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Full Name: Isadora Fleming
Nationality: British
Organization: SIS
Occupation Agent

Creator: Wesley Julian
Time Span: 2012 - 2015


Isadora Fleming is an agent with MI-6.

She prefers to call it the Secret Intelligence Service and corrects those who call it MI-6 but regardless of the name, that is the organization for which she has proven to such a valuable asset. She is not a spy and would chuckle, or frown, at someone making such a suggestion. She has no interest in being one for she knows what she is good at and she will stick with it.

She kills people.

Fleming was born Isadora Minerovich of the small Eastern European nation of Serezovnia ruled with an iron fist from the Soviet leadership in Moscow. Her father was one of a revolutionary band who was murdered by a General Presnyakov of that nation's secret police. When her mother objected, she was killed as well. In the next room, a frightened five-year old Isadora awaited her own death. The soldier ordered to seek her out and kill her took pity on the little girl and took her to safety. After a while she was eventually smuggled into the U.K where she was adopted her and her last name changed so no one from her previous country could track her down.

We meet her when, after a brief recap of what was mentioned above, she is in the British military, age 21. Despite what her instructors would tell her, she was proving an excellent student and her abilities, plus her background, brought her to the attention of a talent scout for the SIS, a major piece of work named Broadbent. He offered her a position and she took it.

She would continue to work for Broadbent, growing to distrust and hate the man more and more, for quite a few years before the coming of the apocalypse. The zombie apocalypse.

After that, things get very, very strange.


Number of Books:1
First Appearance:2012
Last Appearance:2012

1 Fight For The Undead Fight For The Undead
Written by Wesley Julian
Copyright: 2012

When the world becomes the domain of zombies, fighting to stay alive becomes a huge challenge. Isadora Fleming and those she joins up with, though, have even bigger objectives. They want to take down the people who caused the pandemic in the first place.
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Number of Stories:4
First Appearance:2013
Last Appearance:2015

1 With Her In The Night With Her In The Night
Written by Wesley Julian
Copyright: 2013

This novella tells of how Isadora Fleming went from a very young girl in Eastern Europe the night her parents were killed, up to her first mission, and then to her getting justice for their murder.
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2 Even Unto Death Even Unto Death
Written by Wesley Julian
Copyright: 2014

Having given up being a government assassin, Isadora Fleming is hoping for a new life with her son but her dreams are shattered when she is pulled back into that world. The CEO of a major private military company has been murdered and Fleming must track down those involved.
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3 The Mocker and the Brawler The Mocker and the Brawler
Written by Wesley Julian
Copyright: 2014

"Just after her first mission, assassin Isadora Fleming is in a dark place. She is shaken and struggling to adapt to her new life with the Secret Intelligence Service. Alcohol and medication seem like easy avenues to escape her problems, but even she wonders if she can endure. Just as life falls to its worst, Isadora is given a new mission which takes her right back to Georgia where she meets her deadliest enemy yet…."
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4 After The Wind After The Wind
Written by Wesley Julian
Copyright: 2015

"Scared and facing a burden few could handle, Isadora Fleming is assigned on a new mission. Her assignment is to befriend an arms dealer named Anatoly Griskonokov, who is the only hope in leading Isadora to her next kill. But the arms dealer is not what Isadora expects. She must lie and trick Griskonokov, who knows far more than he lets on."
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Oh boy! What an interesting series. But where to start?

First off, the writing is really good. Things move swiftly and smoothly and the prose is done so well that the reader flows along with it easily.

That said, things jump around a whole lot so it is very important to pay attention to the start of chapters just in case there is a date mention.

First off, there is the book, which came first, talking about how the whole zombie mess got started and how it really destroyed the civilized world. That introduces us to Fleming along with a bunch of other interesting and important characters.

Then, according to the author, he could not get her out of his head so he wrote a couple of novellas about her. That shows her back story and some of the adventures she had before things went to heck in a hand basket. Interestingly, the first novella is really a collection of short stories, all dealing with her previous life.

After that novella, we move forward and backward in her career and you never know exactly what period you are going to deal with until you read that date tag.

So, can it be a bit confusing? Yep. Is it fun? Oh boy, is it.


My Grade: B


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