turns out to be a target left by GS.

31 Adv. 31 Adv. 31
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1963

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #78, Apr 1963.
[plot unknown]

32 Adv. 32 Adv. 32
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1963

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #78, Apr 1963.
[plot unknown]

33 Adv. 33 Adv. 33
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1963

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #79, Jun 1963.
[plot unknown]

34 Adv. 34 Adv. 34
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1963

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #79, Jun 1963.
[plot unknown]

35 Adv. 35 Adv. 35
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1963

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #81, Sep 1963.
[plot unknown]

36 Adv. 36 Adv. 36
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1963

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #81, Sep 1963.
[plot unknown]

37 Adv. 37 Adv. 37
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1963

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #82, Oct 1963.
[plot unknown]

38 Adv. 38 Adv. 38
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1963

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #82, Oct 1963.
[plot unknown]

39 Adv. 39 Adv. 39
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1963

1st of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #83, Dec 1963.
[plot unknown]

40 Adv. 40 Adv. 40
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1963

2nd of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #83, Dec 1963.
[plot unknown]

41 Adv. 41 Adv. 41
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1963

3rd of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #83, Dec 1963.
[plot unknown]

42 Adv. 42 Adv. 42
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1964

1st of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #84, Jan 1964.
[plot unknown]

43 Adv. 43 Adv. 43
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1964

2nd of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #84, Jan 1964.
[plot unknown]

44 Adv. 44 Adv. 44
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1964

3rd of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #84, Jan 1964.
[plot unknown]

45 Adv. 45 Adv. 45
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1964

1st of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #85, Mar 1964.
[plot unknown]

46 Adv. 46 Adv. 46
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1964

2nd of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #85, Mar 1964.
[plot unknown]

47 Adv. 47 Adv. 47
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1964

3rd of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #85, Mar 1964.
[plot unknown]

48 Adv. 48 Adv. 48
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1964

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #86, Apr 1964.
[plot unknown]

49 Adv. 49 Adv. 49
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1964

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #86, Apr 1964.
[plot unknown]

50 Adv. 50 Adv. 50
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1964

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #87, Jun 1964.
[plot unknown]

51 Adv. 51 Adv. 51
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1964

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #87, Jun 1964.
[plot unknown]

52 Adv. 52 Adv. 52
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1964

1st of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #88, Jul 1964.
[plot unknown]

53 Adv. 53 Adv. 53
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1964

2nd of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #88, Jul 1964.
[plot unknown]

54 Adv. 54 Adv. 54
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1964

3rd of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #88, Jul 1964.
[plot unknown]

55 Adv. 55 Adv. 55
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1964

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #89, Sep 1964.
[plot unknown]

56 Adv. 56 Adv. 56
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1964

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #89, Sep 1964.
[plot unknown]

57 Adv. 57 Adv. 57
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1964

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #90, Oct 1964.
[plot unknown]

58 Adv. 58 Adv. 58
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1964

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #90, Oct 1964.
[plot unknown]

59 Adv. 59 Adv. 59
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1964

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #91, Dec 1964.
[plot unknown]

60 Adv. 60 Adv. 60
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1964

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #91, Dec 1964.
[plot unknown]

61 Adv. 61 Adv. 61
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1965

1st of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #92, Jan 1965.
[plot unknown]

62 Adv. 62 Adv. 62
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1965

2nd of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #92, Jan 1965.
[plot unknown]

63 Adv. 63 Adv. 63
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1965

3rd of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #92, Jan 1965.
[plot unknown]

64 Adv. 64 Adv. 64
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1965

1st of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #93, Mar 1965.
[plot unknown]

65 Adv. 65 Adv. 65
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1965

2nd of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #93, Mar 1965.
[plot unknown]

66 Adv. 66 Adv. 66
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1965

3rd of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #93, Mar 1965.
[plot unknown]

67 Adv. 67 Adv. 67
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1965

1st of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #94, Apr 1965.
[plot unknown]

68 Adv. 68 Adv. 68
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1965

2nd of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #94, Apr 1965.
[plot unknown]

69 Adv. 69 Adv. 69
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1965

3rd of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #94, Apr 1965.
[plot unknown]

70 Adv. 70 Adv. 70
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1965

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #95, Jun 1965.
[plot unknown]

71 Adv. 71 Adv. 71
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1965

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #95, Jun 1965.
[plot unknown]

72 Adv. 72 Adv. 72
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1965

1st of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #96, Jul 1965.
[plot unknown]

73 Adv. 73 Adv. 73
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1965

2nd of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #96, Jul 1965.
[plot unknown]

74 Adv. 74 Adv. 74
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1965

3rd of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #96, Jul 1965.
[plot unknown]

75 Adv. 75 Adv. 75
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1965

1st of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #97, Sep 1965.
[plot unknown]

76 Adv. 76 Adv. 76
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1965

2nd of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #97, Sep 1965.
[plot unknown]

77 Adv. 77 Adv. 77
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1965

3rd of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #97, Sep 1965.
[plot unknown]

78 Adv. 78 Adv. 78
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1965

1st of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #98, Oct 1965.
[plot unknown]

79 Adv. 79 Adv. 79
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1965

2nd of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #98, Oct 1965.
[plot unknown]

80 Adv. 80 Adv. 80
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1965

3rd of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #98, Oct 1965.
[plot unknown]

81 Adv. 81 Adv. 81
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1965

1st of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #99, Dec 1965.
[plot unknown]

82 Adv. 82 Adv. 82
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1965

2nd of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #99, Dec 1965.
[plot unknown]

83 Adv. 83 Adv. 83
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1965

3rd of 3 stories in MAD Magazine #99, Dec 1965.
[plot unknown]

84 Adv. 84 Adv. 84
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1966

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #100, Jan 1966.
[plot unknown]

85 Adv. 85 Adv. 85
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1966

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #100, Jan 1966.
[plot unknown]

86 Adv. 86 Adv. 86
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1966

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #101, Mar 1966.
[plot unknown]

87 Adv. 87 Adv. 87
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1966

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #101, Mar 1966.
[plot unknown]

88 Adv. 88 Adv. 88
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1966

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #102, Apr 1966.
[plot unknown]

89 Adv. 89 Adv. 89
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1966

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #102, Apr 1966.
[plot unknown]

90 Adv. 90 Adv. 90
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1966

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #106, Oct 1966.
[plot unknown]

91 Adv. 91 Adv. 91
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1966

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #106, Oct 1966.
[plot unknown]

92 Adv. 92 Adv. 92
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1966

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #107, Dec 1966.
[plot unknown]

93 Adv. 93 Adv. 93
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1966

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #107, Dec 1966.
[plot unknown]

94 Adv. 94 Adv. 94
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1967

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #108, Jan 1967.
[plot unknown]

95 Adv. 95 Adv. 95
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1967

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #108, Jan 1967.
[plot unknown]

96 Adv. 96 Adv. 96
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1967

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #109, Mar 1967.
[plot unknown]

97 Adv. 97 Adv. 97
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1967

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #109, Mar 1967.
[plot unknown]

98 Adv. 98 Adv. 98
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1967

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #110, Apr 1967.
[plot unknown]

99 Adv. 99 Adv. 99
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1967

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #110, Apr 1967.
[plot unknown]

100 Adv. 100 Adv. 100
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1967

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #111, Jun 1967.
[plot unknown]

101 Adv. 101 Adv. 101
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1967

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #111, Jun 1967.
[plot unknown]

102 Adv. 102 Adv. 102
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1967

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #112, Jul 1967.
[plot unknown]

103 Adv. 103 Adv. 103
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1967

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #112, Jul 1967.
[plot unknown]

104 Adv. 104 Adv. 104
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1967

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #113, Sep 1967.
[plot unknown]

105 Adv. 105 Adv. 105
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1967

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #113, Sep 1967.
[plot unknown]

106 Adv. 106 Adv. 106
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1967

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #114, Oct 1967.
[plot unknown]

107 Adv. 107 Adv. 107
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1967

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #114, Oct 1967.
[plot unknown]

108 Adv. 108 Adv. 108
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1968

Single story in MAD Magazine #116, Jan 1968.
[plot unknown]

109 Adv. 109 Adv. 109
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1968

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #117, Mar 1968.
[plot unknown]

110 Adv. 110 Adv. 110
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1968

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #117, Mar 1968.
[plot unknown]

111 Adv. 111 Adv. 111
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1968

Single story in MAD Magazine #118, Apr 1968.
[plot unknown]

112 Adv. 112 Adv. 112
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1968

Single story in MAD Magazine #121, Sep 1968.
[plot unknown]

113 Adv. 113 Adv. 113
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1968

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #122, Oct 1968.
[plot unknown]

114 Adv. 114 Adv. 114
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1968

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #122, Oct 1968.
[plot unknown]

115 Adv. 115 Adv. 115
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1968

Single story in MAD Magazine #123, Dec 1968.
[plot unknown]

116 Adv. 116 Adv. 116
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1969

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #124, Jan 1969.
[plot unknown]

117 Adv. 117 Adv. 117
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1969

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #124, Jan 1969.
[plot unknown]

118 Adv. 118 Adv. 118
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1969

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #125, Mar 1969.
[plot unknown]

