Writing as: Elise Sax
According to the bio on her website: "I worked as a journalist, mostly in Paris, France for many years, but I always wanted to write fiction. Finally, I decided to go for my dream and write a novel. I was thrilled when An Affair to Dismember the first in the Matchmaker Series, was sold at auction to Ballantine.
Story ideas come to me day and night, and I’m inspired by my imagination and the news, especially weird news. I’m a plotter. I map out chapters, but sometimes characters have a mind of their own. That happened in book two of the Matchmaker Series, where it ended in a surprise. (Oh, have I divulged too much?)
I wish I was one of those superhero authors who write five or ten thousand words everyday, but I write in bursts. I’m trying to get more organized and increase my word count, but I’m not a fast writer. I regularly hound very productive authors to try and learn their magic recipes for high word counts, but I haven’t managed to learn the technique, yet.
I write either at my desk in my office or in my bed. I listen to music while I write romantic or scary scenes, but for the majority of scenes, written (hopefully) with humor, I have the television on in the background. I love TV, and I write well while listening to the rhythm of banter.
Otherwise, I’m an overwhelmed single mother of two boys in Southern California. I’m an avid traveler, a beginner dancer, an occasional piano player, and an online shopping junkie"