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Full Name: Christopher Wren
Nationality: American
Organization: CIA
Occupation Freelance Agent

Creator: Grist, Mike
Time Span: 2019 - 2024


Christopher Wren is a freelance agent for the CIA.

That means that he works on assignments for the Agency but can pick and choose his missions. It also means that he can be more easily disavowed by them should something go wrong, in which case he is all on his own.

The missions in question invariably have one thing in common; they have something involving cults. The tag line to these adventures is that "it takes a cult leader to kill a cult" which fits perfectly. Wren's constant goal, the reason he accepts the CIA missions or goes alone when warranted, is to do whatever he can to break up the sort of cults that are peppered all around the globe.

Religious usually but sometimes political. Extremist in nature though he has seen up close over the many years he has been doing this work that there are levels of extremism.

None have yet reached the outer level that he knew as a child when he was a forced member of the Pyramid. "His father's cult. The cult he'd grown up in, the cult that had burned itself alive in a horrific act of mass suicide right here; an act Wren may or may not have helped bring about. Official records stated him as the sole survivor, though of course they'd never found his father's body..."

Wren is now in his mid 30's. For all of his adult life, from the time he was approached by the CIA while attending university, he has worked to find and rescue people who were like himself, victims of cults. He has even gone so far as to create his own sort of cult, the Foundation.

It is not found in any one place, unlike most cults. It is more an entity on the Web, or more accurately, the Dark Web. Its many followers are those that Wren has rescued and who now want to be part of rescuing others.  The dedication and fervency that they demonstrate is really what makes them their own form of cult.

     The devotion that Wren has to his Foundation and the work is does for the Agency comes from the knowledge that while the press reports about the demise of the Pyramid lists him as the sole survivor of the horrific end to that cult's compound, he knows in his heart that there was another survivor. Apex, the Pyramid leader and his father, is out there, planning. And what that man is planning is never going to be good.


Number of Books:10
First Appearance:2019
Last Appearance:2024

1 Saint Justice Saint Justice
Written by Grist, Mike
Copyright: 2019

"On the run from past colleagues, cult leader and ex-CIA agent Christopher Wren walks into a white supremacist bar in northern Utah, looking only to get beaten up. What he uncovers instead is repugnant; the beginning threads of a vast human trafficking organization run with ruthless corporate precision, funneling thousands of homeless people from the streets to… Nobody knows. Nobody cares. They should. A civil war is brewing in the wilds of America. One spark in the tinderkeg could ignite the inferno, and now Wren finds himself alone in the dark, watching the spark fall."
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2 Monsters Monsters
Written by Grist, Mike
Copyright: 2019

"During a midnight brawl in a fake Arizona town, cult leader and freelance CIA agent Christopher Wren receives disturbing news. The Blue Fairy, a near-mythical cabal of elite child abusers operating in the recesses of the 'dark' Internet, has lashed out in the real world. Now an anti-pedophile activist is dead, two more have been captured, and only Wren recognizes what's happening. The monsters are coming out into the plain light of day. A wave of cruelty floods across America. A dark new world edges closer to birth. Wren alone stands in the path of the coming storm, holding a torch high to guide the lost little children home…"
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3 Make Them Pay Make Them Pay
aka Reparation
Written by Grist, Mike
Copyright: 2019

"Reeling from a spree of vigilante executions high in the Alaskan tundra, cult leader and rogue intelligence agent Christopher Wren stumbles upon a snuff movie like no other. The budget was in the millions. The death was live-streamed on social media. The result is medieval - a billionaire banker torn apart before an audience of billions - and only Wren recognizes what it means. Chaos is coming. A dark day of rage dawns across America. Reparations for old crimes will be paid in a tidal wave of blood. Wren alone stands in the tsunami's path, just one man trying to hold back the flood."
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4 False Flag False Flag
aka Ghost War
Written by Grist, Mike
Copyright: 2020