119 Adv. 119 Adv. 119
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1969

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #125, Mar 1969.
[plot unknown]

120 Adv. 120 Adv. 120
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1969

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #126, Apr 1969.
[plot unknown]

121 Adv. 121 Adv. 121
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1969

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #126, Apr 1969.
[plot unknown]

122 Adv. 122 Adv. 122
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1969

Single story in MAD Magazine #127, Jun 1969.
[plot unknown]

123 Adv. 123 Adv. 123
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1969

Single story in MAD Magazine #128, Jul 1969.
[plot unknown]

124 Adv. 124 Adv. 124
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1969

Single story in MAD Magazine #129, Sep 1969.
[plot unknown]

125 Adv. 125 Adv. 125
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1969

Single story in MAD Magazine #130, Oct 1969.
[plot unknown]

126 Adv. 126 Adv. 126
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1969

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #131, Dec 1969.
[plot unknown]

127 Adv. 127 Adv. 127
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1969

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #131, Dec 1969.
[plot unknown]

128 Adv. 128 Adv. 128
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1970

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #132, Jan 1970.
[plot unknown]

129 Adv. 129 Adv. 129
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1970

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #132, Jan 1970.
[plot unknown]

130 Adv. 130 Adv. 130
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1970

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #133, Mar 1970.
[plot unknown]

131 Adv. 131 Adv. 131
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1970

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #133, Mar 1970.
[plot unknown]

132 Adv. 132 Adv. 132
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1970

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #134, Apr 1970.
[plot unknown]

133 Adv. 133 Adv. 133
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1970

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #134, Apr 1970.
[plot unknown]

134 Adv. 134 Adv. 134
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1970

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #136, Jul 1970.
[plot unknown]

135 Adv. 135 Adv. 135
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1970

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #136, Jul 1970.
[plot unknown]

136 Adv. 136 Adv. 136
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1970

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #137, Sep 1970.
[plot unknown]

137 Adv. 137 Adv. 137
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1970

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #137, Sep 1970.
[plot unknown]

138 Adv. 138 Adv. 138
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1970

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #138, Oct 1970.
[plot unknown]

139 Adv. 139 Adv. 139
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1970

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #138, Oct 1970.
[plot unknown]

140 Adv. 140 Adv. 140
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1970

Single story in MAD Magazine #139, Dec 1970.
[plot unknown]

141 Adv. 141 Adv. 141
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1971

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #140, Jan 1971.
[plot unknown]

142 Adv. 142 Adv. 142
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1971

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #140, Jan 1971.
[plot unknown]

143 Adv. 143 Adv. 143
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1971

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #141, Mar 1971.
[plot unknown]

144 Adv. 144 Adv. 144
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1971

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #141, Mar 1971.
[plot unknown]

145 Adv. 145 Adv. 145
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1971

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #142, Apr 1971.
[plot unknown]

146 Adv. 146 Adv. 146
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1971

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #142, Apr 1971.
[plot unknown]

147 Adv. 147 Adv. 147
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1971

Single story in MAD Magazine #143, Jun 1971.
[plot unknown]

148 Adv. 148 Adv. 148
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1971

Single story in MAD Magazine #144, Jul 1971.
[plot unknown]

149 Adv. 149 Adv. 149
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1971

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #145, Sep 1971.
[plot unknown]

150 Adv. 150 Adv. 150
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1971

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #145, Sep 1971.
[plot unknown]

151 Adv. 151 Adv. 151
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1971

Single story in MAD Magazine #146, Oct 1971.
[plot unknown]

152 Adv. 152 Adv. 152
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1971

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #147, Dec 1971.
[plot unknown]

153 Adv. 153 Adv. 153
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1971

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #147, Dec 1971.
[plot unknown]

154 Adv. 154 Adv. 154
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1972

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #148, Jan 1972.
[plot unknown]

155 Adv. 155 Adv. 155
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1972

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #148, Jan 1972.
[plot unknown]

156 Adv. 156 Adv. 156
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1972

Single story in MAD Magazine #149, Mar 1972.
[plot unknown]

157 Adv. 157 Adv. 157
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1972

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #152, Jul 1972.
[plot unknown]

158 Adv. 158 Adv. 158
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1972

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #152, Jul 1972.
[plot unknown]

159 Adv. 159 Adv. 159
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1972

Single story in MAD Magazine #153, Sep 1972.
[plot unknown]

160 Adv. 160 Adv. 160
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1972

Single story in MAD Magazine #154, Oct 1972.
[plot unknown]

161 Adv. 161 Adv. 161
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1972

Single story in MAD Magazine #155, Dec 1972.
[plot unknown]

162 Adv. 162 Adv. 162
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1973

Single story in MAD Magazine #156, Jan 1973.
[plot unknown]

163 Adv. 163 Adv. 163
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1973

Single story in MAD Magazine #157, Mar 1973.
[plot unknown]

164 Adv. 164 Adv. 164
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1973

Single story in MAD Magazine #158, Apr 1973.
[plot unknown]

165 Adv. 165 Adv. 165
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1973

Single story in MAD Magazine #160, Jul 1973.
[plot unknown]

166 Adv. 166 Adv. 166
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1973

Single story in MAD Magazine #162, Oct 1973.
[plot unknown]

167 Adv. 167 Adv. 167
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1974

Single story in MAD Magazine #164, Jan 1974.
[plot unknown]

168 Adv. 168 Adv. 168
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1974

Single story in MAD Magazine #165, Mar 1974.
[plot unknown]

169 Adv. 169 Adv. 169
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1974

Single story in MAD Magazine #166, Apr 1974.
[plot unknown]

170 Adv. 170 Adv. 170
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1974

Single story in MAD Magazine #170, Oct 1974.
[plot unknown]

171 Adv. 171 Adv. 171
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1974

Single story in MAD Magazine #171, Dec 1974.
[plot unknown]

172 Adv. 172 Adv. 172
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1975

Single story in MAD Magazine #173, Mar 1975.
[plot unknown]

173 Adv. 173 Adv. 173
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1975

Single story in MAD Magazine #174, Apr 1975.
[plot unknown]

174 Adv. 174 Adv. 174
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1975

Single story in MAD Magazine #175, Jun 1975.
[plot unknown]

175 Adv. 175 Adv. 175
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1975

Single story in MAD Magazine #177, Sep 1975.
[plot unknown]

176 Adv. 176 Adv. 176
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1975

Single story in MAD Magazine #178, Oct 1975.
[plot unknown]

177 Adv. 177 Adv. 177
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1975

Single story in MAD Magazine #179, Dec 1975.
[plot unknown]

178 Adv. 178 Adv. 178
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1976

Single story in MAD Magazine #181, Mar 1976.
[plot unknown]

179 Adv. 179 Adv. 179
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1976

Single story in MAD Magazine #182, Apr 1976.
[plot unknown]

180 Adv. 180 Adv. 180
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1976

Single story in MAD Magazine #183, Jun 1976.
[plot unknown]

181 Adv. 181 Adv. 181
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1976

Single story in MAD Magazine #184, Jul 1976.
[plot unknown]

182 Adv. 182 Adv. 182
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1976

Single story in MAD Magazine #185, Sep 1976.
[plot unknown]

183 Adv. 183 Adv. 183
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1976

Single story in MAD Magazine #186, Oct 1976.
[plot unknown]

184 Adv. 184 Adv. 184
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1976

Single story in MAD Magazine #187, Dec 1976.
[plot unknown]

185 Adv. 185 Adv. 185
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1977

Single story in MAD Magazine #188, Jan 1977.
[plot unknown]

186 Adv. 186 Adv. 186
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1977

Single story in MAD Magazine #191, Jun 1977.
[plot unknown]

187 Adv. 187 Adv. 187
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1977

Single story in MAD Magazine #193, Sep 1977.
[plot unknown]

188 Adv. 188 Adv. 188
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1977

Single story in MAD Magazine #195, Dec 1977.
[plot unknown]

189 Adv. 189 Adv. 189
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1978

Single story in MAD Magazine #198, Apr 1978.
[plot unknown]

190 Adv. 190 Adv. 190
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1978

Single story in MAD Magazine #200, Jul 1978.
[plot unknown]

191 Adv. 191 Adv. 191
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1978

Single story in MAD Magazine #201, Sep 1978.
[plot unknown]

192 Adv. 192 Adv. 192
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1979

Single story in MAD Magazine #207, Jun 1979.
[plot unknown]

193 Adv. 193 Adv. 193
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1979

Single story in MAD Magazine #208, Jul 1979.
[plot unknown]

194 Adv. 194 Adv. 194
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1979

Single story in MAD Magazine #209, Sep 1979.
[plot unknown]

195 Adv. 195 Adv. 195
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1979

Single story in MAD Magazine #210, Oct 1979.
[plot unknown]

196 Adv. 196 Adv. 196
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1979

Single story in MAD Magazine #211, Dec 1979.
[plot unknown]

197 Adv. 197 Adv. 197
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1980

Single story in MAD Magazine #215, Jun 1980.
[plot unknown]

198 Adv. 198 Adv. 198
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1980

Single story in MAD Magazine #218, Oct 1980.
[plot unknown]

199 Adv. 199 Adv. 199
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1980

Single story in MAD Magazine #219, Dec 1980.
[plot unknown]

