Harker Bellamy is a British spymaster.
Officially I should have referred to him as Sir Harker since the man has earned himself a knighthood, likely though not necessarily stated in the pages of his recorded adventures for his impressive career as an operative in and later leader in the British intelligence community. Bellamy holds the position of C.M.G., officially a Companion in the Order of St. Michael and St. George. He also has earned the Distinguished Service Order (DSO) which is another noteworthy accomplishment to be stated on official documents.
The first couple of adventures that exist for this man do not specifically state what department he runs, his position usually just stated as being a Secret Service Chief. Once the story moves to the viewpoint of his best agent, , we learn that it is identified as Q.1 though what that stands for escapes me. We have no record of his actual field experience. When we meet him for the first time he has already been in charge of his division for some time and will remain so for a good deal longer.
Bellamy has the unfortunate nickname of "the Mole" due in large part to his penchant for remaining secluded, buried in the bowels of his headquarters. It also very much fits in many regards his physical appearance. Obviously the term is not used to his face. If it were, there is no doubt that he would just deal with the offender with just a bit more of the perpetually gruff mannerisms that he faces everyone normally.
Speaking of gruff, we are told in the first adventure that Bellamy is naturally brusque and short with everyone. "A member of his staff might be away for months and have risked several kinds of particularly unpleasant deaths, yet even before he shook hands, Bellamy would bark a semi-accusing inquiry" of 'Well?!'
With regards to his star agent, Standish, it could be rightly stated that Bellamy has a particularly strong warm feeling towards the man. The two get along fabulously with Standish being one of the very few who will give as good as he gets in the barking area, though Standish's manners are obviously laced with affection.