Writing as: David Orlo

According to the bio on Amazon: "David Orlo lives in East Texas and is an avid reader of thriller and adventure novels. He has traveled to over 35 countries and visited Israel over two dozen times. He has an earned doctorate and loves to study history and incorporate historical events into his novels."

According to the Green Acres Baptist Church website: "David Orlo Dykes grew up in South Alabama where he came to know the Lord as a child and started preaching when he was 17. He is a graduate of Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama, having received a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1975. He received his Master of Divinity degree and Doctor of Ministry degree from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. His doctoral emphasis was on evangelism and church growth. He received post-doctoral training at Cambridge University, Cambridge, England.

He has been preaching since 1970 and pastored churches in Alabama before coming to pastor Green Acres Baptist Church in 1991. Green Acres is recognized as one of the leading churches in America, in terms of missions and evangelism. The church has over 16,000 members and is known around the world for its emphasis on direct missions. Annually, Green Acres sends over 1,000 volunteer missionaries to various locations worldwide. Green Acres has been the #1 church among Southern Baptists in the amount given to the Cooperative Program for the last 18 years.

Dr. Dykes has personally led mission teams to over thirty foreign countries. His passion is training leaders around the world using a healthy church series he has written. The Healthy Church Series includes “What Healthy Churches Do;” “What Healthy Pastors Do;” and “How Healthy Churches Live.”"

Series Books
Regan Hart The Cloud Strike Prophecy (2013)
  The Jerusalem Protocol (2018)