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Full Name: Ruben Carver
Nationality: American
Organization: NCIS
Occupation Agent

Creator: Jeffrey Seay
Time Span: 2014 - 2016


Ruben Carver is an agent with NCIS.

As any fan of the hit CBS television program well into its second decade of, to me, outstanding action drama, knows, the special agents of the Navy Criminal Investigative Service handle a very wide range of activity from theft to murder to counterintelligence and counter-terrorism. It is in the latter two matters that Ruben Carver is mostly operating.

As one of that agency's highly experienced special agents, he has worked in numerous field offices around the world but his specialty seems to be the Far East and he is quite comfortable in places like Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.

While many of Carver's associates might want to think of their jobs as being federal police officer, Carver has learned the hard way that it is so much more and when going up against either those expecting millions from their treason or those fervently believing in a cause, the job calls for a whole lot more than handing out tickets and questioning suspects. It too often deals with dodging bullets and avoiding bombs and otherwise trying to stay alive long enough to do the job.

As good as Carver is at his job, and he is very good, he does have his issues. "The Service had its share of good investigators - problem solvers - who had difficulty assimilating in a politically charged environment. There were those individuals they made a point of keeping away from the home office for as long as possible. Carver always considered himself part of that crew. His own mixed reputation revolved around a basic assumption: he was a s**t magnet. The hierarchy knew they could drop him in an imbroglio and like a drawing salve on a boil, he would pull an existing malignancy to the surface and drain it with prejudice. They could also rely on him to cover his tracks while making a case and avoid the nuisance of media coverage". Which is probably why most of the past few years of his time with NCIS, he has been on the other side of the globe from D.C. and headquarters.

Good Line:
- Used as a tag line on the first adventure: "You can never have too many friends or bullets."


Number of Books:4
First Appearance:2014
Last Appearance:2016

1 Carver Carver
Written by Jeffrey Seay
Copyright: 2014

A routine assignment in Malaysia turns unexpectedly violent and three agents are head with one missing. Carver takes his team to Singapore to start looking into the problem but since Carver is notorious for landing in a mess, his track record will not be broken on this one.
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2 China Gold China Gold
Written by Jeffrey Seay
Copyright: 2015

Out of the doghouse with his bosses, Ruben Carver is dispatched to Shanghai to track down a hacker who has been breaking into the DoD's computers and sweeping up valuable technology secrets. He will learn that behind it all is the cabal known as The Board, a group that does not welcome inspection.
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3 The Istanbul Agent The Istanbul Agent
Written by Jeffrey Seay
Copyright: 2015

A DARPA scientist has gone missing in Istanbul. Ruben Carver is the man picked to find and rescue him but he cannot use local CIA talent nor anyone from the military and he will find that the cabal, The Board, is involved and ready to strike him down.
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4 The Jihadist List The Jihadist List
Written by Jeffrey Seay
Copyright: 2016

Ruben Carver and his girl friend Rivka are sent to San Diege where intel says a terrorist group is set to launch an attack which will cause major deaths in the area and affect the U.S.'s ability to defend itself.
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It is, IMHO, important to remember when reading these four enjoyable adventures that Reuben Carver is first and foremost a cop - federal style attached to the Navy but still a cop. Since he is not a spy but rather one whose job it is to catch spies, or traitors, his stories will read often like a police procedural (this is not a bad thing as I personally love a good 'pol-proc').

But he does fight against spies from other nations and very sneaky duplicitous people from his own country so there is a whole lot of cloak and dagger to these tales as well.


My Grade: B+

Your Average Grade:   D-


D- 2019-12-07

I am waiting for the day when some squid spook stepd onto my porch and says "Open up, Federal Agents," and I will respond with "get the hell off my property before I call some real cops". When I was playing run sheep run, We used to get beaten over the head with the Posse Comotatus Act Although the act does not explicitly mention the United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps, the Department of the Navy has prescribed regulations that are generally construed to give the act force with respect to those services as well..

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