"Downtown Chicago is on fire. LA is a war zone. Only one man can extinguish the flames. Beaten down by brutal interrogations in a secret 'deep state' black site, ex-DELTA operator Christopher Wren is last to hear about the riots raging across America. There are no clear leaders. There is just one demand - Release Christopher Wren - and Wren alone knows what it means. Someone's trying to spark a war in his name. Stoked by a year of division and fear, America races toward mass insurrection. Only Wren can calm the blaze, but the 'Deep State' will never give him that chance - not when they believe his cult masterminded it all…"
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5 Fire Storm Fire Storm
Written by Grist, Mike
Copyright: 2020

"Hour after hour. Death after death. A young mother of two walks into a bustling Cincinatti mall, douses herself with gasoline and lights a match. She's the first to burn. She won't be the last. America locks down beneath an endless human firestorm. Only Christopher Wren can root out the sickness, with the help of brilliant CIA agent Sally Rogers, but the clock is ticking, and Wren's tyrannical father is about to ascend to the greatest stage on Earth, alongside a new President of the United States. And on that day, there will be no shelter from the storm."
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6 Enemy of the People Enemy of the People
Written by Grist, Mike
Copyright: 2021

"They made him their enemy. They'll regret it. America stands in tatters. A decimated Congress scrambles for control, but the people aren't listening. Instead they're battling in the streets over 'X', an Internet conspiracy theorist preaching hellfire and lies. Now reality itself is in the firing line. Only Christopher Wren can stop the killing tide of lies, but Wren is broken. Battered physically and emotionally, he faces crushing questions from the past. X may hold the answers, but in a country rapidly burning itself alive, X is the one pouring on the gas..."
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7 Backlash Backlash
Written by Grist, Mike
Copyright: 2021

"They downed his jet. Let the backlash begin. A passenger plane forced down over Texas airspace. A state on the edge of collapse, taking orders through unseen backchannels. One man on board may have something to say about that. Christopher Wren. What begins as the backlash to a year of chaos soon becomes a national odyssey for justice. They ripped Wren's world into pieces. They forced those pieces to the brink of self-destruction. Now they're looking to warp what remains, and corrupt America forever."
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8 Never Forgive Never Forgive
Written by Grist, Mike
Copyright: 2022

"CIA black-ops legend Christopher Wren's in semi-retirement, enjoying some well-earned family time on his Delaware farm. Then an 11-man paramilitary squad attacks. The farm is left in ashes. Bodies litter the ground. Wren wants payback, but answers may lie very far afield. Tokyo, Japan. A city in uproar. Five people are dead - their bodies carved with a simple message: FOR CHRISTOPHER WREN, Wren doesn't know the dead. He doesn't know the killer. But it doesn't matter.

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9 War Of Choice War Of Choice
Written by Grist, Mike
Copyright: 2022

"Black ops expert Chris Wren is finally out of 'the life' and happier than ever. He sees his kids every day. His Delaware farm is flourishing. Then Wren's brilliant hackers are violently taken. A message follows: STAND DOWN OR THEY DIE.
But Wren never took well to direction. Now the race is on to save them, before a vicious Russian cyberattack clears the way for something far worse. Millions could die. America could fall…"
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10 Hammer Of God Hammer Of God
Written by Grist, Mike
Copyright: 2024

"Late on a bright summer's day, a two-ton rod of tungsten plummets from the sky over America. Unstoppable. Undetectable. Where it strikes, nothing remains. Only a crater. They call this weapon the Hammer of God - and it will fall again. And again. And again. Only special operators Christopher Wren and Sally Rogers, half a world apart, can unravel the twisted conspiracy driving the Hammer, and halt it before America loses what it values most..."
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     I was put off by the blurb that described Wren as a cult leader because, well, based on every time I have seen a "cult leader" portrayed in fiction, be it book, movie, or television, he/she is not the good guy.

     The events in the opening chapter sort of dispelled that unease but replaced it with a "what!?" when the man walks into a biker bar and deliberately gets himself beat up. I am not really giving any spoilers here - it is after all the very opening. It did leave me wondering what the heck is going on and that kept me reading and that turned out to be a good thing.


My Grade: B+


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