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Full Name: Peter Bolton and Piper Landry
Nationality: American
Organization: Unnamed Agency
Occupation Agent

Creator: Elise Sax
Time Span: 2020 - 2021


Peter Bolton is an agent with an unnamed American intelligence agency.

Piper Landry is not.

Exactly what Landry is takes up a good deal of the first recorded adventure so saying any more here about that would be very much a spoiler.

What we know about Bolton is that he is retired. Well, we get to see the wrap-up of his last exciting assignment going up against a bunch of Chechen terrorists who could easily have played for the NFL. But that does not take that long and leads to the real start of the time that Bolton and Landry will be together. It is six weeks after the Chechen matter and Bolton has finally said so long to his former employer for whom he had worked quite a few years and had the many scars and aches to show it, not to mention a new kneecap to replace the one that he didn't lose so much as had blown off him.

That is when he, and we, meet Landry. He had received a directive on the phone to go to a certain spot in a forest at night. She was there already and was screaming and "was disappointed in herself that all she could do was scream. She had screamed a lot. Screamed when she was running and screamed when she was caught. She was a worthless female, just like the worthless females in stupid horror movies. When her life was on the line, all she could do was scream? She didn't know who she was, but she hated herself."

The part about not knowing who she is plays a big part in the whole first adventure. She has amnesia. Which meant she had no idea why she was in that forest at night running from an unknown danger. Or why she was screaming. Or why she was buck naked. Or why she had a cow tag stapled to her ear.

To say that life with these two is going to be interesting is being sedate. They are going to have to work together to learn why she was there, a naked cow-tagged amnesiac, not to mention why he was directed to be there himself. And they will have to figure out a way to save the country and then the world. Like I said, interesting.

Good Line:
- "Peter had been all about saving the world, and nothing about saving himself. Well, maybe a little bit about saving himself. He was very fond of bulletproof vests, for example."


Number of Books:4
First Appearance:2020
Last Appearance:2021

1 Partners In Crime Partners In Crime
Written by Elise Sax
Copyright: 2020

Peter Bolton wants out of the spy business and to live a normal life. Piper Landry would like to know who she is since she cannot remember. And where her clothes went to. And why she has a tag bolted to her ear. When she meets him, his chances for normalcy went the way of her clothing. Together they find they need to worry about other things, too, like saving the world.
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2 Conspiracy In Crime Conspiracy In Crime
Written by Elise Sax
Copyright: 2020

Having several million dollars and nothing to do but enjoy doing nothing is what Peter Bolton and Piper Landry have. Then the spy agency he used to work for calls upon them to help out one last time. Should they give up security and tranquility to put their lives on the line one more time? Need you ask? Excitement is something they both adore and having to stop WWIII from happening sounds like the thing to do.
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3 Divided In Crime Divided In Crime
Written by Elise Sax
Copyright: 2020

Peter Bolton thought his relationship with Piper Landry was doing quite well. Then she disappeared. Did she run away or was she abducted? Since he cannot believe the first, he has to assume the second which means another big question was who might have taken her, his enemies or hers?
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4 Surrender In Crime Surrender In Crime
Written by Elise Sax
Copyright: 2021

Piper Landry is now engaged. She is also about to learn the truth of who she actually is. The question becomes will what happened in her unknown past change her plans for the future.
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Oh, my, how I so loved this silly, zany, irreverent and just plain fun series. This needs to be made into a movie but I doubt if people could do it justice. I laughed and guffawed (really!) in so many places I stopped counting. Okay, I never actually counted them but there had to have been a lot. It is that fun of a series. So much so that when I learned the third adventure was coming out in a few months, I pre-bought it to make sure I would not miss the release.

I love Piper Landry and really like Peter Bolton and I adore them together. They get into so much trouble and have such a delicious time getting out of it. And we the readers get to follow them every step, laughing and guffawing all the way.


My Grade: A-


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