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Full Name: Regan Hart
Nationality: American
Organization: None
Occupation Other - Global Economist

Creator: David Orlo
Time Span: 2013 - 2018


Regan Hart is an economist.

She is an especially good one from the sounds of things, working into a position of considerable trust and remineration at Global Wealth Advisors (GWA). Since her graduation from Harvard with an MBA, she had earned her stripes, and a good deal of money, by "honing her skills in predicting the global commodieites markets". At GWA her bosses "considered her a near wizard at predicting the fluctuations in the futures prices of copper, coffee, and sugar". Since her recommendations made multi-millions for GWA clients, and quite a few for her bosses, she in turn was paid far more than she ever thought she would.

Being an economist and doing so usually behind a desk with a laptop open in front of her, it is interesting how she would find herself pulled from the realm of numbers and charts and graphs into a position where lots of very upset people are shooting very dangerous bullets at her but as one reads the recorded adventures, it makes a lot of sense. Still, she probably would not have survived much of what got thrown at her if it weren't for two recent acquaintances.

The first is Tyler 'Ty' Kensington, a licensed private investigator and neighbor who stepped into her life as a Good Samaritan and stayed around for a whole lot of action and danger. The fact that Hart is a very attractive young woman and Ty is a red-blooded male could easily be a factor. That and Ty had connections that most private eyes do not.

And then there is Solomon 'Solly' Rubin, a man in his early 60's but still in terrific shape who, being affiliated with Israeli intelligence, can come up with good reasons why people are after Hart and even provide help in keeping her alive.


Number of Books:2
First Appearance:2013
Last Appearance:2018

1 The Cloud Strike Prophecy The Cloud Strike Prophecy
Written by David Orlo
Copyright: 2013

Regan Hart and her new friend, private investigator Ty Kensington, mee under odd conditions. Someone had stolen her purse but then threw it away, keeping only a small gift she had carrying for a colleague. That theft would lead them into a dangerous quest to find and stop an al Qaeda cell with a murderous plot in the works.
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2 The Jerusalem Protocol The Jerusalem Protocol
Written by David Orlo
Copyright: 2018

Despite plenty of objections, a group of Israelis are determined to build a new Temple in Jerusalem. Regan Hart, along with her friends Ty and Solly, finds herself asked to prove or disprove a location as being the site of the original temple destroyed thousands of year before. The trouble is that no matter what they discover, someone will want them dead.
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I absolutely love it when an author takes a profession that looks (and is) so out of the vicinity of cloak and dagger work and finds a logical way to push the character into the shadowy worlds. This author is one of those that has done it and done it quite well. I liked the character of Regan Hart and I liked the way that events enfold around her to put her in danger in a way that makes sense and is quite believable.

The writing is solid and the economics that are described are intelligently presented without making me yawn or my eyes go all glassy. Too bad there were just two novels about Hart. Then again, luckily there were two novels about her.


My Grade: B+


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