warner_lopez_bk_extinction warner_lopez_bk_disclosure warner_lopez_bk_blackknight warner_lopez_bk_atlantis warner_lopez_bk_identity warner_lopez_bk_eventhorizon warner_lopez_bk_genesis warner_lopez_bk_vanpoint warner_lopez_bk_immortal warner_lopez_bk_eternity warner_lopez_bk_covenant warner_lopez_bk_fusion warner_lopez_bk_nemesis warner_lopez_bk_chimera warner_lopez_bk_apocalypse
Full Name: Ethan Warner and Nicola Lopez
Nationality: American
Organization: DIA
Occupation Agent

Creator: Dean Crawford
Time Span: 2011 - 2019


Ethan Warner and Nicola Lopez are agents with the D.I.A.

Sometimes they are. Sometimes they go off on their own together. Sometimes they go off on their own alone. But then they get back together and do stuff for the D.I.A. so ...

When we first meet the pair, Warner is trying to stay away from, well, everything by going off on his own in the West. A former Marine officer in their Expeditionary Forces, he had seen a great deal of very unpleasant action. When his service hitch came up he elected to switch to something else that interested him - journalism. His extensive knowledge of military actions and procedures made him a perfect candidate to be embedded with pretty much the same sort of troops he once led. Then, though, after a few years of this, something terrible happened on one assignment and Warner in disgust shucked it all. He will be pulled back by a former Marine commander now working for the D.I.A.

Lopez is a young but impressive detective with D.C.'s Metropolitan Police, described as petite but no one going against her in a fight, or watching someone get a whuppin' from her would ever think petite meant safe. As she tells one perp she apprehends after a tussle, "You have the right to remain silent, else I kick your sorry ass further." She would, too. She will find reason to leave her career as a police officer and join Warner in contract work with the D.I.A. as well as go into the bail bonding business, especially good at retrieving runners.

The relationship between these two equals will ebb and flow but never go bad. Their relationship with the D.I.A. and other government agencies they will have to deal with is not so cut and dried for both of these people have had good reason to not trust too deeply.


Number of Books:14
First Appearance:2011
Last Appearance:2019

1 Covenant Covenant
Written by Dean Crawford
Copyright: 2011

Book 1 in the Ethan Warner series. An archaeologist working in the Negev made a startling discovery but before she could announce it, she vanishes. Former Marine and then war correspondent Ethan Warner is asked, strongly, to go look for her. Meanwhile, D.C. detective Nicola Lopez and her partner find several dead o.d.'s in a warehouse, except they seem to have died from hypothermia in August. The two events are connected.
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2 Immortal Immortal
Written by Dean Crawford
Copyright: 2013

Book 2 in the Ethan Warner series. A medical examiner in Santa Fe has a strange corpse on her table, apparently a hundred years old with smallpox scars and a musket ball in its femur. When the examiner suddenly disappears, the DIA asks Warner and Lopez to look into it. They will soon be up against a group seeking the impossible goal of immortality.
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3 Apocalypse Apocalypse
Written by Dean Crawford
Copyright: 2015

Book 3 in the Ethan Warner series. The murder of a woman and her daughter was tragic but not strange until the lead detective gets a call from the husband who claims he did not kill them but would be himself a victim within a day and that the man doing that new killing does not yet know he will. This odd prediction will lead to Ethan Warner and Nicola Lopez being sent by the DIA to take a look.
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4 The Chimera Secret The Chimera Secret
Written by Dean Crawford
Copyright: 2015

Book 4 in the Ethan Warner series. Sent to Idaho to investigate a particularly savage murder of two men, Ethan Warner and Nicola Lopez come to believe the man accused of the crime did not do it but can they believe the real killer was a "huge, horrific creature"? And why is the military so interested in a homicide but will not explain anything?
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5 The Eternity Project The Eternity Project
Written by Dean Crawford
Copyright: 2013

Book 5 in the Ethan Warner series. Someone is killing CIA agents all over the country and the evidence points to Ethan Warner and Nicola Lopez. Even their boss starts to wonder if the pair might be involved, especially when the two disappear.
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6 The Nemesis Origin The Nemesis Origin
Written by Dean Crawford
Copyright: 2015