200 Adv. 200 Adv. 200
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1981

Single story in MAD Magazine #220, Jan 1981.
[plot unknown]

201 Adv. 201 Adv. 201
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1981

Single story in MAD Magazine #221, Mar 1981.
[plot unknown]

202 Adv. 202 Adv. 202
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1981

Single story in MAD Magazine #222, Apr 1981.
[plot unknown]

203 Adv. 203 Adv. 203
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1981

Single story in MAD Magazine #224, Jul 1981.
[plot unknown]

204 Adv. 204 Adv. 204
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1981

Single story in MAD Magazine #226, Oct 1981.
[plot unknown]

205 Adv. 205 Adv. 205
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1981

Single story in MAD Magazine #227, Dec 1981.
[plot unknown]

206 Adv. 206 Adv. 206
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1982

Single story in MAD Magazine #229, Mar 1982.
[plot unknown]

207 Adv. 207 Adv. 207
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1982

Single story in MAD Magazine #230, Apr 1982.
[plot unknown]

208 Adv. 208 Adv. 208
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1982

Single story in MAD Magazine #232, Jul 1982.
[plot unknown]

209 Adv. 209 Adv. 209
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1982

Single story in MAD Magazine #233, Sep 1982.
[plot unknown]

210 Adv. 210 Adv. 210
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1982

Single story in MAD Magazine #234, Oct 1982.
[plot unknown]

211 Adv. 211 Adv. 211
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1982

Single story in MAD Magazine #235, Dec 1982.
[plot unknown]

212 Adv. 212 Adv. 212
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1983

Single story in MAD Magazine #236, Jan 1983.
[plot unknown]

213 Adv. 213 Adv. 213
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1983

Single story in MAD Magazine #237, Mar 1983.
[plot unknown]

214 Adv. 214 Adv. 214
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1983

Single story in MAD Magazine #238, Apr 1983.
[plot unknown]

215 Adv. 215 Adv. 215
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1983

Single story in MAD Magazine #239, Jun 1983.
[plot unknown]

216 Adv. 216 Adv. 216
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1983

Single story in MAD Magazine #240, Jul 1983.
[plot unknown]

217 Adv. 217 Adv. 217
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1983

Single story in MAD Magazine #241, Sep 1983.
[plot unknown]

218 Adv. 218 Adv. 218
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1983

Single story in MAD Magazine #242, Oct 1983.
[plot unknown]

219 Adv. 219 Adv. 219
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1983

Single story in MAD Magazine #243, Dec 1983.
[plot unknown]

220 Adv. 220 Adv. 220
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1984

Single story in MAD Magazine #244, Jan 1984.
[plot unknown]

221 Adv. 221 Adv. 221
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1984

Single story in MAD Magazine #245, Mar 1984.
[plot unknown]

222 Adv. 222 Adv. 222
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1984

Single story in MAD Magazine #246, Apr 1984.
[plot unknown]

223 Adv. 223 Adv. 223
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1984

Single story in MAD Magazine #247, Jun 1984.
[plot unknown]

224 Adv. 224 Adv. 224
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1984

Single story in MAD Magazine #248, Jul 1984.
[plot unknown]

225 Adv. 225 Adv. 225
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1984

Single story in MAD Magazine #249, Sep 1984.
[plot unknown]

226 Adv. 226 Adv. 226
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1984

Single story in MAD Magazine #250, Oct 1984.
[plot unknown]

227 Adv. 227 Adv. 227
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1984

Single story in MAD Magazine #251, Dec 1984.
[plot unknown]

228 Adv. 228 Adv. 228
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1985

Single story in MAD Magazine #252, Jan 1985.
[plot unknown]

229 Adv. 229 Adv. 229
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1985

Single story in MAD Magazine #253, Mar 1985.
[plot unknown]

230 Adv. 230 Adv. 230
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1985

Single story in MAD Magazine #255, Jun 1985.
[plot unknown]

231 Adv. 231 Adv. 231
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1985

Single story in MAD Magazine #258, Oct 1985.
[plot unknown]

232 Adv. 232 Adv. 232
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1986

Single story in MAD Magazine #261, Mar 1986.
[plot unknown]

233 Adv. 233 Adv. 233
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1986

Single story in MAD Magazine #262, Apr 1986.
[plot unknown]

234 Adv. 234 Adv. 234
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1986

Single story in MAD Magazine #263, Jun 1986.
[plot unknown]

235 Adv. 235 Adv. 235
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1986

Single story in MAD Magazine #264, Jul 1986.
[plot unknown]

236 Adv. 236 Adv. 236
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1986

Single story in MAD Magazine #265, Sep 1986.
[plot unknown]

237 Adv. 237 Adv. 237
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1986

Single story in MAD Magazine #266, Oct 1986.
[plot unknown]

238 Adv. 238 Adv. 238
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1986

Single story in MAD Magazine #267, Dec 1986.
[plot unknown]

239 Adv. 239 Adv. 239
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1987

Single story in MAD Magazine #268, Jan 1987.
[plot unknown]

240 Adv. 240 Adv. 240
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1987

Single story in MAD Magazine #269, Mar 1987.
[plot unknown]

241 Adv. 241 Adv. 241
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1987

Single story in MAD Magazine #270, Apr 1987.
[plot unknown]

242 Adv. 242 Adv. 242
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1987

Single story in MAD Magazine #271, Jun 1987.
[plot unknown]

243 Adv. 243 Adv. 243
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1987

Single story in MAD Magazine #272, Jul 1987.
[plot unknown]

244 Adv. 244 Adv. 244
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1987

Single story in MAD Magazine #273, Sep 1987.
[plot unknown]

245 Adv. 245 Adv. 245
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1987

Single story in MAD Magazine #274, Oct 1987.
[plot unknown]

246 Adv. 246 Adv. 246
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1987

Single story in MAD Magazine #275, Dec 1987.
[plot unknown]

247 Adv. 247 Adv. 247
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1988

Single story in MAD Magazine #276, Jan 1988.
[plot unknown]

248 Adv. 248 Adv. 248
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1988

Single story in MAD Magazine #277, Mar 1988.
[plot unknown]

249 Adv. 249 Adv. 249
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1988

Single story in MAD Magazine #278, Apr 1988.
[plot unknown]

250 Adv. 250 Adv. 250
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1988

Single story in MAD Magazine #279, Jun 1988.
[plot unknown]

251 Adv. 251 Adv. 251
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1988

Single story in MAD Magazine #280, Jul 1988.
[plot unknown]

252 Adv. 252 Adv. 252
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1988

Single story in MAD Magazine #281, Sep 1988.
[plot unknown]

253 Adv. 253 Adv. 253
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1988

Single story in MAD Magazine #282, Oct 1988.
[plot unknown]

254 Adv. 254 Adv. 254
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1988

Single story in MAD Magazine #283, Dec 1988.
[plot unknown]

255 Adv. 255 Adv. 255
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1989

Single story in MAD Magazine #284, Jan 1989.
[plot unknown]

256 Adv. 256 Adv. 256
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1989

Single story in MAD Magazine #285, Mar 1989.
[plot unknown]

257 Adv. 257 Adv. 257
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1989

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #286, Apr 1989.
[plot unknown]

258 Adv. 258 Adv. 258
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1989

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #286, Apr 1989.
[plot unknown]

259 Adv. 259 Adv. 259
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1989

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #287, Jun 1989.
[plot unknown]

260 Adv. 260 Adv. 260
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1989

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #287, Jun 1989.
[plot unknown]

261 Adv. 261 Adv. 261
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1989

Single story in MAD Magazine #288, Jul 1989.
[plot unknown]

262 Adv. 262 Adv. 262
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1989

Single story in MAD Magazine #289, Sep 1989.
[plot unknown]

263 Adv. 263 Adv. 263
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1989

Single story in MAD Magazine #290, Oct 1989.
[plot unknown]

264 Adv. 264 Adv. 264
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1989

Single story in MAD Magazine #291, Dec 1989.
[plot unknown]

265 Adv. 265 Adv. 265
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1990

Single story in MAD Magazine #292, Jan 1990.
[plot unknown]

266 Adv. 266 Adv. 266
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1990

Single story in MAD Magazine #293, Mar 1990.
[plot unknown]

267 Adv. 267 Adv. 267
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1990

Single story in MAD Magazine #294, Apr 1990.
[plot unknown]

268 Adv. 268 Adv. 268
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1990

Single story in MAD Magazine #295, Jun 1990.
[plot unknown]

269 Adv. 269 Adv. 269
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1990

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #296, Jul 1990.
[plot unknown]

270 Adv. 270 Adv. 270
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1990

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #296, Jul 1990.
[plot unknown]

271 Adv. 271 Adv. 271
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1990

Single story in MAD Magazine #297, Sep 1990.
[plot unknown]

272 Adv. 272 Adv. 272
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1990

Single story in MAD Magazine #298, Oct 1990.
[plot unknown]

273 Adv. 273 Adv. 273
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1990

Single story in MAD Magazine #299, Dec 1990.
[plot unknown]

274 Adv. 274 Adv. 274
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1991

Single story in MAD Magazine #300, Jan 1991.
[plot unknown]

275 Adv. 275 Adv. 275
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1991

Single story in MAD Magazine #301, Mar 1991.
[plot unknown]

