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The Tattooed Skipper
short story
Written by Steve Fisher
Copyright: 1935
Published in The Shadow Magazine May 1, 1935 The long serving, much tattooed captain of the naval vessel died suddenly and Sheridan Doome was brought in to determine if foul play was the cause. He learned soon that it was but now the question was who stuck a needle into one of those tattoos straight into his heart.
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Pigboat Peril
short story
Written by Steve Fisher
Copyright: 1935
Published in The Shadow Magazine Jun. 15, 1935 Who killed the lieutenant in his bunk aboard the submarine and what could the motive be? That is what Lt. Cmdr. Sheridan Doome is brought onboard to learn.
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Wrecked Wings
short story
Written by Steve Fisher
Copyright: 1935
Published in The Shadow Magazine Sep. 1, 1935 The naval war games were underway. Three aircraft carriers took part as did accompanying destroyers and even battleships. Ensign Lawrence was a pilot flying one of the planes in the mock combats when his control stick jams suddenly and all ability to keep from plunging into the sea was lost. Sheridan Doome, the Naval Intelligence Ace, was called in to learn what caused the loss of plane and death of a pilot.
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Dollars of Death
short story
Written by Steve Fisher
Copyright: 1935
Published in The Shadow Magazine Oct. 1, 1935 A sailor steals $50k in payroll money aboard a battleship and then forces the paymaster to write a suicide note before killing the man. It is Sheridan Doome's task to prove it and recover the funds.
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The Yellow Cat
short story
Written by Steve Fisher
Copyright: 1935
Published in The Shadow Magazine, Nov. 1, 1935. [plot unknown]
6 |
Genius of Murder
short story
Written by Steve Fisher
Copyright: 1935
Published in The Shadow Magazine, Dec. 15, 1935. [plot unknown]
7 |
Time Out for Murder
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1937
Published in The Shadow, Aug. 15, 1937. [plot unknown]
8 |
The Man in the Rubber Suit
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1937
Published in The Shadow, Sep.15, 1937. [plot unknown]
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Death in the Rain
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1937
Published in The Shadow, Oct. 15, 1937. [plot unknown]
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The Target
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1937
Published in The Shadow, Nov. 15, 1937. [plot unknown]
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Murder in Avalon
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1937
Published in The Shadow, Dec. 15, 1937. [plot unknown]
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Shanghai Transport
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1938
Published in The Shadow, Jan. 15, 1938. [plot unknown]
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short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1938
Published in The Shadow, Feb. 15, 1938. [plot unknown]
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Sweet Sue
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1938
Published in The Shadow, Mar. 15, 1938. [plot unknown]
15 |
The Broken Wrist
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1938
Published in The Shadow, Apr. 15, 1938. [plot unknown]
16 |
Boy Kills Girl
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1938
Published in The Shadow, Jun. 15, 1938. [plot unknown]
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Sailor in the Air
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1938
Published in The Shadow, Jul. 15, 1938. [plot unknown]
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Death Before Dusk
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1938
Published in The Shadow, Aug. 15, 1938. [plot unknown]
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War Games
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1938
Published in The Shadow, Sep. 15, 1938. [plot unknown]
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Rain in Panama
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1938
Published in The Shadow, Oct. 15, 1938. [plot unknown]
21 |
Murder Without Regret
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1938
Published in The Shadow, Nov. 15, 1938. [plot unknown]
22 |
The Devil Take You
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1938
Published in The Shadow, Dec. 15, 1938. [plot unknown]
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Cops and Robbers
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1939
Published in The Shadow, Jan. 15, 1939. [plot unknown]
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Murder of a Lady
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1939
Published in The Shadow, Feb. 15, 1939. [plot unknown]
25 |
Girl from San Pedro
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1939
Published in The Shadow, Mar. 15, 1939. [plot unknown]
26 |
The Beautiful Brenda
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1939
Published in The Shadow, Apr. 15, 1939. [plot unknown]
27 |
Cruise to Nowhere
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1939
Published in The Shadow, May 15, 1939. [plot unknown]
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Four Hundred a Week
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1939
Published in The Shadow, Jun. 15, 1939. [plot unknown]
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We Don’t Like Spies
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1939
Published in The Shadow, Jul. 15, 1939. [plot unknown]
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The Vessel of Mercy
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1939
Published in The Shadow, Aug. 15, 1939. [plot unknown]
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Navy Yard Runaround
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1939
Published in The Shadow, Nov. 15, 1939. [plot unknown]
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Death of a Sailor
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1939
Published in The Shadow, Dec. 15, 1939. [plot unknown]
33 |
Only Death Shall Pass
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1940
Published in The Shadow, Mar. 1, 1940. [plot unknown]
34 |
Dead Men Don’t Breathe
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1940
Published in The Shadow, Apr. 1, 1940. [plot unknown]
35 |
Murder Blackout
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1940
Published in The Shadow, Jun. 15, 1940. [plot unknown]
36 |
The Magic Lantern
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1940
Published in The Shadow, Jul. 15, 1940. [plot unknown]
37 |
Treasure Hunt
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1940
Published in The Shadow, Sep. 15, 1940. [plot unknown]
38 |
Death Squadron
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1940
Published in The Shadow, Dec. 15, 1940. [plot unknown]
39 |
Murder Manifest
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1941
Published in The Shadow, Feb. 15, 1941. [plot unknown]
40 |
Crash Dive
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1941
Published in The Shadow, Apr. 1, 1941. [plot unknown]
41 |
Murder in Paradise
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1941
Published in The Shadow, May 15, 1941. [plot unknown]
42 |
Suicide Fleet
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1941
Published in The Shadow, Jul. 1, 1941. [plot unknown]
43 |
Death Command
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1941
Published in The Shadow, Sep. 1, 1941. [plot unknown]
44 |
Turn to for Murder
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1941
Published in The Shadow, Dec. 1, 1941. [plot unknown]
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short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1942
Published in The Shadow, Jan. 1, 1942. [plot unknown]
46 |
Crime on Sands Street
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1942
Published in The Shadow, Mar. 15, 1942. [plot unknown]
47 |
Murder by Request
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1942
Published in The Shadow, Jul. 1, 1942. [plot unknown]
48 |
Murder of a Sea Gull
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1942
Published in The Shadow, Aug. 1, 1942. [plot unknown]
49 |
A Picture of the Victim
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1942
Published in The Shadow, Oct. 1, 1942. [plot unknown]
50 |
Killers Always Burn
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1942
Published in The Shadow, Nov. 1, 1942. [plot unknown]
51 |
Salvage Job
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1942
Published in The Shadow, Dec. 1, 1942. [plot unknown]
52 |
The Death Code
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1943
Published in The Shadow, Feb. 15, 1943. [plot unknown]
53 |
The Corpse Died Screaming
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1943
Published in The Shadow, April 1943. [plot unknown]
54 |
Death in Panama
short story
Written by Stephen Gould
Copyright: 1943
Published in The Shadow, July 1943. [plot unknown]