Wade Ross is a wanderer.
He is given that designation because that is what he is doing at the beginning of both of the recorded adventures we have of this Australian fellow.
He is also given that name because his original name as a half-white half-Aborigine young boy was Wundurra. Even though that word mean 'Warrior' in his native tongue, it sounds close to the word I give for him as to be evocative, especially as 'wanderer' will suit him so well.
We learn that Ross was an orphan adopted at age eight by an aid worker named Martha Ross and raised with another adoptee, Camira.
"Being half cast, not fully white and not fully black meant his life was tough with no friends, constant bullying and fights. Wundurra became very strong both physically and mentally; but it also made him shy and withdrawn. He sought solace with learning the aboriginal beliefs of the Dreamtime."
When he grew into adulthood, Ross chose to serve his country in the military and his exceptional conditioning, thanks for a love of parkour, made him a natural to try out for the prestigious Australian S.A.S. He would serve honorably with them for a decade before his urge to roam would call to him.
Ross is a member of this compendium because of the troubles that he will find himself a part of during that wandering which will pit him against a very nasty world-wide terrorist organization, forcing him to work closely with the CIA.
Ross will not actively seek the adventures that will come his way, along with the death and danger that they bring with them. He will also not back away, either.