276 Adv. 276 Adv. 276
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1991

Single story in MAD Magazine #302, Apr 1991.
[plot unknown]

277 Adv. 277 Adv. 277
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1991

Single story in MAD Magazine #303, Jun 1991.
[plot unknown]

278 Adv. 278 Adv. 278
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1991

Single story in MAD Magazine #304, Jul 1991.
[plot unknown]

279 Adv. 279 Adv. 279
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1991

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #305, Sep 1991.
[plot unknown]

280 Adv. 280 Adv. 280
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1991

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #305, Sep 1991.
[plot unknown]

281 Adv. 281 Adv. 281
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1991

Single story in MAD Magazine #306, Oct 1991.
[plot unknown]

282 Adv. 282 Adv. 282
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1991

Single story in MAD Magazine #307, Dec 1991.
[plot unknown]

283 Adv. 283 Adv. 283
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1992

Single story in MAD Magazine #308, Jan 1992.
[plot unknown]

284 Adv. 284 Adv. 284
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1992

Single story in MAD Magazine #309, Mar 1992.
[plot unknown]

285 Adv. 285 Adv. 285
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1992

Single story in MAD Magazine #310, Apr 1992.
[plot unknown]

286 Adv. 286 Adv. 286
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1992

Single story in MAD Magazine #311, Jun 1992.
[plot unknown]

287 Adv. 287 Adv. 287
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1992

Single story in MAD Magazine #312, Jul 1992.
[plot unknown]

288 Adv. 288 Adv. 288
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1992

Single story in MAD Magazine #313, Sep 1992.
[plot unknown]

289 Adv. 289 Adv. 289
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1992

Single story in MAD Magazine #314, Oct 1992.
[plot unknown]

290 Adv. 290 Adv. 290
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1992

Single story in MAD Magazine #315, Dec 1992.
[plot unknown]

291 Adv. 291 Adv. 291
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1993

Single story in MAD Magazine #316, Jan 1993.
[plot unknown]

292 Adv. 292 Adv. 292
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1993

Single story in MAD Magazine #317, Mar 1993.
[plot unknown]

293 Adv. 293 Adv. 293
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1993

Single story in MAD Magazine #318, Apr 1993.
[plot unknown]

294 Adv. 294 Adv. 294
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1993

Single story in MAD Magazine #319, Jun 1993.
[plot unknown]

295 Adv. 295 Adv. 295
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1993

Single story in MAD Magazine #320, Jul 1993.
[plot unknown]

296 Adv. 296 Adv. 296
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1993

Single story in MAD Magazine #321, Sep 1993.
[plot unknown]

297 Adv. 297 Adv. 297
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1993

Single story in MAD Magazine #322, Oct 1993.
[plot unknown]

298 Adv. 298 Adv. 298
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1993

Single story in MAD Magazine #323, Dec 1993.
[plot unknown]

299 Adv. 299 Adv. 299
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1994

Single story in MAD Magazine #324, Jan 1994.
[plot unknown]

300 Adv. 300 Adv. 300
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1994

Single story in MAD Magazine #325, Feb 1994.
[plot unknown]

301 Adv. 301 Adv. 301
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1994

Single story in MAD Magazine #326, Mar 1994.
[plot unknown]

302 Adv. 302 Adv. 302
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1994

Single story in MAD Magazine #327, May 1994.
[plot unknown]

303 Adv. 303 Adv. 303
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1994

Single story in MAD Magazine #329, Jul 1994.
[plot unknown]

304 Adv. 304 Adv. 304
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1994

Single story in MAD Magazine #330, Sep 1994.
[plot unknown]

305 Adv. 305 Adv. 305
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1994

Single story in MAD Magazine #332, Dec 1994.
[plot unknown]

306 Adv. 306 Adv. 306
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1995

Single story in MAD Magazine #333, Jan 1995.
[plot unknown]

307 Adv. 307 Adv. 307
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1995

Single story in MAD Magazine #334, Mar 1995.
[plot unknown]

308 Adv. 308 Adv. 308
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1995

Single story in MAD Magazine #335, May 1995.
[plot unknown]

309 Adv. 309 Adv. 309
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1995

Single story in MAD Magazine #336, Jun 1995.
[plot unknown]

310 Adv. 310 Adv. 310
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1995

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #337, Jul 1995.
[plot unknown]

311 Adv. 311 Adv. 311
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1995

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #337, Jul 1995.
[plot unknown]

312 Adv. 312 Adv. 312
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1995

Single story in MAD Magazine #338, Aug 1995.
[plot unknown]

313 Adv. 313 Adv. 313
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1995

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #339, Sep 1995.
[plot unknown]

314 Adv. 314 Adv. 314
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1995

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #339, Sep 1995.
[plot unknown]

315 Adv. 315 Adv. 315
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1995

Single story in MAD Magazine #340, Oct 1995.
[plot unknown]

316 Adv. 316 Adv. 316
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1995

Single story in MAD Magazine #341, Dec 1995.
[plot unknown]

317 Adv. 317 Adv. 317
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1996

Single story in MAD Magazine #342, Jan 1996.
[plot unknown]

318 Adv. 318 Adv. 318
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1996

Single story in MAD Magazine #344, Apr 1996.
[plot unknown]

319 Adv. 319 Adv. 319
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1996

Single story in MAD Magazine #345, May 1996.
[plot unknown]

320 Adv. 320 Adv. 320
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1996

Single story in MAD Magazine #348, Aug 1996.
[plot unknown]

321 Adv. 321 Adv. 321
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1996

Single story in MAD Magazine #349, Sep 1996.
[plot unknown]

322 Adv. 322 Adv. 322
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1996

Single story in MAD Magazine #350, Oct 1996.
[plot unknown]

323 Adv. 323 Adv. 323
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1996

Single story in MAD Magazine #351, Nov 1996.
[plot unknown]

324 Adv. 324 Adv. 324
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1996

Single story in MAD Magazine #352, Dec 1996.
[plot unknown]

325 Adv. 325 Adv. 325
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1997

Single story in MAD Magazine #353, Jan 1997.
[plot unknown]

326 Adv. 326 Adv. 326
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1997

Single story in MAD Magazine #354, Feb 1997.
[plot unknown]

327 Adv. 327 Adv. 327
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1997

Single story in MAD Magazine #355, Mar 1997.
[plot unknown]

328 Adv. 328 Adv. 328
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1997

Single story in MAD Magazine #356, Apr 1997.
[plot unknown]

329 Adv. 329 Adv. 329
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1997

Single story in MAD Magazine #357, May 1997.
[plot unknown]

330 Adv. 330 Adv. 330
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1997

Single story in MAD Magazine #359, Jul 1997.
[plot unknown]

331 Adv. 331 Adv. 331
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1997

Single story in MAD Magazine #360, Aug 1997.
[plot unknown]

332 Adv. 332 Adv. 332
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1997

Single story in MAD Magazine #361, Sep 1997.
[plot unknown]

333 Adv. 333 Adv. 333
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1997

Single story in MAD Magazine #362, Oct 1997.
[plot unknown]

334 Adv. 334 Adv. 334
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1997

Single story in MAD Magazine #363, Nov 1997.
[plot unknown]

335 Adv. 335 Adv. 335
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1997

Single story in MAD Magazine #364, Dec 1997.
[plot unknown]

336 Adv. 336 Adv. 336
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1998

Single story in MAD Magazine #365, Jan 1998.
[plot unknown]

337 Adv. 337 Adv. 337
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1998

Single story in MAD Magazine #366, Feb 1998.
[plot unknown]

338 Adv. 338 Adv. 338
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1998

Single story in MAD Magazine #367, Mar 1998.
[plot unknown]

339 Adv. 339 Adv. 339
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1998

Single story in MAD Magazine #368, Apr 1998.
[plot unknown]

340 Adv. 340 Adv. 340
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1998

Single story in MAD Magazine #369, May 1998.
[plot unknown]

341 Adv. 341 Adv. 341
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1998

Single story in MAD Magazine #370, Jun 1998.
[plot unknown]

342 Adv. 342 Adv. 342
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1998

Single story in MAD Magazine #371, Jul 1998.
[plot unknown]

343 Adv. 343 Adv. 343
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1998

Single story in MAD Magazine #372, Aug 1998.
[plot unknown]

344 Adv. 344 Adv. 344
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1998

Single story in MAD Magazine #373, Sep 1998.
[plot unknown]

345 Adv. 345 Adv. 345
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1998

Single story in MAD Magazine #374, Oct 1998.
[plot unknown]

346 Adv. 346 Adv. 346
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1998

Single story in MAD Magazine #375, Nov 1998.
[plot unknown]

347 Adv. 347 Adv. 347
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1998

Single story in MAD Magazine #376, Dec 1998.
[plot unknown]

348 Adv. 348 Adv. 348
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1999

Single story in MAD Magazine #377, Jan 1999.
[plot unknown]

349 Adv. 349 Adv. 349
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1999

Single story in MAD Magazine #378, Feb 1999.
[plot unknown]

350 Adv. 350 Adv. 350
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1999

Single story in MAD Magazine #379, Mar 1999.
[plot unknown]

351 Adv. 351 Adv. 351
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1999

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #380, Apr 1999.
[plot unknown]

