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Full Name: Carl Johnson
Series Name: The American Terrorist
Nationality: American
Organization: None
Occupation Other - Real Estate Agent

Creator: Jeffrey Poston
Time Span: 2014 - 2018


Carl Johnson, the American Terrorist, is a real estate agent.

That is so false on a couple of levels but it is also kind of a little bit true.

When we first meet him, Johnson has just taken a hot-shot female television interviewer pretty much hostage when he showed her he had already snatched her husband and children and if the interview did not go through as he wanted, they would pay.

Definitely the work of someone using terror as a weapon, that is, a terrorist. In Johnson's case, however, that would be "the American terrorist". That is the sort of notoriety that will come Johnson's way as the story evolves.

But Johnson also makes a living in New Mexico as a property agent for higher priced commercial land. He makes a decent living at it and enjoys it so other than his having two failed marriages, he was pretty content and wished ill on no one.

We learn not too long into the first recorded adventure that he is the unfortunate victim of mistaken identity. It was reasonable that it happen since he looked so much like a notorious Mexican drug lord named Reyes. Of course, he had no idea that he looked like Reyes, or vice versa, and the federal agents looking for Reyes did not know either.

The authorities were after Reyes because he and his people had just executed an extremely daring and audacious kidnapping in America's capitol, snatching off the street the daughter of the President. And then they disappeared. So naturally it was all hands on deck to find any sighting of Reyes anywhere in North America.

And someone saw a camera feed image of Carl Johnson going about his business four hours later in Albuquerque.

And things went downhill from there.


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2014
Last Appearance:2018

1 Where Is The Girl? Where Is The Girl?
Written by Jeffrey Poston
Copyright: 2014

The President's teenage daughter is kidnapped in Washington, D.C. The culprit was known to be a major Mexican drug lord but in finding his current location, the authorities locate him in Albuquerque. They snatch him up and torture him for days to learn her location. Unfortunately, they grabbed the wrong guy and the man they have, Carl Johnson, is very, very unhappy about it.
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2 Contagion Contagion
Written by Jeffrey Poston
Copyright: 2014

Evidence is pointing to a much bigger conspiracy behind the President's daughter's kidnapping and a new part concerns the threatened release of a horrible bioweapon that can kill millions. Once again Carl Johnson is being asked by the Chief Executive to perform a miracle, all while still being thought of as The American Terrorist.
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3 Escalate! Escalate!
Written by Jeffrey Poston
Copyright: 2018

Carl Johnson was thrilled that the violence was over with the destruction of the Triad but then people around him start getting murdered and Johnson soon realizes there was an even bigger organization out to kill the first female American president.
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Okay, about the first book - I absolutely could not put it down. I was so hooked from the first page that it was trouble to finish my lunch and go back to work. And then later that night when it was way past my bedtime and I had to know what happened next. And I wouldn't be able to sleep anyways for fear of really bad dreams because of one of the best (or worse) torture sequence I have ever read. Ever.

I wanted the "good guys" killed in the worst way, literally and figuratively. But it was so brilliantly laid out for the reader that they had the wrong guy but were certain they had the right guy and the ends can justify the means sometimes and .... wow! Hopefully you can see why sleeping was not an option.

So, I positively loved the first book.

Now as for the second, well, I do not know yet. The third was intense as well for different reasons. But the second? Don't know because I have gotten a couple of ebook copies of it and it is the same book as the first. Obviously an oops but word for word it is the first book. Talk about frustrating.

I am down-grading the series to a B+ from an A- or possibly an A because of this no-second-book fiasco.

If that gets corrected and I hear of it, I will reevaluate.


My Grade: B+


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