Caribe is an international intelligence organization.
A task force, actually. Multinational in makeup but with the commonality that would be expected from a group named for the region of the world the work of the members takes place in as well as the origins of the members occurred in. And possibly for the Caribe who inhabited the coastal regions of Central America and the northern regions of South America, and for the Island Caribs who were related and dominated the hundreds of islands since before the Spanish came calling.
Officially it was the "Caribe Taskforce for Terrorist Intervention" and was established "to handle a burgeoning level of espionage and counter espionage happening in Central and South America and the Caribbean". It was started by the Department of Homeland Security and is led by DHS agent Jack Riley out of an operations center in Key West. Riley had been hand-picked by the President when he okay-ed the creation of the team and it was Riley who had the say on the team members.
Juan Morales is on detached duty from Mexican Intelligence, or CISEN. Likely the oldest of the members as it is said early on that he "had been a child when the Cuban missile crisis had occurred" which would put him in early 60's at the time of the recorded adventures.
Maya Corday is from the Jamaican Constabulary Force and is often paired with Morales.
Nick Storm and the gorgeous Harley-riding Kate Breton are American agents who have a very interesting relationship.
Riley's number two man and manager of the Ops Center is Lawrence Dixon.
This handful of operatives have a wide field of operation because one of their main adversaries is S.H.A.D.E., the Supreme Headquarters for Assassination, Destabilization, and Espionage. Very nasty people.