Book 1 in the Warner & Lopez series. Ethan Warner wanted only to be left alone. An archaeologist he met in his first adventure for the DIA had other ideas when she tracks him down and tells him that the same type of mysterious remains she had found back then were being discovered in other parts of the globe and she needed his help. Nicola Lopez is on her own as a bounty hunter when the DIA asks her to track Warner down.
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7 The Fusion Cage The Fusion Cage
Written by Dean Crawford
Copyright: 2015

Book 2 in the Warner & Lopez series. All 300 residents of the small town of Clearwater disappear overnight. Stranger yet is the fact that the town looks like it was abandoned decades before. The DIA asks Ethan Warner and Nicola Lopez to find what happened to the people.
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8 The Identity Mine The Identity Mine
Written by Dean Crawford
Copyright: 2015

Book 3 in the Warner & Lopez series. In Fort Benning, a major general opens fire on recruits and drill sergeants and then kills himself. In the Persian Gulf, a fighter pilot attacks his aircraft carrier and then wrecks his plane into it. When Ethan Warner and Nicola Lopez of the DIA investigate, they find evidence someone else had been controlling the minds of these two men.
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9 The Black Knight The Black Knight
Written by Dean Crawford
Copyright: 2015

Book 4 in the Warner & Lopez series. Tesla at the turn of the 20th century had detected strange signals coming from orbit, long before satellites were invented. Twenty years later, those signals were picked up by Navy radiomen. Then silence until now. The DIA is very interested in what appears to be an alien object with a decaying orbit which is tracked to crash in the Arctic and they asked Ethan Warner to lead a recovery team.
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10 The Extinction Code The Extinction Code
Written by Dean Crawford
Copyright: 2015

Book 5 in the Warner & Lopez series. Ethan Warner and Nicola Lopez of the DIA are ordered to check out the connection between a paleontologist who went missing two decades before and a UFO sighting seen by hundreds in Brazil.
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11 The Genesis Cypher The Genesis Cypher
Written by Dean Crawford
Copyright: 2015

Book 6 in the Warner & Lopez series. The DIA has come across a Sumerian tablet that depicts an alien visit in Egypt thousands of years ago. Ethan Warner and Nicola Lopez are sent to investigate but find themselves up against a group of Russians who are using a strange method to track down billions in lost loot.
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12 The Atlantis Codex The Atlantis Codex
Written by Dean Crawford
Copyright: 2017

Book 7 in the Warner & Lopez series. Over the last few years Ethan Warner and Nicola Lopez have uncovered a few strange and powerful artifacts. Now it seems they have the clue to their origin, the lost city of Atlantis but there are others who want there first and will kill to make that so.
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13 The Disclosure Protocol The Disclosure Protocol
Written by Dean Crawford
Copyright: 2018

Book 8 in the Warner & Lopez series. The CIA is being bombarded with images of UFO being sent to Langley with a demand that the Agency reveal to the world all it knows about the objects or the senders will. To find who is behind the extortion, they want the help of Ethan Warner and Nicola Lopez but those two find that the Russians, while not the senders, are deeply involved nevertheless.
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14 Vanishing Point Vanishing Point
Written by Dean Crawford
Copyright: 2018

A prequel novel what takes Ethan Warner and Nicola Lopez back to their beginnings. Warner is suspected of murder in rural Illinois. Even as Lopez tracks the clues to the town of Cairo in that state, Warner is bailed out by a woman who wants his help freeing her son from a cult secluded in the woods near the same town.
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15 Event Horizon Event Horizon
Written by Dean Crawford
Copyright: 2019

Book 9 in the Warner & Lopez series. During a nuclear test in the Pacific sixty years ago, a sailor was lost at sea. In the present day, a fishing boat nets an old man who claims to be that sailor but does not believe any time has passed. When Ethan Warner and Nicola Lopez start to look into the odd case, they find both the CIA and the North Koreans are also very interested in the man.
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If you like exciting adventure novels about things that sometimes get a bit 'out there' you will absolutely go for the Warner and Lopez series. Some are more 'out there' than others but all of them have terrific twists that make them more than routine good-vs-bad action stories.

Both Warner and Lopez come to their partnership from greatly different origins and both are more than capable of working independently which is a very good thing because though they work well together, they often are sepearate so it is good to see that neither suffers from having to act solo.

On the author's website and shown as such on the Amazon web pages, the author has delineated the books into two 'separate' series which I have marked in the description of each book. I, however, list them together because while the first five books are in the 'Ethan Warner' series, Lopez is there as well and not as a minor character, IMHO.


My Grade: A-


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