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Full Name: OUTCAST Ops
Nationality: American
Organization: OUTCAST Ops
Occupation Agency

Creator: Rick Chesler, Rick Jones
Time Span: 2014 - 2018


OUTCAST is a small band of former agents.

The acronym stands for Operational Undertaking To Counteract Active Stateside Threats.

The team is comprised of ex-operatives from six of the most powerful governmental organizations in the U.S. "Each has been unceremoniously released by their respective former employer for alleged misdoings that leave their pride wounded but their essential skill-sets untouched. After uniting over their shared bond of dismissal from the nation's most elite outfits, the disgruntled spooks realize that they can work together like never before to take down threats to their beloved country, a country that branded them as outcasts but needs them now more than ever."

The leader of OUTCAST is Tanner Wilson, 36 years old and a former FBI special agent. He had worked for a couple of years as a field agent before moving into the Counter-Terrorism brance where "his case exploits were the stuff of legend in the Bureau's hallowed halls. He had an uncanny knack for achieving results, albeit at the expense of rule breaking. Due to his stellar record of results, however, the top brass had tolerated it". Then someone decided to get rid of him via "a trumped-up internal investigation for alleged sexual harassment. When Internal Affairs Division pushed and pushed hard, Tanner shoved back, angering high-ranking administrators" and he was out.

The others agents who come to work with Wilson are:

Stephen Shah: forty-three, an ex-CIA operative who was canned "after bringing a discrimination lawsuit against the agency. He was a man of Middle-Eastern ethnicity who served for two decades with expertise in Arab language and Mid-East operations".

Danielle Sunderland: thirty-seven, an ex-NSA analyst who "was terminated without benefits for using NSA resources to locate information about her child abducted during a custody battle with her ex-husband. She was, by all appearances, frumpy and scholastic-looking, wearing Lennon-like glasses and a short, conservative haircut. Her expertise: fourteen years of experience in computational forensics".

Liam Reilly: twenty-six, an "elite special warfare operator and former member of SEAL Team 6, who was dishonorably discharged for writing a book about his role in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden. He stood six-three and was sizeable at the chest and shoulders. It goes without saying that he was superior militaristic fighter, but he was also skilled in the martial arts with notable proficiencies in American Kenpo and Aikido".

Chancellor 'Chance' Zanetti: a former Delta Force operator "whose primary tasks were to engage in CT tactics, national intervention operations, and to take part in various high risk missions such as hostage rescues, extractions and clandestine raids".

Naomi Washington: thirty-six, an "African-American female and love interest of Chance". She came from the ATF "who was dismissed after being placed on administrative leave for two years following her role in a whistleblower scandal. She was tall and quite appealing to the eye. With long legs and a tapered waistline that evoked something exotic about her, she moved with great economy. Her skill-set in Tanner's league was that she had under her belt thirteen years experience as an explosives and arson investigator".

Dante Alvarez: thirty-two, an ex-Secret Service agent "dismissed after his involvement in a prostitution scandal abroad. He stood six-five with dark hair and deep brown eyes. His face was long and thin with somewhat of a Simian cast to it. Slim and wiry with ropy muscles, he possessed surprising nimbleness and speed. Alvarez often proved his skills and ability in jujitsu by showcasing his talents in dojo challenges, winning more often than not. At the time of his termination, he had served eleven years as a member of the Presidential Guard detail as well as being a seasoned Fraud Investigator".


Number of Books:6
First Appearance:2014
Last Appearance:2018

1 Game Of Drones Game Of Drones
Written by Rick Chesler, Rick Jones
Copyright: 2014

A cache of Reaper drones have been stolen from a U.S. military base by a group of very skilled terrorists. Unless someone can find and stop them from attacking without warning somewhere in the country, the President may have to ascede to their demands. It falls to OUTCAST to do the stopping.
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2 The Poseidon Initiative The Poseidon Initiative
Written by Rick Chesler
Copyright: 2014

A terror group has gotten hold of a U.S. nerve agent and is using it in attacks across America. The President is one of the latest targets while holding a gathering aboard his yacht. OUTCAST is the team to stop them.
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3 African Firestorm African Firestorm
Written by Craig Reed, jr., Rick Chesler
Copyright: 2015

ISIS has a plan to get the attention of the entire world and it starts with a couple of nuclear warheads being smuggled from North Korea into Iran. OUTCAST is determined to put an end to the scheme.
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4 Red Ice Red Ice
Written by Craig Reed, jr., Rick Chesler
Copyright: 2015

'Red Ice' is a new, horribly potent and thus deadly form of methamphetamine being smuggled into the States and sold, not by drug lords, but by a unit of North Korean Spec-Ops soldiers. OUTCAST is the team to make them pay.
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5 Watchlist Watchlist
Written by Craig Reed, jr., Rick Chesler
Copyright: 2017

The geneticist was a victim of a terrorist attack in Prague. In his dying breath, he was able to inject a stranger with an experimental substance, DNA that was encoded with information of a much larger attack planned for the U.S. The hunt goes out for that stranger who turns out to be Tanner Wilson, the head of OUTCAST.
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6 Shadow Gov Shadow Gov
Written by Craig Reed, jr., Rick Chesler
Copyright: 2018

A high level government official has giant plans for himself and it starts with bringing down the current President. The OUTCAST team must go up against a different sort of enemy - this one from within its own borders.
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This series of six adventures has a changing flavor to it, IMHO. Not that it is a bad thing by any means but the taste of the first adventure is a bit different than the second and more than a little different that the third on. This likely comes from different authors running the show.

Of course, that could all be in my head, put there by expectations.

Whatever the truth is, these are exciting and action filled stories that I think fans of Clancy's Op-Center would go for. I know I enjoyed them.


My Grade: B


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