352 Adv. 352 Adv. 352
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1999

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #380, Apr 1999.
[plot unknown]

353 Adv. 353 Adv. 353
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1999

Single story in MAD Magazine #381, May 1999.
[plot unknown]

354 Adv. 354 Adv. 354
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1999

Single story in MAD Magazine #382, Jun 1999.
[plot unknown]

355 Adv. 355 Adv. 355
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1999

Single story in MAD Magazine #383, Jul 1999.
[plot unknown]

356 Adv. 356 Adv. 356
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1999

Single story in MAD Magazine #384, Aug 1999.
[plot unknown]

357 Adv. 357 Adv. 357
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1999

Single story in MAD Magazine #386, Oct 1999.
[plot unknown]

358 Adv. 358 Adv. 358
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1999

Single story in MAD Magazine #387, Nov 1999.
[plot unknown]

359 Adv. 359 Adv. 359
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 1999

Single story in MAD Magazine #388, Dec 1999.
[plot unknown]

360 Adv. 360 Adv. 360
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2000

Single story in MAD Magazine #389, Jan 2000.
[plot unknown]

361 Adv. 361 Adv. 361
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2000

Single story in MAD Magazine #390, Feb 2000.
[plot unknown]

362 Adv. 362 Adv. 362
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2000

Single story in MAD Magazine #391, Mar 2000.
[plot unknown]

363 Adv. 363 Adv. 363
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2000

Single story in MAD Magazine #392, Apr 2000.
[plot unknown]

364 Adv. 364 Adv. 364
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2000

Single story in MAD Magazine #393, May 2000.
[plot unknown]

365 Adv. 365 Adv. 365
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2000

Single story in MAD Magazine #394, Jun 2000.
[plot unknown]

366 Adv. 366 Adv. 366
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2000

Single story in MAD Magazine #395, Jul 2000.
[plot unknown]

367 Adv. 367 Adv. 367
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2000

Single story in MAD Magazine #396, Aug 2000.
[plot unknown]

368 Adv. 368 Adv. 368
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2000

Single story in MAD Magazine #397, Sep 2000.
[plot unknown]

369 Adv. 369 Adv. 369
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2000

Single story in MAD Magazine #398, Oct 2000.
[plot unknown]

370 Adv. 370 Adv. 370
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2000

Single story in MAD Magazine #399, Nov 2000.
[plot unknown]

371 Adv. 371 Adv. 371
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2000

Single story in MAD Magazine #400, Dec 2000.
[plot unknown]

372 Adv. 372 Adv. 372
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2001

Single story in MAD Magazine #401, Jan 2001.
[plot unknown]

373 Adv. 373 Adv. 373
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2001

Single story in MAD Magazine #402, Feb 2001.
[plot unknown]

374 Adv. 374 Adv. 374
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2001

Single story in MAD Magazine #403, Mar 2001.
[plot unknown]

375 Adv. 375 Adv. 375
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2001

Single story in MAD Magazine #404, Apr 2001.
[plot unknown]

376 Adv. 376 Adv. 376
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2001

Single story in MAD Magazine #405, May 2001.
[plot unknown]

377 Adv. 377 Adv. 377
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2001

Single story in MAD Magazine #406, Jun 2001.
[plot unknown]

378 Adv. 378 Adv. 378
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2001

Single story in MAD Magazine #407, Jul 2001.
[plot unknown]

379 Adv. 379 Adv. 379
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2001

Single story in MAD Magazine #408, Aug 2001.
[plot unknown]

380 Adv. 380 Adv. 380
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2001

Single story in MAD Magazine #409, Sep 2001.
[plot unknown]

381 Adv. 381 Adv. 381
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2001

Single story in MAD Magazine #410, Oct 2001.
[plot unknown]

382 Adv. 382 Adv. 382
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2001

Single story in MAD Magazine #411, Nov 2001.
[plot unknown]

383 Adv. 383 Adv. 383
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2001

Single story in MAD Magazine #412, Dec 2001.
[plot unknown]

384 Adv. 384 Adv. 384
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2002

Single story in MAD Magazine #413, Jan 2002.
[plot unknown]

385 Adv. 385 Adv. 385
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2002

Single story in MAD Magazine #414, Feb 2002.
[plot unknown]

386 Adv. 386 Adv. 386
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2002

Single story in MAD Magazine #415, Mar 2002.
[plot unknown]

387 Adv. 387 Adv. 387
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2002

Single story in MAD Magazine #416, Apr 2002.
[plot unknown]

388 Adv. 388 Adv. 388
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2002

Single story in MAD Magazine #417, May 2002.
[plot unknown]

389 Adv. 389 Adv. 389
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2002

Single story in MAD Magazine #418, Jun 2002.
[plot unknown]

390 Adv. 390 Adv. 390
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2002

Single story in MAD Magazine #419, Jul 2002.
[plot unknown]

391 Adv. 391 Adv. 391
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2002

Single story in MAD Magazine #420, Aug 2002.
[plot unknown]

392 Adv. 392 Adv. 392
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2002

Single story in MAD Magazine #421, Sep 2002.
[plot unknown]

393 Adv. 393 Adv. 393
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2002

Single story in MAD Magazine #422, Oct 2002.
[plot unknown]

394 Adv. 394 Adv. 394
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2002

Single story in MAD Magazine #423, Nov 2002.
[plot unknown]

395 Adv. 395 Adv. 395
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2002

Single story in MAD Magazine #424, Dec 2002.
[plot unknown]

396 Adv. 396 Adv. 396
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2003

Single story in MAD Magazine #425, Jan 2003.
[plot unknown]

397 Adv. 397 Adv. 397
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2003

Single story in MAD Magazine #426, Feb 2003.
[plot unknown]

398 Adv. 398 Adv. 398
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2003

Single story in MAD Magazine #427, Mar 2003.
[plot unknown]

399 Adv. 399 Adv. 399
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2003

Single story in MAD Magazine #428, Apr 2003.
[plot unknown]

400 Adv. 400 Adv. 400
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2003

Single story in MAD Magazine #429, May 2003.
[plot unknown]

401 Adv. 401 Adv. 401
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2003

Single story in MAD Magazine #430, Jun 2003.
[plot unknown]

402 Adv. 402 Adv. 402
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2003

Single story in MAD Magazine #431, Jul 2003.
[plot unknown]

403 Adv. 403 Adv. 403
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2003

Single story in MAD Magazine #432, Aug 2003.
[plot unknown]

404 Adv. 404 Adv. 404
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2003

Single story in MAD Magazine #433, Sep 2003.
[plot unknown]

405 Adv. 405 Adv. 405
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2003

Single story in MAD Magazine #434, Oct 2003.
[plot unknown]

406 Adv. 406 Adv. 406
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2003

Single story in MAD Magazine #435, Nov 2003.
[plot unknown]

407 Adv. 407 Adv. 407
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2003

Single story in MAD Magazine #436, Dec 2003.
[plot unknown]

408 Adv. 408 Adv. 408
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2004

Single story in MAD Magazine #438, Feb 2004.
[plot unknown]

409 Adv. 409 Adv. 409
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2004

Single story in MAD Magazine #439, Mar 2004.
[plot unknown]

410 Adv. 410 Adv. 410
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2004

Single story in MAD Magazine #440, Apr 2004.
[plot unknown]

411 Adv. 411 Adv. 411
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2004

Single story in MAD Magazine #441, May 2004.
[plot unknown]

412 Adv. 412 Adv. 412
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2004

Single story in MAD Magazine #442, Jun 2004.
[plot unknown]

413 Adv. 413 Adv. 413
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2004

Single story in MAD Magazine #443, Jul 2004.
[plot unknown]

414 Adv. 414 Adv. 414
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2004

Single story in MAD Magazine #444, Aug 2004.
[plot unknown]

415 Adv. 415 Adv. 415
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2004

Single story in MAD Magazine #445, Sep 2004.
[plot unknown]

416 Adv. 416 Adv. 416
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2004

Single story in MAD Magazine #446, Oct 2004.
[plot unknown]

417 Adv. 417 Adv. 417
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2004

Single story in MAD Magazine #447, Nov 2004.
[plot unknown]

418 Adv. 418 Adv. 418
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2004

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #448, Dec 2004.
[plot unknown]

419 Adv. 419 Adv. 419
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2004

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #448, Dec 2004.
[plot unknown]

420 Adv. 420 Adv. 420
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2005

Single story in MAD Magazine #449, Jan 2005.
[plot unknown]

421 Adv. 421 Adv. 421
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2005

Single story in MAD Magazine #450, Feb 2005.
[plot unknown]

422 Adv. 422 Adv. 422
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2005

Single story in MAD Magazine #451, Mar 2005.
[plot unknown]

423 Adv. 423 Adv. 423
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2005

Single story in MAD Magazine #452, Apr 2005.
[plot unknown]

424 Adv. 424 Adv. 424
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2005

Single story in MAD Magazine #453, May 2005.
[plot unknown]

425 Adv. 425 Adv. 425
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2005

Single story in MAD Magazine #454, Jun 2005.
[plot unknown]

426 Adv. 426 Adv. 426
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2005

Single story in MAD Magazine #455, Jul 2005.
[plot unknown]

