Cyril Landry is an agent with The Shop.
The Shop is a ultra-covert organization within the American intelligence community which bills itself as the ultimate defense of the country (my words). So little is actually told of the department that I cannot really say much more except that its agents are really, really good.
Well, good at their job. The idea of being good people is something else entirely. These operatives, Landry especially, are hardly more than automatons. Pointed to a location and they will eliminate everyone in the place regardless of, well, anything. Their masters say kill and they kill.
A former Navy SEAL, Landry is a leader of what is likely the best of the teams.
He has been doing this kind of work for quite a few years when we first meet him and while there is no number associated with it, the death count has to be quite high. His cold-bloodedness is really quite unsettling, likely because what's one or five more.
And yet! This man is also a loving husband and father to a wonderful teenage daughter. He really regrets when duty calls and he has to say goodbye, which according to his wife according to him is all the time. Still, when the summons comes he gives them fond but sad farewells. Then heads out to kill whoever he is told to without so much as a single question why.
[If you think I had bad feelings about this man, you are very right!]
Now shortly after we meet him, he apparently grows a conscience and speaks up which naturally puts his own family as well as himself at risk. This largely after slitting the throat of a young innocent actress/singer who coincidentally is the subject of posters in his daughter's room. It might have been nice to have had this pang before killing her but at least he sadly recalls her final moments as the blade ended her.
How the rest of the series goes, I will never, ever know.