Full Name: Adam Kane
Series Name: My Name Is Adam Kane
Nationality: British
Organization: DI-6
Occupation Agent

Creator: Dale Cutts
Time Span: 1973 - 1980


Adam Kane is an agent with British Intelligence.

Exactly what department calls the shots for this highly experienced and well known operative is not quite specified for a while. Eventually the DI-6 designation is given, back in the day it went by that acronym before the switch to MI-6. Whatever the title of the organization is, one thing certain is that he is a British intelligence agent who works around the world and is known by most of the foreign security services. This makes it tricky sometimes to move about with anonymity but does help with making sure many of the people he might deal with know he is not a light-weight.

Kane works out of a London headquarters answering to a man name Develish (spelling uncertain) who is seldom actually the one passing on instructions - there is usually at least one level of management between Kane and the top man - but he is definitely the one calling the shots and the one who gets annoyed when a mission does not go the way he wants it.

We do not learn a great deal about his history before becoming an intelligence man. He is said to have been in the Military, almost certainly during World War II and it is probable that he served with Military Intelligence then. Vague allusions to things that went on back then are made but nothing definite. We do now know how old he is, though we can guess mid-to-late 30's. He definitely has no home life which is good since being gone as often as he is, he hardly has a home.

Kane is definitely known for his appreciation of the opposite sex. He has a strong reputation in place, well earned, for going after an attractive lass when available and usually ending up with her. This attraction is considered a couple of times to be a major problem for him, one opponent stating that "[Kane's] as weak as a kitten if there is a bird around that he fancies". That last is a very misplaced assumption about Kane, though. He does not let his interests interfere with his work (much).

Though he is known for his quick wit and his sometimes biting comments, both of which are not that appreciated by his superiors, he is nevertheless overall respectful of authority and a team player. He might snark a bit at an order or at the ones giving those orders but he can be counted on for coming through.

Good Line:
- "People think I spend half my life bashin' other blokes; shootin' and being shot at. It isn't true. I like peace and quiet and I guard it whenever I go at it, which isn't all the time, believe me."


Number of Episodes:44
First Appearance:1973
Last Appearance:1980

Don McCorkindaleAdam Kane [ 73-79 ]
Richard CoxAdam Kane [ 79-80 ]

Out of the 41 known episodes, many of them repeated making the "known" count to be higher, only a few have their first aired dates firmly agreed upon. Therefore, I have chosen to list them in alphabetical order with the date, if any, marked.

The shows were presented by Springbok Radio, the first commercial radio station in South Africa, and ran from 1973 to possibly 1980. Exactly how many episodes were aired in how many "seasons" is not known; just the 41 that have been preserved.

1 All The Money In The World
Episode unk, first aired

200 kilos of uncut diamonds. That is how many were stolen 15 years before. Adam Kane is in Kinshasa to help locate the gems now that evidence has come up that might point him in the right direction.

2 The Aviary
Episode unk, first aired 06/05/1975

The Aviary was a club in London; not listed in any directory, it was a 'political' club for militant feminists. Johnny the Narc had passed to Adam Kane information that the location was where a plan by the people there was being hatched to 'take over the world'.

3 A Bird In The Hand
Episode unk, first aired

Adam Kane is being used as a courier and a pair of men are determined to get the briefcase he is carrying from him. They make use of a young, beautiful woman to be the bait to snare him.

4 Bird Of Passage
Episode unk, first aired 11/03/1973

In Berlin, Maxim Spiller, the deputy head of the KGB operation in Germany, convinces a young British woman to travel with him to London. The job for Adam Kane is to find out why the KGB was not worried out his apparent defection.

5 Body Snatch
Episode unk, first aired 04/26/1975

[plot unknown]

6 Brother Spy
Episode unk, first aired 08/07/1980

[plot unknown]

7 The Calling Card
Episode unk, first aired

[plot unknown]

8 Cherry Blossom
Episode unk, first aired

[plot unknown]

9 Come Fly With Me
Episode unk, first aired 1973

[plot unknown]

10 The Cuckoo
Episode unk, first aired

[plot unknown]

11 Death Dance
Episode unk, first aired 1973

Brought to a presentation of an opera, Adam Kane is informed that the department had had a female operative undercover with the troupe investigating a Russian spy in the group. She had been murdered earlier in the day and he is to find out who any why.

12 Debt For A Ducat
Episode unk, first aired

An American CIA agent named Zut is on hand in London when a drive-by shooting kills a man. Special Branch is involved and the CIA man is in hot water. It will fall to Adam Kane to find out who was killed, who pulled the trigger, and who is ultimately responsible.

13 The Deep Freeze War
Episode unk, first aired

Adam Kane is helping on a mission to Germany (he objects to being on loan like a library book). The man running the operation is not willing to listen to advice. He is does not know that his entire team is under surveillance by the opposition.

14 Desert Flower
Episode unk, first aired 08/14/1980

[plot unknown]

16 Dressed To Kill
Episode unk, first aired

[plot unknown]

17 The Dry Cleaner
Episode unk, first aired

[plot unknown]

18 Eagle One
Episode unk, first aired

[plot unknown]

19 First Blood
Episode unk, first aired 05/1976

[plot unknown]

20 Flying Bomb
Episode unk, first aired 1973

[plot unknown]

21 Greek Fire
Episode unk, first aired 06/20/1974

'Nick the Greek', the second most wanted espionage agent on the department's list, is getting married in Greece. Adam Kane is assigned the job of snatching him for Military Intelligence. To pull it off, he takes the role of a film star.

22 The Happy Loser
Episode unk, first aired

[plot unknown]

23 A Healthy Way To Die
Episode unk, first aired

[plot unknown]

24 House Party
Episode unk, first aired 07/08/1976

[plot unknown]

25 How The Other Half
Episode unk, first aired 1975

[plot unknown]

26 The Immigrant
Episode unk, first aired

[plot unknown]

27 The Iron Road
Episode unk, first aired

[plot unknown]

28 Light Touch Of Terror
Episode unk, first aired 1973

[plot unknown]

29 Lochinvar
Episode unk, first aired

[plot unknown]

30 Love Thy Neighbor
Episode unk, first aired 10/16/1976

[plot unknown]

31 Moonshine
Episode unk, first aired

[plot unknown]

32 Nightshade
Episode unk, first aired 05/08/1976

[plot unknown]

33 Old Acquaintance
Episode unk, first aired 1973

[plot unknown]

34 Outside Straight
Episode unk, first aired

[plot unknown]

35 Poppy Day
Episode unk, first aired

[plot unknown]

36 The Silencer
Episode unk, first aired 1975

[plot unknown]

37 The Silver Doctor
Episode unk, first aired 03/15/1975

An American who is suspected of being a KGB agent is in London supposedly planning on doing some fishing. Adam Kane has been tasked with finding out what the fellow really is up to.

38 Soundwave
Episode unk, first aired 02/22/1975

[plot unknown]

39 Strong Arm
Episode unk, first aired

[plot unknown]

40 Tailspin
Episode unk, first aired

[plot unknown]

41 Wall Street
Episode unk, first aired

[plot unknown]


Having re-become a big fan of old radio series in the recent years, I was stunned to find this series and to note the time period in which they were aired. The mid-70s is hardly the era that I would expect to find a radio-based series. Television had such a major hold on the entertainment industry long before then.

But that was in the U.S. and U.K. Apparently not so much South Africa. I find that fascinating!

These are really fun tales everyone who enjoys action spy series and/or radio storytelling should check out.


My Grade: B


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