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Full Name: Beth and Meghan Petersen
Series Name: The Gemini Series
Nationality: American
Organization: None
Occupation Private Investigator

Creator: Ty Patterson
Time Span: 2012 - 2019


The Gemini twins are private investigators.

They do not necessarily refer to themselves as the Gemini twins, that is just a name that got attached to them but it certainly is accurate. The older of the two is Meghan Petersen, usually going by Meg. The slightly younger is Beth. They are indeed identical twins, or at least were most of their childhood years. Since they are, when we first meet them, in their late 20's, each has acquired minor differences but for the most part, each still could be mistaken for the other, especially by strangers.

Our first encounter with them comes in an adventure with Zeb Carter, a Spec-Ops legend who worked unofficially for a special adviser to the U.S. President. He was on a vacation hiking through Yellowstone when he encountered the pair as they were trying to not get killed by a gang of meth dealers they had disturbed. While Carter had saved their lives, considering the capabilities of the two sisters, who could say they would not have found their own salvation, considering their capabilities.

While the sisters lived and worked in the Boston area when we find them, they hail from Jackson, Wyoming where their father had been the head of the city's SWAT division, a bit of a legend himself. He had never thought of their entering the same line of work as he had but he had from their young days made it a point to teach them how to handle themselves in a fight should it become necessary and they had learned those lessons very well. Both were trained in Krav Maga and weaponry and neither were afraid of a tussle.

Neither were they ignorant of the dangers in one, though, as they learned when they were 22 years old and attending university. Several highly agitated young people had invaded the campus and went on a murderous rampage, determined to kill as many as they could before dying themselves. The SWAT team, led by their father, had ended the trouble but in the process he had lost his life and Beth has been shot in the head. Though Beth would recover fully physically from the injury, the damage had caused her to lose her memory of her life before the attack.

After the tragedy, the two moved to Boston where Meghan started a web design company and Beth joined her. It was on a vacation from that business that the trouble came that got them involved with Carter and from that meeting came the realization that life around Carter and his teammates, nicknamed the Warriors, was a whole lot more exciting in New York than their work in Boston.

So came the move to the Big Apple, going into the private investigation business as their new business, and making themselves as much of a part of the Warriors as the other had been. Thus while they were officially private eyes, that is just a small part of their activities.


Number of Books:4
First Appearance:2012
Last Appearance:2019

The Gemini Series is closely related to that of Zeb Carter in that they appear at times in his adventures and vice versa.

So! I state that there are 4 books in the series (the Gemini series) and then list 19 entries.

Also, a caveat: The exact placement of the Gemini books in the Zeb Carter series and backwards might be off in a place or two but most of the books can be read without preamble so I do not expect a problem, except for the first Zeb Carter which introduces the twins initially.

1 The Warrior Code The Warrior Code
Written by Ty Patterson
Copyright: 2012

Book 3 of the Zeb Carter series. Zeb Carter could have let the Peterson twins fend for themselves when trouble called in Wyoming. It wasn't his fight. But then he would not have been Zeb Carter and he would have missed meeting a pretty amazing pair of fellow warriors.
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2 The Warrior Debt The Warrior Debt
Written by Ty Patterson
Copyright: 2012

Book 4 of the Zeb Carter series. The psycho enjoyed the name the media gave him - BBK or the Baseball Bat Killer. It fit because he was a killer and he loved to use a baseball bat. Then Zeb Carter and team started hunting him in New York and things got really interesting.
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3 Flay Flay
Written by Ty Patterson
Copyright: 2015

Book 5 of the Zeb Carter series. The killer liked to do horrific things to his female victims and he had been doing them for some time without anyone realizing. Then the two young children of one of his victims walk into Zeb Carter's office and ask for help finding their mom's killer.
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4 Dividing Zero Dividing Zero
Written by Ty Patterson
Copyright: 2015

At first the case seemed a matter of domestic violence but as the Gemini twins, Beth and Meghan Petersen, get deeper into the trouble they find a much deeper problem. An international financial crime is underway and the twins are up against a dangerous opponent.
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5 Behind You Behind You
Written by Ty Patterson
Copyright: 2015

Book 6 of the Zeb Carter series. The female journalist would not give up. Even after they raped her. She kept digging. So they killed her. And buried her where no one would find her. Zeb Carter did. By accident. So they went after him. Bad move.
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6 Hunting You Hunting You
Written by Ty Patterson
Copyright: 2015