427 Adv. 427 Adv. 427
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2005

Single story in MAD Magazine #456, Aug 2005.
[plot unknown]

428 Adv. 428 Adv. 428
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2005

Single story in MAD Magazine #457, Sep 2005.
[plot unknown]

429 Adv. 429 Adv. 429
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2005

Single story in MAD Magazine #458, Oct 2005.
[plot unknown]

430 Adv. 430 Adv. 430
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2005

Single story in MAD Magazine #459, Nov 2005.
[plot unknown]

431 Adv. 431 Adv. 431
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2005

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #460, Dec 2005.
[plot unknown]

432 Adv. 432 Adv. 432
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2005

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #460, Dec 2005.
[plot unknown]

433 Adv. 433 Adv. 433
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2006

Single story in MAD Magazine #461, Jan 2006.
[plot unknown]

434 Adv. 434 Adv. 434
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2006

Single story in MAD Magazine #462, Feb 2006.
[plot unknown]

435 Adv. 435 Adv. 435
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2006

Single story in MAD Magazine #463, Mar 2006.
[plot unknown]

436 Adv. 436 Adv. 436
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2006

Single story in MAD Magazine #464, Apr 2006.
[plot unknown]

437 Adv. 437 Adv. 437
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2006

Single story in MAD Magazine #465, May 2006.
[plot unknown]

438 Adv. 438 Adv. 438
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2006

Single story in MAD Magazine #466, Jun 2006.
[plot unknown]

439 Adv. 439 Adv. 439
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2006

Single story in MAD Magazine #467, Jul 2006.
[plot unknown]

440 Adv. 440 Adv. 440
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2006

Single story in MAD Magazine #468, Aug 2006.
[plot unknown]

441 Adv. 441 Adv. 441
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2006

Single story in MAD Magazine #469, Sep 2006.
[plot unknown]

442 Adv. 442 Adv. 442
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2006

Single story in MAD Magazine #470, Oct 2006.
[plot unknown]

443 Adv. 443 Adv. 443
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2006

Single story in MAD Magazine #471, Nov 2006.
[plot unknown]

444 Adv. 444 Adv. 444
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2006

Single story in MAD Magazine #472, Dec 2006.
[plot unknown]

445 Adv. 445 Adv. 445
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2007

Single story in MAD Magazine #473, Jan 2007.
[plot unknown]

446 Adv. 446 Adv. 446
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2007

Single story in MAD Magazine #474, Feb 2007.
[plot unknown]

447 Adv. 447 Adv. 447
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2007

Single story in MAD Magazine #475, Mar 2007.
[plot unknown]

448 Adv. 448 Adv. 448
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2007

Single story in MAD Magazine #476, Apr 2007.
[plot unknown]

449 Adv. 449 Adv. 449
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2007

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #477, May 2007.
[plot unknown]

450 Adv. 450 Adv. 450
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2007

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #477, May 2007.
[plot unknown]

451 Adv. 451 Adv. 451
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2007

Single story in MAD Magazine #478, Jun 2007.
[plot unknown]

452 Adv. 452 Adv. 452
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2007

Single story in MAD Magazine #479, Jul 2007.
[plot unknown]

453 Adv. 453 Adv. 453
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2007

Single story in MAD Magazine #480, Aug 2007.
[plot unknown]

454 Adv. 454 Adv. 454
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2007

Single story in MAD Magazine #481, Sep 2007.
[plot unknown]

455 Adv. 455 Adv. 455
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2007

Single story in MAD Magazine #482, Oct 2007.
[plot unknown]

456 Adv. 456 Adv. 456
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2007

Single story in MAD Magazine #483, Nov 2007.
[plot unknown]

457 Adv. 457 Adv. 457
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2007

Single story in MAD Magazine #484, Dec 2007.
[plot unknown]

458 Adv. 458 Adv. 458
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2008

Single story in MAD Magazine #485, Jan 2008.
[plot unknown]

459 Adv. 459 Adv. 459
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2008

Single story in MAD Magazine #486, Feb 2008.
[plot unknown]

460 Adv. 460 Adv. 460
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2008

Single story in MAD Magazine #487, Mar 2008.
[plot unknown]

461 Adv. 461 Adv. 461
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2008

Single story in MAD Magazine #488, Apr 2008.
[plot unknown]

462 Adv. 462 Adv. 462
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2008

Single story in MAD Magazine #489, May 2008.
[plot unknown]

463 Adv. 463 Adv. 463
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2008

Single story in MAD Magazine #490, Jun 2008.
[plot unknown]

464 Adv. 464 Adv. 464
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2008

Single story in MAD Magazine #491, Jul 2008.
[plot unknown]

465 Adv. 465 Adv. 465
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2008

Single story in MAD Magazine #492, Aug 2008.
[plot unknown]

466 Adv. 466 Adv. 466
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2008

Single story in MAD Magazine #493, Sep 2008.
[plot unknown]

467 Adv. 467 Adv. 467
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2008

Single story in MAD Magazine #494, Oct 2008.
[plot unknown]

468 Adv. 468 Adv. 468
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2008

Single story in MAD Magazine #495, Nov 2008.
[plot unknown]

469 Adv. 469 Adv. 469
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2008

Single story in MAD Magazine #496, Dec 2008.
[plot unknown]

470 Adv. 470 Adv. 470
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2009

Single story in MAD Magazine #497, Jan 2009.
[plot unknown]

471 Adv. 471 Adv. 471
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2009

Single story in MAD Magazine #498, Feb 2009.
[plot unknown]

472 Adv. 472 Adv. 472
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2009

Single story in MAD Magazine #499, Apr 2009.
[plot unknown]

473 Adv. 473 Adv. 473
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2009

Single story in MAD Magazine #500, Jun 2009.
[plot unknown]

474 Adv. 474 Adv. 474
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2009

1st of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #501, Oct 2009.
[plot unknown]

475 Adv. 475 Adv. 475
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2009

2nd of 2 stories in MAD Magazine #501, Oct 2009.
[plot unknown]

476 Adv. 476 Adv. 476
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2010

Single story in MAD Magazine #502, Jan 2010.
[plot unknown]

477 Adv. 477 Adv. 477
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2010

Single story in MAD Magazine #503, May 2010.
[plot unknown]

478 Adv. 478 Adv. 478
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2010

Single story in MAD Magazine #504, Aug 2010.
[plot unknown]

479 Adv. 479 Adv. 479
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2010

Single story in MAD Magazine #505, Oct 2010.
[plot unknown]

480 Adv. 480 Adv. 480
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2010

Single story in MAD Magazine #506, Dec 2010.
[plot unknown]

481 Adv. 481 Adv. 481
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2011

Single story in MAD Magazine #507, Feb 2011.
[plot unknown]

482 Adv. 482 Adv. 482
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2011

Single story in MAD Magazine #508, Apr 2011.
[plot unknown]

483 Adv. 483 Adv. 483
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2011

Single story in MAD Magazine #509, Jun 2011.
[plot unknown]

484 Adv. 484 Adv. 484
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2011

Single story in MAD Magazine #510, Aug 2011.
[plot unknown]

485 Adv. 485 Adv. 485
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2011

Single story in MAD Magazine #511, Oct 2011.
[plot unknown]

486 Adv. 486 Adv. 486
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2011

Single story in MAD Magazine #512, Dec 2011.
[plot unknown]

487 Adv. 487 Adv. 487
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2012

Single story in MAD Magazine #513, Feb 2012.
[plot unknown]

488 Adv. 488 Adv. 488
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2012

Single story in MAD Magazine #514, Apr 2012.
[plot unknown]

489 Adv. 489 Adv. 489
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2012

Single story in MAD Magazine #515, Jun 2012.
[plot unknown]

490 Adv. 490 Adv. 490
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2012

Single story in MAD Magazine #516, Aug 2012.
[plot unknown]

491 Adv. 491 Adv. 491
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2012

Single story in MAD Magazine #517, Oct 2012.
[plot unknown]

492 Adv. 492 Adv. 492
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2012

Single story in MAD Magazine #518, Dec 2012.
[plot unknown]

493 Adv. 493 Adv. 493
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2013

Single story in MAD Magazine #519, Feb 2013.
[plot unknown]

494 Adv. 494 Adv. 494
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2013

Single story in MAD Magazine #520, May 2013.
[plot unknown]

495 Adv. 495 Adv. 495
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2013

Single story in MAD Magazine #521, Jul 2013.
[plot unknown]

496 Adv. 496 Adv. 496
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2013

Single story in MAD Magazine #522, Aug 2013.
[plot unknown]

497 Adv. 497 Adv. 497
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2013

Single story in MAD Magazine #523, Nov 2013.
[plot unknown]

498 Adv. 498 Adv. 498
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2013

Single story in MAD Magazine #524, Dec 2013.
[plot unknown]

499 Adv. 499 Adv. 499
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2014

Single story in MAD Magazine #525, Feb 2014.
[plot unknown]

500 Adv. 500 Adv. 500
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2014

Single story in MAD Magazine #526, Apr 2014.
[plot unknown]

501 Adv. 501 Adv. 501
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2014

Single story in MAD Magazine #527, Jun 2014.
[plot unknown]

502 Adv. 502 Adv. 502
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2014

Single story in MAD Magazine #528, Aug 2014.
[plot unknown]

