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Full Name: Scott Evers
Series Name: The Cards In The Deck Series
Nationality: American
Organization: NSA
Occupation Agent

Creator: Robert Stanek
Time Span: 2009 - 2015


Scott Evers is an agent with the National Security Agency.

When we first meet him he is a drunk sitting alone on a park bench with a bottle in a paper bag and looking to the world as someone at the end of his rope. We learn in just another page it is all a set up but it really does a good job setting the reader up for an actual fall that Evers will take as the mission progresses. And while he will not fall as deep as the derelict he is impersonating, it will be a precipitous decline requiring some effort to rise again.

Evers is 38 years old, married to Cynthia, a beautiful and pregnant woman 15 years his junior. He has been a field agent with the NSA for nearly 20 years according to one man's statement and from the sound of things they were not easy missions. He had hoped that the days of leaving home for weeks at a time would be over since he was married with a baby on the way but apparently not. This is strange since he should have some pull - his father-in-law was and had been for some time the Chairman of the National Security Council.

But life will not be kind to Evers and he will see it get unkinder still. The drinking we watched him pretend to do at the beginning will be increasingly more real and his relationship with his much loved wife will get more and more strained and while he struggles to find a way to save his marriage, people he meet keep trying to kill him. He should have gotten used to it for he has known fighting for most of his adult life. As he put it, "A few too many duties. A few too many wars. Then field operations for the [NSA], a few more unnamed wars".


Number of Books:2
First Appearance:2009
Last Appearance:2009

According to the info contained in the first book's metadata, there are to be 4 books in the series. I have found no evidence of the third and fourth other than the titles: The Pawns on the Board and The Players in the Game. The second book, The Cards in the Deck, has, as of this entry, been split into novellas described in that section.

1 Pieces of the Puzzle Pieces of the Puzzle
Written by Thomas Waite
Copyright: 2009

Scott Evers is on a mission for the National Security Council, heading to Munich to perform a rendition of a wanted terrorist, when their cover is blown, the rest of the team killed, and he finds himself wanted by his own country for treason. Meanwhile back in the States, his pregnant wife is also finding herself in danger and that makes Evers a very desperate and dangerous man.
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Number of Stories:4
First Appearance:2013
Last Appearance:2015

1 Devil's Due Devil's Due
Written by Robert Stanek
Copyright: 2013

Part 1 of The Cards in the Deck - Scott Evers is handling security on a fishery protection patrol boat in the Med, trying "to keep the yuppies from doing stupid things that will get them killed".
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2 Strike Force Strike Force
Written by Robert Stanek
Copyright: 2014

Part 2 of The Cards in the Deck - Scott Evers is deeply involved in the search for answers when two ships in the Med are destroyed, a Navy helicopter gets shot down, and two sets of SEAL's vanish. At the same time, he is also being hunted.
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3 Face Off Face Off
Written by Robert Stanek
Copyright: 2015

Part 2 of The Cards in the Deck - The search for the answers to the destroyed ships and missing SEAL members continues but the closer Scott Evers gets, the greater the threat on him.

4 End Game End Game
Written by Robert Stanek
Copyright: 2015

Part 4 of The Cards in the Deck - The conclusion to the hunt for what happened to the ships and men and why Scott Evers is being targeted.
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I had trouble with this series. Twice. When I first started it many months ago, I could not make any sense out of what was happening. Evers was undercover - or maybe he wasn't. He was happily married to Cynthia who was expecting their first child but then maybe it was not so happy, though I had no idea why. As the story progressed, so did my confusion. So I quit and made a First Look entry and promised to come back to it. When I did, I started from the beginning and immediately got confused again.

To me it was like the author was writing a mystery-spy-action novel in which it was vital to keep the mystery going by not explaining things to me, the reader. I always have trouble with that.


My Grade: B-


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