Countess Hilda von Schaumberg is an agent with German Intelligence.
The period of time of her recorded adventures as an operative spans 1916 to 1917. We learn at the very beginning of that first recount that she had obviously been with that department, a division of their Foreign Office, for some time because she remarks how on July 5 of 1914, the Kaiser and his advisers had a meeting discussing preparations for war and one of the topics was how the Countess should move immediately to take up residence in Berne, Switzerland, something she did three days later.
[For a history recap, on June 28, 1914, Archduke Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were assassinated while on a state visit to Belgrade, Serbia. On July 23, Austria-Hungary presented Serbia with a list of 10 demands that were intentionally made unacceptable to force a war. Five days later, it declared war on Serbia. Russia had already vowed support of Serbia and went on a war footing. Germany declared support for Austria-Hungary and insisted Russia demobilize and when it did not, declared war on Russia on August 1. The next day Germany invaded Luxembourg and Belgium and things went downhill from there.]
The fact that the Countess was moved to a neutral country just two weeks after the assassination showed how ready the High Command was for the upcoming conflict. It is interesting to read when she says that "we ladies of the German secret diplomatic service are under no compulsion [to obey]. We may decline to follow any suggestion from headquarters; but we never do." It will be from that Switzerland that she will operate though as we will see from her accounts, she spends virtually no time there from the first adventure on.
We learn almost nothing about the Countess's past other than she is quite young (early 20's). We hear no references to a husband so her title is likely to have been inherited. Where her titled lands, if any, were is also not mentioned.
What is stated is that she is considered by everyone she knows to be of exceptional beauty, something she makes not pretense of modesty about. It is mentioned on one way or another that it is her good looks and breeding and status that she gets accepted into the many different societies she must infiltrate on her missions. It is also stated more than a few times that it is her superior intellect that gets her out of some of the tight situations she lands in.
The adventures we have of the Countess end before the fall of the German Empire. What happened to her at that point remains a mystery.