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Full Name: Samantha Jameson
Nationality: American
Organization: Homeland Security
Occupation Agent

Creator: Lars Emmerich
Time Span: 2014 - 2021


Sam Jameson is an agent with Homeland Security.

Samantha is a woman in her early 30s. She is described as beautiful, sexy, deadly, capable, and snarky. The last one is my word for her but it certainly fits. She does not take stupid people well. She does not take so well to authority, most of whom also fit into the first group. She does not take argument well because it so often is with that first group and things would go so much better if people would just clam up and do as she says. On a lot of people this would be bad but with Jameson, it is a good idea because this woman is usually right.

When we first meet her she is described as: "She stood five-ten in flats. Her impeccable professional attire couldn't hide her more-than-impeccable physical condition. She was stunning, brilliant, magazine gorgeous, and efficient. She had red-blonde hair and piercing green eyes that seemed to leave burn marks."

Professionally, it is said that "through no concerted effort of her own, she had come to be treated with deference, even reverence, by most of her fellow counterintelligence officers at the Department of Homeland Security. It was a tough crowd, but her natural gravitas was impossible for her colleagues to miss. Over the past five years, Special Agent Jameson had assembled the beginnings of what promised to be a stellar career in the counterintelligence service."

One interesting aspect of the two previous statements is that when she speaks, either her looks or her presence gets attention in any group. Then when she throws in a line which proves her father's comment about her 'sailor's mouth', the effect is often stunning. "Vulgarity was a bit incongruous coming from a mouth as gorgeous as hers. But it tended to have the desired effect."

The last important part of Jameson that should be noted is that she gets results. She has a very keen mind and a terrific instinct and together they make for a highly potent weapon.

In a blurb about her that so definitely fits, it is said that "she has great aim and a bad temper, and they don't always mix well. She also has the dubious distinction of having died once in the line of duty." Regarding that last, see the Good Lines below.

Good Lines:
- Jameson is not a fan of Mondays but this one was better than normal because "Two days ago, she'd been tortured, mutilated, and killed".
- Regarding that having died part, when asked about it, Jameson's love interest tells her, "Very much. Twice, they said. Such a bitch move".
- Jameson "knew that [her boss] Frank Ekman knew he was a s****y boss because she told him so on many occasions".


Number of Books:11
First Appearance:2014
Last Appearance:2021

1 The Incident: Inferno Rising The Incident: Inferno Rising
Written by Lars Emmerich
Copyright: 2014

Book 1 in the "The Incident" trilogy
This is not a good week for Sam Jameson. Everyone she talks with seems to end up as a customer in the morgue. The DC police try to kidnap her, not arrest. Her Homeland bosses are very unhappy with her. And some dead guy she has never heard of has her name and number on his night stand.
Note: Books 1 and 2 have been repackaged as one.
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2 The Incident: Reckoning The Incident: Reckoning
Written by Lars Emmerich
Copyright: 2014

Book 2 in the "The Incident" trilogy
The continuation of this very bad week lets Sam Jameson know that her relationship with the Air Force colonel was causing her trouble as were the unknown people in the conspiracy to see her dead. The more she learns, the more her bosses want her to stop looking.
Note: Books 1 and 2 have been repackaged as one.
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3 Fallout Fallout
Written by Lars Emmerich
Copyright: 2015

Book 3 in the "The Incident" trilogy:
The people that Sam Jameson has been forced to up against have their eyes and ears everywehre. Survelliance is top notch which means everything she does, they are watching and anticipating and stopping them is going to be impossible. Makes her job a lot harder.
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4 Descent Descent
Written by Lars Emmerich
Copyright: 2015

This is a Peter Kittredge adventure, not Sam Jameson, but it belongs in the same universe. He is having a particulary bad time of things because life has forced him to work as a spy, which he had been before but now it is really with a couple of different groups and no matter which one he deals with, he proves one thing. He is a lousy spy.
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5 Devolution Devolution
Written by Lars Emmerich
Copyright: 2014

Part 1 in the "Devolution" Trilogy.
Sam Jameson has two problems confronting her. Her love has been kidnapped in a very brutal manner and remains missing. And there is a secret cabal made up of rich and powerful people with an idea how to get even richer and more powerful.

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6 Meltdown Meltdown
Written by Lars Emmerich
Copyright: 2014

Part 2 in the "Devolution" Trilogy.
Even as she manages to free the love of her life from his capture, Sam Jameson is thrown into the deep end of the fight to stop the cabal from destroying all of the nation's economy.
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7 Mindscrew Mindscrew
Written by Lars Emmerich
Copyright: 2014

Part 3 in the "Devolution" Trilogy.
Sabot Mondragon was a brilliant hacker who had managed to still billions. Now he is being held by some very nasty Centrol Americans who want even more damage done. It falls to Sam Jameson to save Mondragon and stop the group.
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8 The Blowback Protocol The Blowback Protocol
Written by Lars Emmerich
Copyright: 2017

The death of the little girl on a mission weighs heavily on Sam Jameson but was the death her fault as Homeland Security and the Justice Department believe, egged on by a U.S. Senator? Suspended and with an indictment looming, she decides she has to find out the truth for herself and in doing so will meet up with an old acquaintance who has his own trouble with several people close to him having been kidnapped.
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9 Burn Burn
Written by Lars Emmerich
Copyright: 2017

Sam Jameson wanted to be left alone. Her career was in tatters. Then someone from her past shows up with word that the man who had framed her for the death of a little girl and who had died in an explosion was in fact still alive. She decided to rectify that.
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10 The Wrong The Wrong
Written by Lars Emmerich
Copyright: 2020

"It's been two short weeks ... since her harrowing experience in the mountain cabin, and former Homeland agent Sam Jameson is still a long way from okay.
She's spent the time driving aimlessly, alone and anonymous, trying to make sense of her ordeal. Those unimaginable words -- "Yes, Madam Facilitator"--Echo in her memory for the thousandth time as she happens upon a beautiful, traumatized, and nearly naked young woman fleeing for her life in the midnight cold.
Hours later, Sam finds herself in the Philadelphia police commissioner's office with his blood on her hands. A heinous crime is in the making; two dozen lives hang in the balance. And hidden under the surface, a daring conspiracy threatens all that Sam holds dear."
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11 Deep Fake Deep Fake
Written by Lars Emmerich
Copyright: 2021

"What will former Homeland agent Sam Jameson do with Capstone?
What happened to Brock James?
Will Sam and Brock ever reconcile?"
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Grab hold of something solid to keep you in place when you start one of these adventures. They are like a whirlwind and there is no telling where you are likely to end up.

Jameson is really a terrific, action-oriented, sailor-mouthed, terrific character. She is definitely unique and a blast to read. These books are not for the faint of heart, either in sex or violence or language, but for those intrepid folk like me ... Wow! Are they fun!

Poor Jameson goes through a whole lot of bad but she keeps it together. How, I'll never know.


My Grade: A-


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