victorias_secret_service_cb_01 victorias_secret_service_cb_rr victorias_secret_service_cb_nr
Full Name: Victoria's Secret Service
Nationality: British
Organization: VSS
Occupation Agency

Creator: Darren G. Davis
Time Span: 2005 - 2017


Victoria's Secret Service is a British intelligence agency.

For a reason I have yet to uncover, the agents working for this highly secret organization refer to it as the "Veil". It has been run by a sequence of men given the title of 'Regent'. The current one appears, to me, to be someone far too young to be adequate for the job which may be why the young women in the group tend to do things their own way. Then again, it could be that is historically the way the agents over the years have acted.

"Back in the 19th Century, a secret group of ladies in waiting were created to protect Queen Victoria at all costs. These highly trained operatives became Victoria's Secret Service. Flash forward 150 years and set in a restricted area inside the Ministry of Defense, only a select few have access to 'the Compound'. Inside is a high-tech institution specializing in training England's most elite soldiers. Subject to only the director and the Crown, these soldiers do not exist. Their missions - relieving any threat associated to the Crown, whether it means going under cover at the meetings of the Houses, or foiling a terrorist's plan - are what the VSS lives for, literally. Should the day come when they can no longer perform their duties, they will be terminated as swiftly as they once did to others!"

That last part should give potential members pause but if it does, I do not see it. What I do see are several incredibly athletic (and yes, drop-dead beautiful and sexy) young women having a great time putting their lives on the line for the security of the Crown.

The membership at the time we first meet these ladies consists of:

Brooke: shoulder-length brown hair, suffers from PTSD from adolescent event when her family were killed in an explosion, called the 'Snow Queen'

Born: New Forest, England

Hobbies: Sharpening my Nin Ju Ka skills. And my sword

Likes: Being on a mission

Dislikes: Not being on a mission

What I look For In A Man: I'm not looking

Raven: short dark hair woman, pilot, zany sense of humor.

Born: Norwich, England.

Hobbies: Fixing things. 'Something around the HQ always needs its nose powdered'.

Likes: Computers, problem-solving, covering the proper @RR3s, kicking the improper ones.

Dislikes: The telly; disorganization; David Beckham.

What I look For In A Man: Well-read, opinionated, patriotic, round bum.

Lark: shoulder-length blonde hair, descended from the original Regent. Resident 'mistress of disguise'

Born: Thirlmere, England

Hobbies: Collecting WWI memorabilia; journaling; studying languages. All of my hobbies are job related!

Likes: Sipping cocoa (with marshmallows, of course) while curled up with a good book on a rainy night.

Dislikes: Misplaced truse; abused trust

What I Look for in a Man: I am married to the Veil just now.

Scarlet: red-haired former thief, American, paroled to the Veil

Born: Atlanta, George, USA

Hobbies: Running. It's a skill I use often.

Likes: Bright, shiny objects - specifically, jewels set in gold

Dislikes: Reading, sitting still for more than a few minutes

What I Look for in a Man: Thinks on his feet; can keep up with me.

These four current members of the Veil (i.e., the VSS) have a lot of fun throwing themselves into danger and getting out again and they are fun watching them do that.


Number of Stories:3
First Appearance:2005
Last Appearance:2017

1 The Duke of Somewhere The Duke of Somewhere
Published by Alias Enterprise
Contributors: Terrance Griep (writer), Nadir Balan (pencils and cover), Mostaga Moussa (inks), Transparency Digital (colors), Patrick Foster (letters)
Copyright: 2005

Published as Victoria's Secret Service #1
The VSS team takes on a pair of very tech-savvy dwarves out to wipe out the group. As they then are given their next mission, to provide protection to a heir to the Throne, they are introduced to their newest member: Scarlet.

2 Nemesis Rising Nemesis Rising
Published by Blue Water Comics
Contributors: Terrance Griep (writer), Nadir Balan (pencils), Sven Dyson (inks), Terry Staats (inks), Mostafa Moussa (inks), Kenneth Choi (colors), Patrick Foster (letters)
Copyright: 2005

Published as a 5-issue mini-series
"They say it takes a thief to catch a thief, and the glamorous field agents of VSS put this tenant to the test when they allow their newest member, the American sneak-thief Scarlet, to take point on her first full mission: hoping to derail on imminent coronation, an unknown scoundrel has stolen the Crown Jewels from the Tower of London. It's up to Lark, Raven, Brooke, and Scarlet to steal back these vibrant symbols of the monarchy they have be paid to protect. But which of her teammates is spying on Scarlet? And why? It's thief versus thief and spy versus spy in this high-impact thriller."

3 Russian Roulette Russian Roulette
Published by Tidalwave Comics
Contributors: C.W. Cooke (writer), Scott J. Lawson (artist)
Copyright: 2017

The VSS will go up against Rule Eddie and his Rule Ladies as they hatch their incredible plan for world domination.


Nowadays being an older and mature (i.e., grown-up) person, I would be remiss to not mention that the depictions of the young women in this graphic series are anatomically outrageous and therefore the stories are lesser for it. Mind you, for the sake of this compendium, I forced myself to read each available story but never a moment did I not think the pictures were unrealistic and ...

Oh, to heck with it. Read 'em for yourself and decide for yourself.

The stories are silly, of course. Illogical and inane and kinda fun for short periods. I would not want a steady diet of it but once in a while...


My Grade: B-


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