Blaze Lane is an agent with the CIA.
That is stretching things a bit, certainly at first a whole lot and then even later still quite a bit. Yes, she will go to work for the Agency and will take the training required to become an agent but to say she is an operative on the level of her fellow agents is way wrong. She is for the most part far below the others in qualifications and in a couple ways she is so much more.
'Blaze' is, not surprisingly, not her real first name, just the nickname she prefers to be called since she hates her actual name of Lois (understandable since that would make her full name Lois Lane). When we first meet her she is one of three secretaries in a small loan office working for the lecherous and most annoying Mr. Grundwald and doing her best to avoid his advances.
She probably would still be there if an experienced CIA agent named Cindy had not been snatched by bad guys while heading to Moscow to meet with a Russian with vital intel. Unfortunately, she dies and she is the only one he will pass the info to. More unfortunately, Lane is almost a carbon copy of her and is spotted while buying coffee and asked to help her country out on one little matter. Really unfortunately, she agrees as the thought of something exciting happening to her drab life is too good to ignore.
As the series progresses, she will be invited to join the Agency full time as a real, actual agent, with training and everything. As a blurb for one of the adventures puts it too well to not use: "Blaze is very good at her job. It's not that she's particularly skillful (she's not), and it's not that she's particularly clever or knowledgeable (she's definitely not). She simply has plenty of plain dumb luck - and 'dumb' may well be the right word."
Warning: this series sounds like a light-hearted spy romp and it is one. It is also very much into bondage and torture and very unpleasant things happening to women, graphically described.