Marvin Styles is an agent for the President of the United States.
Technically he is a proud member of the Marine Corps, holding the enlisted rank of Sergeant but for the three adventures of his we have to follow, he will operate under the direction of the Chief Executive. Well, even with that there is a bit of an issue. He is proud to be a Marine but on our initial meeting he is just a couple days away from being forced out of the only career he had wanted since growing up.
In the Corps, Styles was special. "Sgt. Marvin Styles was unique among all other Marines. No one else did what he did in quite the same manner. He was a sniper. He had been a sniper for over fifteen years during both wars in Iraq and two campaigns in Afghanistan. He worked completely alone, no spotter, no supporting unit. He was his unit. His mission was simple. Kill the enemy by any means available. He would go out on his own for months at a time, only to reappear at his base where he would write up a report and send it onward, as no one at that base would ever read it. For all practical purposes, he was not under the command of the base commanding officer, something that the base CO absolutely hated. Styles kept to himself, which created a certain mystique that surrounded him."
After several tours in the Middle East working under conditions few else could tolerate, Styles' life has changed suddenly and drastically, all because he witnessed an act of stupidity, in his opinion, by an officer that resulted in the loss of American lives. He reacted and was being booted out of the Corps as a result. As he remembers, "Hell, all I did was smack some dipshit Captain. He gets nine good soldiers killed because of his stupid ego and I'm the one getting bounced."
Which is what will make Styles available when the President decides he needs an off-the-books team to take the fight to the terrorist enemy. This small group, to be less conspicuous, would operate "under the umbrella of the new president's Department of the Presidential Office (DPO)". The official leader would be Captain Richard Starr, the striking force would be Styles.
Styles knows he cannot do what he is asked to do without support so he will find a couple of extremely capable people for that aid, including one very impressive computer hacker Darlene Phillips. Then there is also a former Top Gun fighter pilot named Christman who knows a thing or two about aircraft.
Styles is a fitness fanatic. And when it comes to fighting, he is described as "while not a big man, just over six feet tall and weighing a buck ninety-five, he was without question one of the deadliest men alive. Not only extremely skilled in various firearms, he was an expert with edge weapons, and over the top in his hand- to- hand fighting capability. His father had enrolled him in a martial arts dojo when Styles was only seven. By fourteen he had earned two black belts. By age twenty he had efficiently incorporated several different styles, easing in and out of all of them effortlessly, depending on what might be desired. His hand techniques made it virtually impossible for anyone to grab him. Anyone who tried always heard their own bones snap."