stone_nathan_bk_reckoning stone_nathan_bk_rogue stone_nathan_bk_requiem
Full Name: Nathan Stone
Nationality: American
Organization: The Commission
Occupation Agent

Creator: J. B. Turner
Time Span: 2018 - 2018


Nathan Stone is an agent with the Commission.

Assassin is a better word for the work he does for this unofficial and definitely unauthorized organization. "The beauty of the Commission was that they didn't exist. Not officially. A back channel with the Pentagon ensured that only a select few were in the loop." If you asked any of the members of this group what the purpose for the Commission was, you would undoubtedly listen to a long spiel about preserving the nation and eliminating the enemies both inside and out that threaten it. In truth, it worked to keep the power of the government in the hands of those they wanted. Anyone who looked like they might challenge that power structure were put on the list of people needing removal.

Stone is one of those removers.

He did not plan on being one and was not happy to learn that he was slated for such a position. He might have put up a fuss about it sooner than he eventually would except ghosts don't have much of a say in their situations.

And Stone is a ghost.

This former delinquent from the tough streets of New York's Lower East Side found a way out of that neighborhood through the U.S. Army, more specifically Special Forces. The field reports coming from his actions in Iraq showed "fearless soldier". They also showed a man "reported ... for unlawful deaths and killings" in some cases. While this made his superiors more and more nervous, it attracted considerable interest by the CIA.

Transition to the Agency came quickly and so did the training at The Farm where he "learned to bug phones, use dead drops, read detailed maps, and put suspects under surveillance undetected". He also honed his killing skills with knowledge of poisons, untraceable drugs to bring about heart attacks, and use of other quick and lethal weapons like the garrote. Stone proved to be an excellent killer for the Agency. Until he died.

Not fully, of course, but officially.

That is when the Commission came to call.


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2018
Last Appearance:2018

1 Rogue Rogue
Written by J. B. Turner
Copyright: 2018

Recently brought in as an agent for the Commission, Nathan Stone's target is Senator Brad Crichton, an up-and-coming politician who has angered the Commission. As Stone gets ready to assassinate him, a wrench is thrown into the works in the form of a journalist who has a copy of the kill list.
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2 Reckoning Reckoning
Written by J. B. Turner
Copyright: 2018

The Commission knows it has a rogue agent on its hands in the form of Nathan Stone but they have come up with a way of forcing him to continue working for them. They kidnap his sister from a psychiatric hospital and demand Stone kill journalist Mark Mahoney, a reporter that Stone had leaked documents about the Commission to.
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3 Requiem Requiem
Written by J. B. Turner
Copyright: 2018

Nathan Stone had thought he had destroyed the Commission by removing those at the top but even as he lies low in Miami, he learns that the group is still in existence and still wants him destroyed. Stone has no choice but to go back to war with that organization.
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The author was well into his Jon Reznick series of adventures about that unofficial CIA agent when he decided to take a break to give us this three-pack of missions about Nathan Stone. Both Reznick and Stone have a lot in common but the author, J.B. Turner, has made them different enough to each be interesting in their own way.

I do not know if the author intends on returning to Stone or not. He most definitely looked like he planned to with the ending of the third book setting the scene for another one but apparently Reznick has been pretty busy as well. When a fourth Stone comes out, I will be happy to snatch it up.


My Grade: B+


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