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Full Name: Jackson Guild
Nationality: American
Organization: U.S. Senate
Occupation Other - Investigator

Creator: Jeff Shear
Time Span: 2013 - 2017


Jackson Guild is an investigator for the U.S. Senate.

More specifically he is the lead investigator for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He has been so for a few years but prior to that gig, he had been, in a previous life, a reporter during the Gulf War. He explains early in the first adventure that back during the First Gulf War, he had gotten a chance to interview members of Uday Hussein's paramilitary Fedayeen Saddam, if not the main man himself, when he was surprised to be taken on a raid with them, a late-night excursion that saw the Iraqis attack and kill four British marines. That soured him on journalism as a career.

Guild has, when we meet him, some "baggage" as one man called it. According to that fellow, Guild was a drunk and a liar. "You think you're a lady's man, dontcha? 'Jack the Zipper'. You're divorced. Your old lady left when you flaked out [over the event mentioned above]". While that man's statement was meant to put Guild in his place, Guild himself would agree completely with the assessment, stating later on that he "had a nearly unshakable partnership with whiskey for 20 years. It's not a habit; it's an affair. The relationship began when my psyche took a shot of guilt in 1991, during the first Gulf War. A head shot. It dropped my ego like sack, and I proceeded to lose my wife to another man, my car to the repo guy, and my job to a [expletive] ending conversation aimed at [his] editor."

For all that, though, Guild does make an very intelligent and productive investigator, a hold-over from his reporter training, and though he works officially for the Senate, he does mingle more than a little with people in the Intelligence community. While he may not have been issued a cloak and dagger, he knows where to borrow them when he needs to.

While his name is spelled like the forerunner to a union and seems like it should be pronounced "gild", according to him, it actually rhymes with "wild".


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2013
Last Appearance:2017

1 Accidental Spy Accidental Spy
Written by Jeff Shear
Copyright: 2013

To most of the world, the man known as the Wall Street Warlord is a Ponzi operator but in reality he has $65 billion at his disposal and people all over the world working for him that need weapons. Jackson Guild is Senate Foreign Relations Committee investigator who finds himself chosen by the FBI to be bait to use against the Warlord. Guild is none too happy about this and quite a babe in the woods when it comes to being a spy.
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2 Near Miss Near Miss
Written by Jeff Shear
Copyright: 2016

Jackson Guild was finding some solace in the whiskey bottle in the aftermath of a nuclear explosion that destroyed D.C. He wants nothing from no one but General Warden wants Guild. He explains to the hung-over Guild that the bomb which hit the capital was a lot smaller than another out there ready to be set off and Guild is the one asked to track it down.
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3 Final Report Final Report
Written by Jeff Shear
Copyright: 2017

The people at Los Alamos in charge of finding who was behind the Washington, D.C. nuclear attack has plenty of secrets of their own and it is Jackson Guild's job to learn what those are, assuming he can pull himself out of the Irish Whisky bottle long enough to do it. And assuming he can survive the many people who want him dead.
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What does the climate change in this series. Nothing like a nuclear weapon going off to change the landscape, physically and metaphorically.

The dialogue in these books is very entertaining. The characters sound like real people and some of them do not hide their feelings. The writing is solid and the pacing is good.

I would not like to hang with the main character but he would certainly think me a boor and not want to hang with me either. I would, however, love to sit at a nearby table to any conversation he might have.


My Grade: B+


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