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Full Name: Cyrus Cooper
Nationality: American
Organization: The Coalition
Occupation Agent

Creator: Xander Weaver
Time Span: 2014 - 2015


Cyrus Cooper is an agent with the Coalition.

Is the Coalition a secret law enforcement agency as a blurb for the first recorded adventure indicates or is it a covert intelligence agency as is actually said in that adventure? I go with the latter since that source is more official. For me then the question became whether it was governmental or private. The lone explanation I found so far states "They routinely ran undercover infiltration operations all around the globe. With a fraction of the manpower of the CIA, or even the NSA, it was easy for the group to stay off governmental radar and free from restrictive political red tape. They were a small but effective group that ran tight operations, often with significant and far-reaching effects - though few even knew of their existence."

Cooper is the youngest agent with that organization. He got involved with them during an "incident" while he was attending Brown University and as a result of helping out a Coalition agent resolve the matter, he got himself noticed. "By the time all was said and done, it had become clear to the powers that be at the Coalition that Cyrus was an ideal fit for their organization."

"First of all, he was far younger than any of their other operatives. That gave him the unique advantage of anonymity since it is common for people to believe the young to be equally inexperienced, and therefore less threatening." By young here we are talking not old enough to legally drink; Cooper, when we first meet him, is 20 years old. Amusingly, he is being asked in that instance to act many years older.

The major reason for the Coalition's interest in Cooper was "his eidetic memory. He had near perfect recall of everything he saw and heard. It was a genetic gift that allowed him to excel in his academic career, but it had proven even more effective in clandestine operations. That, and his natural ability to remain clearheaded under pressure, had come in handy nearly as often as his cognitive abilities, making him a true force within the Coalition. As much as his age was an asset in his line of work so, too, was his mind. After a few drinks, [his recruiter] had been known to boast that Cyrus was born for this kind of work."


Number of Books:4
First Appearance:2014
Last Appearance:2015

1 Dangerous Minds Dangerous Minds
Written by Xander Weaver
Copyright: 2014

Deaths at a research facility causes the Coalition to worry about the safety of the lead scientist. She, though, will have nothing to do with bodyguards so Cyrus Cooper, a new agent with the organization, is sent undercover as her personal assistant. It might have been nice for him to know the facility was working on genetic manipulation to further mind control and that the protectee had lots of people who wanted her dead and the study stopped.
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2 Rogue Faction, Part 1 Rogue Faction, Part 1
Written by Xander Weaver
Copyright: 2014

A Russian scientist had made amazing inroads into studying Alzheimer's and the biggest breatkthrough came with the ability to record the memories of patients. That was helping track the progression of the disease but it also created a way to learn secrets from virtually anyone. A lot of people now wanted the technology and Cyrus Cooper, sent to help protect it, is beginning to worry that his employers, the Coalition, might be one of them.
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3 Rogue Faction, Part 2 Rogue Faction, Part 2
Written by Xander Weaver
Copyright: 2015

As things in the research facility of Russian scientst Voss gets more and more dangerous with so many groups wanting the technology being developed, Cyrus Cooper is concerned that his bosses at the Coalition are more interested in profiting from the work than in protecting it. And Cooper's own past relationship with the scientist's daughter, Natasha, are really clouding the issue.
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4 Halon-Seven Halon-Seven
Written by Xander Weaver
Copyright: 2015

Having left the Coalistion, Cyrus Cooper learns he has received a fantastic inheritance from an elderly scientist he hardly knew. It was a retreat in the mountains and holds the research the man had been developing, a discovery that was priceless and which likeyly bought the old man his death.
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Cooper shows in the first adventure that he can think quickly on his feet so it is not just his fantastic memory that he can call upon in a pinch. He also shows he is more than able to charm the other sex as well as be charmed by them.

Another interesting facit that Cooper shows routinely is the ability, out in the field undercover, to not act intimidated by those in authority. He seems to let veiled threats just bounce off him and responds to challenges as though they are mere comments to be replied to. His almost blase approach is, to me, really disarming.


My Grade: B


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