Book 7 of the Zeb Carter series. When the armed intruders broke into Hank's home and accosted him and his family, they wanted the answer to a question and if Hank did not come up with the answer, his family would die. Unfortunately, Hank really does not know.
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7 Zero Zero
Written by Ty Patterson
Copyright: 2015

Book 8 of the Zeb Carter series. Zeb Carter was just having lunch in a DC hotel restaurant when armed assailants attack the place and take everyone hostage. They do not want money. They make no demands. They just seem determined to kill. They did not know about Carter.
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8 Death Club Death Club
Written by Ty Patterson
Copyright: 2016

Book 9 of the Zeb Carter series. Zeb Carter seems to have a knack for finding dead bodies and he does it again while hiking through the Oregon desert. He learns the hard way that the deceased had been an unwilling participant in a Death Club and to find out more to put a stop to it, Carter decides to offer himself.
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9 Trigger Break Trigger Break
Written by Ty Patterson
Copyright: 2016

Book 10 of the Zeb Carter series. The wife of an intelligence chief wants to ask Zeb Carter for help but is murdered before she can get to him. As he starts to look into the matter, another wife of an intelligence chief is killed. Now Carter is determined to find out who and what.
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10 Defending Cain Defending Cain
Written by Ty Patterson
Copyright: 2017

The parents of a long-missing woman have not given up hope for answers and they hire the Gemini twins, Beth and Meghan, to look into the case where a serial killer named Cain is the chief suspect. The job will take them across the country and up against a vicious murderer.
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11 Scorched Earth Scorched Earth
Written by Ty Patterson
Copyright: 2017

Book 11 in the Zeb Carter series. Two friends of Zeb Carter, the Gemini twins Beth and Meghan Petersen, have been kidnapped. Carter knows they were snatched to get at him. Now he has even more reason to go after them and nothing, not even war-torn Syria, is going to stop him.
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12 I Am Missing I Am Missing
Written by Ty Patterson
Copyright: 2017

Cole Patten is the billionaire CEO of a corporation who walks into the offices of the Gemini twins, Beth and Meghan Petersen, and tells them, "I am missing. Find me." Even though they have no interest in helping the rich and powerful, there is no way the two could pass up such an intriguing case.
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13 Run! Run!
Written by Ty Patterson
Copyright: 2017

Book 12 in the Zeb Carter series. Once again Zeb Carter is on a vacation in the mountains, this time Idaho, when he comes across a young woman being hunted. Once again he does what he does and goes to her rescue. Unfortunately, those after her have teamed up with a Mexican drug cartel for help. Getting out alive just got a lot harder.
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14 Wrecking Team Wrecking Team
Written by Ty Patterson
Copyright: 2018

The Gemini twins are hired to protect Angie and to find who is behind the attacks on her life. The list could be quite long because her father is a rich man with lots of enemies and she is best described as a brat with her own share of enemies.
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15 Zeb Carter Zeb Carter
Written by Ty Patterson
Copyright: 2018

Book 13 in the Zeb Carter series. Three American soldiers are being held by a Taliban warlord and all attempts to free them have failed. Zeb Carter decides to try.
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16 The Peace Killers The Peace Killers
Written by Ty Patterson
Copyright: 2018

Book 14 in the Zeb Carter series. Palestinian peace negotiators are assassinated in Jerusalem and Mossad is being blamed. To learn who really did it, Zeb Carter must tackle a good number of opponents, including some very impressive kidon.
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17 Burn Rate Burn Rate
Written by Ty Patterson
Copyright: 2018

Book 15 in the Zeb Carter series. The terrorists were in New York to attack the G20 summit there. Zeb Carter was there to stop them. So was an old enemy who knew how Carter operated and how to best counter him.
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18 Terror Terror
Written by Ty Patterson
Copyright: 2019

Book 16 in the Zeb Carter series. A series of terrorist attacks around the globe look like individual acts but are really a part of a single plan. Zeb Carter is asked to find who is behind them and stop them.
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19 Traitor Traitor
Written by Ty Patterson
Copyright: 2019

Book 17 in the Zeb Carter series. While in Libya going after one of the worst terrorists, Zeb Carter learns that back home evidence has been found showing he is a traitor and now he is the hunted.


I really adore the other series connected with this, that of Zeb Carter. I really adore this series. It is quite a bit different because it deals with the twins more than with Carter and they get involved in what seem on the surface to be routine-ish private eye stuff but invariably things go into interesting directions and the concept of routine heads out the window. Especially when Zeb Carter gets involved.

I hope the author will continue to give stories in both series because, though Carter is in the Gemini series and the twins are in the Carter series, the flavor of each series is different and both are delicious.


My Grade: A-


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