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Full Name: Kinley Devereaux, Harper Rowe, and Laurie Chase
Nationality: American
Organization: Unnamed Agency
Occupation Agent

Creator: Doc Ephraim Bates
Time Span: 2016 - 2018


Kinley Devereaux and Harper Rowe are agents of the U.S. Government. Laurie Chase is a DEA agent.

The identity of the organization for whom the first two people work is not mentioned here because I have not yet found it in the pages of any of their recorded adventures. It just says they do what they they for the American government. That and what they do is in the "wetwork" category which means that inevitably, someone is going to get very hurt or very dead when they get busy.

The two are close friends who have worked for this mystery department for some time, answering to a woman named Kelly Campbell who had very different feelings for the two. Devereaux she loved dearly and gave him "the cushiest of assignments in the most heavenly of places". Rowe, she hated with a passion and "made it a point to give the worst assignments ... in the hope that, somehow, he would be killed in action."

Laurie Chase, the person who would become the third leg of the team, knows nothing of either gentlemen when she is told to meet up with them in Mexico. She is still shell-shocked from a horrific snafu on her latest assignment with the DEA and had been in the van monitoring her teammates when everything went terribly wrong and they all were killed. Still grieving over them she is ordered to meet up with them. That meeting took place at an airstrip and even before they can say anything, bullets from elsewhere start flying.

That is kind of the way it always seems to go with Devereaux and Rowe. For Chase this is still pretty new but she catches on quickly.

By the way, the source for the very unusual name for the series, picked by the author/publisher, not me, comes from a statement early in the first adventure by Devereaux when he talked of a sniper job in which he "lined up my mark through my scope, and - boom!!...killer."

Good Line:
- After eliminating her target in his hotel room and then making it look like a heart attack, Harper Rowe proclaimed, "I officially un-assassinated my guy".


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2016
Last Appearance:2018

1 Chasing Black Ice Chasing Black Ice
Written by Doc Ephraim Bates
Copyright: 2016

When a sting operation Kinley Devereaux and Harper Rowe are on goes wrong, they get an assignment to Mexico City and find themselves deep in a case that proves way over their normal work and throws them in with Laurie Chase of the DEA who is also on the outs with her boss.
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2 Chasing Revenge Chasing Revenge
Written by Doc Ephraim Bates
Copyright: 2016

With the U.S. law enforcement apparatus after them, Kinley Devereaux and Harper Rowe have been lieing low but Laurie Chase has been after the man responsible for taking out her DEA team and that has led her to Rio and caused her to need Devereaux and Rowe who know that to stick their heads up is a mistake but do it anyways.
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3 Chasing Liberation Chasing Liberation
Written by Doc Ephraim Bates
Copyright: 2018

In the Czech Republic are two very wanted people. Kinley Devereaux and Harper Rowe have been asked by someone they once knew to get them out safely. This complicated operations turns very complicated quickly. At the same time, Laurie Chase and her friends are still in Rio still after the drug lord she has targeted.
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Okay, about the name of the series. Really??? That is, um, odd. Mind you, while I look for every spy series I can find for this compendium and would likely have seen it anyways, the goofy name did make it stand out and catch my eye. So in that regard, I see it. ... Ah, nope!

The three books in the series, though, are quite fun. Poor Laurie Chase having to put up with Devereaux and Rowe. And having come off a horrific mission already. Ain't fair.

If you are looking for a few hours of fun action and amusement, these are good choices.


My Grade: B


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