503 Adv. 503 Adv. 503
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2014

Single story in MAD Magazine #529, Oct 2014.
[plot unknown]

504 Adv. 504 Adv. 504
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2014

Single story in MAD Magazine #530, Dec 2014.
[plot unknown]

505 Adv. 505 Adv. 505
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2015

Single story in MAD Magazine #531, Feb 2015.
[plot unknown]

506 Adv. 506 Adv. 506
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2015

Single story in MAD Magazine #532, Apr 2015.
[plot unknown]

507 Adv. 507 Adv. 507
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2015

Single story in MAD Magazine #533, Jun 2015.
[plot unknown]

508 Adv. 508 Adv. 508
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2015

Single story in MAD Magazine #534, Aug 2015.
[plot unknown]

509 Adv. 509 Adv. 509
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2015

Single story in MAD Magazine #535, Oct 2015.
[plot unknown]

510 Adv. 510 Adv. 510
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2015

Single story in MAD Magazine #536, Dec 2015.
[plot unknown]

511 Adv. 511 Adv. 511
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2016

Single story in MAD Magazine #537, Feb 2016.
[plot unknown]

512 Adv. 512 Adv. 512
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2016

Single story in MAD Magazine #538, Apr 2016.
[plot unknown]

513 Adv. 513 Adv. 513
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2016

Single story in MAD Magazine #539, Jun 2016.
[plot unknown]

514 Adv. 514 Adv. 514
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2016

Single story in MAD Magazine #540, Aug 2016.
[plot unknown]

515 Adv. 515 Adv. 515
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2016

Single story in MAD Magazine #541, Oct 2016.
[plot unknown]

516 Adv. 516 Adv. 516
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2016

Single story in MAD Magazine #542, Dec 2016.
[plot unknown]

517 Adv. 517 Adv. 517
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2017

Single story in MAD Magazine #543, Feb 2017.
[plot unknown]

518 Adv. 518 Adv. 518
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2017

Single story in MAD Magazine #544, Apr 2017.
[plot unknown]

519 Adv. 519 Adv. 519
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2017

Single story in MAD Magazine #545, Jun 2017.
[plot unknown]

520 Adv. 520 Adv. 520
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2017

Single story in MAD Magazine #546, Aug 2017.
[plot unknown]

521 Adv. 521 Adv. 521
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2017

Single story in MAD Magazine #547, Oct 2017.
[plot unknown]

522 Adv. 522 Adv. 522
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2017

Single story in MAD Magazine #548, Dec 2017.
[plot unknown]

523 Adv. 523 Adv. 523
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2018

Single story in MAD Magazine #549, Feb 2018.
[plot unknown]

524 Adv. 524 Adv. 524
Published by Mad Magazine

Copyright: 2018

Single story in MAD Magazine #550, Apr 2018.
[plot unknown]


Number of Entries:1
First Appearance:1974
Last Appearance:1974

1 I vs. Spy I vs. Spy
Contributors: Roy Thomas (writer), Jean Thomas (writer), Vic Martin (artist)
Copyright: 1974

Printed in Crazy Magazine #3, Mar. 1974.
Features White Spy, Black Spy, and Nebbish. White Spy and Black Spy kill each other and the series stops. Nebbish then posts its end!
Click here to read the story.

2 Spy vs. Spy vs. Alien vs. Predator Spy vs. Spy vs. Alien vs. Predator
Contributors: Roy dunlavey (writer and artist)
Copyright: 2006

Printed in Twisted Toyfare Theatre #7 with one black & white page.
Black Spy has an Alien egg. The Predator slices his head off and takes the egg. White Spy blows up the Predator and takes the egg. The Alien egg hatches and a facehugger goes onto White Spy's face and finally an Alien bursts from his stomach.
Click here to read the story.


Number of Arcs:39
Number of Strips:39
First Appearance:2002
Last Appearance:2002

For 39 Sundays in 2002, MAD Magazine had in the Comics Section of various newspapers adventures of the rivalry between Black Spy and White Spy. How many papers carried is not known. I found in my search just one but other sites indicate, but do not specify, numerous.

Shown below are synopses of the strips. One fantastic place to read the actual strips, and a ton more about MAD Magazine is To find and read the actual strips, use the search feature at MAD Magazine Search and request "Sunday strips".

The titles are my creation. If anyone knows the proper titles for them, let me know and I will change them here.

1 Bad Morning All Around   Bad Morning All Around
Strips: 1 - 1
Dates: 04/08/2002 - 04/08/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

Early mornings are not good for anyone as White Spy learns thanks to Black Spy's antics, although Black Spy gets the worse of it.

2 'Cat-astrophy'   'Cat-astrophy'
Strips: 2 - 2
Dates: 04/14/2002 - 04/14/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

White Spy has a terrific plan to use his cat to steal plans from Black Spy but things do not work so well.

3 Western Mail Robbery   Western Mail Robbery
Strips: 3 - 3
Dates: 04/21/2002 - 04/21/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

Out West, Black Spy manages to steal White Spy's mailbag but White Spy has a solution to 'spring' on Black Spy.

4 Global Spy Boxing Championship   Global Spy Boxing Championship
Strips: 4 - 4
Dates: 04/28/2002 - 04/28/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

The Marquis of Queensberry rules do not apply when White Spy and Black Spy compete in a boxing match.

5 Hopping Around   Hopping Around
Strips: 5 - 5
Dates: 05/05/2002 - 05/05/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

White Spy learns that a pogo stick has more than one use when stealing Black Spy's top secret intelligence.

6 The Traffic Stop   The Traffic Stop
Strips: 6 - 6
Dates: 05/12/2002 - 05/12/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

An interesting confrontation takes place at an intersection when White Spy stops for a red traffic light.

7 Heat Seeking The Invisible   Heat Seeking The Invisible
Strips: 7 - 7
Dates: 05/19/2002 - 05/19/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

Black Spy learns that invisibility makes you hard to see but not hard to sense.

8 Specialty Shoes   Specialty Shoes
Strips: 8 - 8
Dates: 05/26/2002 - 05/26/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

White Spy has some nifty shoes made to help steal Black Spy's secrets but they do need some work.

9 Spy Of The Year Award   Spy Of The Year Award
Strips: 9 - 9
Dates: 06/02/2002 - 06/02/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

Black Spy learns he should not let winning an award go to his head.

10 The X-3 Rocket Trick   The X-3 Rocket Trick
Strips: 10 - 10
Dates: 06/09/2002 - 06/09/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

Black Spy has a nifty rocket called the X-3 that gets him where he needs to go - and back again.

11 Unsafecracking   Unsafecracking
Strips: 11 - 11
Dates: 06/16/2002 - 06/16/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

White Spy teaches Black Spy that safecracking is not always safe.

12 Two Dimension Ray   Two Dimension Ray
Strips: 12 - 12
Dates: 06/23/2002 - 06/23/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

White Spy has a cool new device that turns him into a two-dimensional object, perfect to slip himself under a door. Black Spy has a more old school remedy.

13 Fly On The Wall Catcher   Fly On The Wall Catcher
Strips: 13 - 13
Dates: 06/30/2002 - 06/30/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

Though Black Spy has an inventive way of spying on White Spy, White Spy has a clever fix.

14 Explosive News   Explosive News
Strips: 14 - 14
Dates: 07/07/2002 - 07/07/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

Laying a trap for Black Spy does not go so well for White Spy in the newspaper game.

15 Attack On Mount White Spy   Attack On Mount White Spy
Strips: 15 - 15
Dates: 07/14/2002 - 07/14/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

When Black Spy make a helicopter attack on the giant granite carved monument to White Spy, he finds that even that inanimate landmark can strike back.

16 Fake White Spy Ray   Fake White Spy Ray
Strips: 16 - 16
Dates: 07/21/2002 - 07/21/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

Using a special ray to make him look like a comrade of White Spy, Black Spy is able to get his hands on top secret documents. Then Grey Spy takes her own move.

17 Spy Magic Show   Spy Magic Show
Strips: 17 - 17
Dates: 07/28/2002 - 07/28/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

Wanting to one-up Black Spy's act of sawing a woman in half, White Spy steps in with a chainsaw.

18 White Spy Land Amusement Park   White Spy Land Amusement Park
Strips: 18 - 18
Dates: 08/04/2002 - 08/04/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

Black Spy impersonates a little old lady to sneak onto the White Spy Lane amusement park to leave a little 'surprise' but White Spy has his one surprise in mind.

19 Attack On the Black Space Station   Attack On the Black Space Station
Strips: 19 - 19
Dates: 08/11/2002 - 08/11/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

White Spy is planning on sabotaging Black Spy's space station but Black Spy has his defenses.

20 Being Safe In The Safe   Being Safe In The Safe
Strips: 20 - 20
Dates: 08/18/2002 - 08/18/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

White Spy has a top security vault that Black Spy plans to trap him in. Not so fast!

21 Unique Mine Field   Unique Mine Field
Strips: 21 - 21
Dates: 08/25/2002 - 08/25/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

When White Spy learns the way to Black Spy's HQ is studded with mines, he comes up with an alternate route. He should have read the fine print.

22 Unexpected Moon Trip   Unexpected Moon Trip
Strips: 22 - 22
Dates: 09/01/2002 - 09/01/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

An interesting play by White Spy find Black Spy on an unplanned excursion into space.

23 Mountainous Car Chase   Mountainous Car Chase
Strips: 23 - 23
Dates: 09/08/2002 - 09/08/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

A violent car chase on a mountain side turns particularly disastrous for White Spy.

24 Not So EZ-Pass   Not So EZ-Pass
Strips: 24 - 24
Dates: 09/15/2002 - 09/15/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

White Spy's tampering with a toll booth proves troublesome for unsuspecting Black Spy.

25 A Little Sky Skiing   A Little Sky Skiing
Strips: 25 - 25
Dates: 09/22/2002 - 09/22/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

In his jet fighter White Spy spots Black Spy in his and first two missiles at him. Black Spy has a pretty nifty way of returning the favor and having some fun at the same time.

26 Look Before You Leap   Look Before You Leap
Strips: 26 - 26
Dates: 09/29/2002 - 09/29/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

Black Spy should have kept that important adage in mind when he leaps through a teleporting Spygate that White Spy was using, all to retrieve a satchel of top secret documents.

27 White Spy Goes Zorro   White Spy Goes Zorro
Strips: 27 - 27
Dates: 10/06/2002 - 10/06/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

Channeling his inner Zorro, White Spy accosts Black Spy with a sword and after a few swishes marks him with a white 'S'. Black Spy tips his sombrero to him, which is not a good thing.

28 Boomerang Bullets   Boomerang Bullets
Strips: 28 - 28
Dates: 10/13/2002 - 10/13/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

Attacking Black Spy in the man's top secret test area, White Spy should have read the sign on the wall telling what type of bullets were being tested.

29 A Friendly Game Of Tennis   A Friendly Game Of Tennis
Strips: 29 - 29
Dates: 10/20/2002 - 10/20/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

Playing tennis with a small ball bomb is not healthy for White Spy. Neither is playing it on his opponent's home court for Black Spy.

30 All's Fair In Love And War   All's Fair In Love And War
Strips: 30 - 30
Dates: 10/27/2002 - 10/27/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

Gray Spy knows how to use the affection both White Spy and Black Spy have for her to her advantage.

31 Moon Base Attack   Moon Base Attack
Strips: 31 - 31
Dates: 11/03/2002 - 11/03/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

Even as White Spy, from his base on the Moon, is planning to fire a rocket to attack Black Spy on Earth, his enemy is watching with his telescope and has his own plans.

32 The Dangers of Sword Swallowing   The Dangers of Sword Swallowing
Strips: 32 - 32
Dates: 11/10/2002 - 11/10/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

Giving a terrific stage performance as a sword swallower can be deadly for Black Spy if he lets himself get distracted.

33 Fence Crashing   Fence Crashing
Strips: 33 - 33
Dates: 11/17/2002 - 11/17/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

White Spy learns the hard way that breaking into Black Spy's missile weapons center can be an uplifting but dangerous activity.

34 Black Spy Magic   Black Spy Magic
Strips: 34 - 34
Dates: 11/24/2002 - 11/24/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

White Spy learns the hard way that attacking Black Spy while the fellow has his suitcase of magic tricks can be for the birds.

35 Power Transfer Experiment   Power Transfer Experiment
Strips: 35 - 35
Dates: 12/01/2002 - 12/01/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

Black Spy has learned how to turn himself into electricity to travel by wire to White Spy's HQ to steal secrets. White Spy shows him how shocking that can be.

36 Just Dropping In   Just Dropping In
Strips: 36 - 36
Dates: 12/08/2002 - 12/08/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

Black Spy is blown away by White Spy's latest scheme to steal top secret documents. 

37 Building Snowmen Can Be A Blast   Building Snowmen Can Be A Blast
Strips: 37 - 37
Dates: 12/15/2002 - 12/15/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

When White Spy builds a big snowman outside Black Spy's HQ, the latter is none too happy about it.

38 Gift Giving   Gift Giving
Strips: 38 - 38
Dates: 12/22/2002 - 12/22/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

On his helicopter sleigh White Spy drops a nasty present down Black Spy's chimney. Black Spy shows how not all Xmas trees are just decorative.

39 Paying Last Respects   Paying Last Respects
Strips: 39 - 39
Dates: 12/29/2002 - 12/29/2002
Contributors: Duck Edwing (writer), Dave Manak (artist)

Reading the obit for White Spy make Black Spy want to make a not so respectful visit to the funeral home.


Number of Games:6
First Appearance:1986
Last Appearance:2005

1 Spy vs Spy Spy vs Spy
Game Type: Video Game
Published by: First Star Software
Copyright: 1984

Designed and programmed by Michael Riedel for the Commodore-64 with Atari 800 version ported by Jim Nangano. It is a two-player, split-screen game. It would be later ported to most if not all the computers and game systems extant at the time. According to Wikipedia: "The object of the game is to collect various secret items in a briefcase and exit the building through a door to the airport, either before the opposing player exits or before the timer runs out. While searching for the items, traps can be laid to take out the opponent (or the player himself, if careless). Each spy has a personal countdown timer which depletes by 30 seconds upon each death."

2 Spy vs Spy II: The Island Caper Spy vs Spy II: The Island Caper
Game Type: Video Game
Published by: First Star Software
Copyright: 1985

Sequel to the original C-64 also designed by Michael Riedel and ported to a variety of other platforms. It added a side-scrolling play area. According to Wikipedia: "Spies no longer start with a fixed number of traps but must collect the raw materials to build them"

3 MAD's Spy vs Spy MAD's Spy vs Spy
Game Type: Boardgame
Published by: Milton Bradley
Copyright: 1986

"An explosive tunnel-building game of Risk and Rivalry!" "Build a maze of tunnels to bring home bombs and win the game" "Ages 10 and Up" "For 2-4 players"
According to, "The bombs have various effects hidden on their base. The tunnels are built through tile laying, so each player (best played with four) digs furiously from his manhole in the corner towards the bombs, hoping to reach 'em first. If you connect tunnels, then you'll be able to try to steal another player's bomb before he brings it home."

4 Spy vs Spy III: Arctic Antics Spy vs Spy III: Arctic Antics
Game Type: Video Game
Published by: First Star Software
Copyright: 1987

A second sequel to the original C-64 also designed by Michael Riedel and ported to a variety of other platforms. It moves the scene of the conflict to the frozen Arctic. According to Wikipedia: "The spies fight by throwing snowballs at each other and setting traps, which decreases their body heat bar. Tools include a saw to cut holes in the ice for the second player to fall into. Lost body heat can be restored by moving into a heated igloo."

5 Spy Vs. Spy Combat Card Game! Spy Vs. Spy Combat Card Game!
Game Type: Card Game
Published by: EC Publications
Copyright: 1994

A promo game that is illustrated by Antonio Probhias and printed in the 97th Super Special known as MAD Collector's Series #8 in late spring 1994.
The basic idea of the game is a combination of War and Rock, Paper, Scissors. There are 36 cards: 2-6 in 4 suits, 4 each of 3 weapons (tanks, bombs & dagger), 2 wild cards and 2 WAR cards, plus instructions (rules) to play.

6 Spy vs Spy Spy vs Spy
Game Type: Video Game
Published by: Global Star Software
Copyright: 2005

A console video game developed by Vicious Cycle Software, this is based on MAD Magazine's rivalry between spies. According to Wikipedia: "In this single-player mode, the player is able to choose between Black Spy or White Spy to complete a variety of missions filled with puzzles and a cast of enemies, including the enemy spy, all of which are AI-controlled. The story has been developed to be like an extended episode of the 1960s cartoon with a modern twist. The choice of spy does not matter –– the player will still receive the same weapons and gadgets on either campaign. Likewise also, there are the same missions each way. The main story in this mode revolves around the two spies trying to stop the superweapon of an evil general and trying to outsmart each other along the way."


Number of Collectibles:1
First Appearance:2012
Last Appearance:2012

1 Spy vs Spy Wacky Wobblers Spy vs Spy Wacky Wobblers
Item Type: Bobblehead Toys
Created by: Funko
Copyright: 2012

"From the pages of Mad Magazine comes the two classic mortal enemies, playing nice for once at least until you see what's behind each of the hands. Each Spy comes on a named red display base. The White Spy sports an open-handed offering of truce, but behind him is a bomb. The Black Spy has a toothed grin as he too has an open-handed offering of truce but has a knife in his right hand behind his back."


It was likely around 1966 that my pal John introduced me to MAD Magazine and shortly thereafter I found on the book racks at the local drug store copies of the paperback collections listed above. I spent my hard earned money picking them up along with Doc Savage and Tarzan and James Bond adventures. I have loved them since then.

I was hooked on the creativity of Antonio Prohias who was so consistently inventive with an incredible supply of zany ways for each agent to inflict punishment on the other.

Years later with the passing of the creator, the mayhem became the responsibility of Peter Kuper and his artwork and deviousness morphed the two into more modern representations. Kuper was quite a bit (IMHO) bloodier than Prohias but month after month, he had the two agents back at each other regardless of how much one of them might have been blown up or disembodied the episode before.

Sixty years these fellows have been going at it. I hope they stay frosty for a lot of years more.


My Grade: B+


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