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Full Name: Duncan Grant
Nationality: British
Organization: British Army
Occupation Military - Officer

Creator: Graham Seton
Time Span: 1929 - 1945


Duncan Grant is an officer in the British Army.

When we first meet him, he holds the rank of Colonel and is happy serving in His Majesty's army. Then he gets seconded to Military Intelligence during the First World War and his life will never be the same. The knowledge he learns in the cloak and dagger world will combine what his already impressive knowledge of military tactics to make him a formidable planner and, in some cases, schemer.

When he retires from the military, his old boss in the Intelligence field will call upon him to handle a few special problems for which he is the best solution. His personal objectives, though, will be definitely his own for what he saw during the War will make him forever against war and he will pretty much devote his life to preventing it.

But sometimes to achieve peace at a high level, he will have to foster insurrection at a lower level and in the course of his recorded career, he will stop a revolution in one place while urging one on in another.

Our first description of Grant came from a senior officer who recalled from just a short time before, "a hot-headed young fellow commanding a battalion of the Inverness Highlanders" who was "feeding a brace of Boches on port and lecturing like a university professor". It is clear from the detailer's attitude that Grant's impertinence would have been punishable except for his amazing successes.

Grant is said to have "a shock of fair hair, bright blue eyes, strong; independent, too". He spoke German like a native and was well up on his understanding of Marx and Nietzsche. 

That last part is very important to remember as the exploits of Grant are followed. His deep grasp of the tenets of what would become communism and fascism is what will make his schemes and his actions both entertaining and not a little frightening.


Number of Books:7
First Appearance:1929
Last Appearance:1945

1 The W Plan The W Plan
Written by Graham Seton
Copyright: 1929

Word has come that the Germans have a major new plan in the works at the front lines during WWI and Grant is picked to head into enemy territory to learn what it is. As he is helped by the lovely Rosa, they discover a scheme to tunnel beneath the lines to destroy the British from behind and beneath.

2 Colonel Grant's Tomorrow Colonel Grant's Tomorrow
Written by Graham Seton
Copyright: 1931

Retired Colonel Duncan Grant decides to look into the murder of a prominent Arab sheik as struggles between the Arabs and the French heat up and war looms.

3 Scar 77 Scar 77
Written by Graham Seton
Copyright: 1936

"Here Colonel Grant, virile hero of 'The W Plan" emerges from obscurity at the hour of his country's peril. In this story one enjoys a tale of espionage, diplomatic intrigue and high adventure ... for here we observe the Intelligence Bureau of the War Office at work; we enter the labyrinth of the mysterious political underworld of Central Europe; we penetrate the fastnesses of the African desert in an enthralling quest for the secret of the scar which forms the theme of this book."

4 The K Code Plan The K Code Plan
Written by Graham Seton
Copyright: 1937

The group planning to destroy the British Empire realize a huge threat is Colonel Duncan Grant so they elect to assassinate him. Their bullets miss, however, and kill the Secretary of State for War. This makes Grant very determined to hunt them down, an adventure that will take him from London to India. "The assassination of a Cabinet Minister and the bombing of London lead to thrilling drama played out in London, Paris, Bombay and the Indian Frontier. There in desperate straits, hedged round with enemies, Colonel Grant catches sight of his supreme romance. Scarcely has it matured before the tragic climax of the book is reached - the death of Colonel Grant. He died as he would have wished - fighting against great odds."

5 According To Plan According To Plan
Written by Graham Seton
Copyright: 1939

"Colonel Grant's activities - his very existence, for he is living under an assumed name in the heart of the country - are revealed by chance and become the centre of a plot among certain of the convicts in Dartmoor Prison, wherein the early chapters rise to the high drama of a mutiny. The stage is then set for civil war in Britain; engineered by agents of a foreign country, synchronizing with the outbreak of international hostilities. The tale leaps from one adventure to another, swift, blood-curdling, forceful, while the country, despite the precautions of the Government, is given over to an orgy of revolution. From the chaos of starvation and sabotage, Duncan Grant ... emerges triumphant as the herald of a new order."

6 The V Plan The V Plan
Written by Graham Seton
Copyright: 1941

In his struggles against the Nazis, Duncan Grant heads to France to help organize the Free French and to instigate a plan to dig a tunnel under the English Channel to move supplies.

7 The Red Colonel The Red Colonel
Written by Graham Seton
Copyright: 1945

"Colonel Grant .. conceives the idea of going to Germany and getting in touch with leading personalities there to kill Hitler and start a revolution against the Nazi regime. After a series of exciting experiences, graphically described, Colonel Grant and his accomplices succeed in obtaining an interview with Hitler, at which they poison him and the notorious Eva Braun."


Number of Movies:1
First Appearance:1930
Last Appearance:1930

1 The W Plan The W Plan
Director: Victor Saville
Writers: Victor Saville, Miles Malleson, Frank Launder
Actors: Brian Aherne as Duncan Grant, Madeleine Carroll as Rosa Hartmann
Released: 1930

Film version of the first book in the series. When word comes of a major activity by the Germans during WWI, Duncan Grant is picked to go behind enemy lines to learn the truth. He uncovers a scheme to tunnel into British territory to destroy them from behind and beneath.


I was not at all liking Grant after a while but I will admit that my feelings were predisposed by my knowing prior to cracking open the first of his rather long and at times laborious adventures that the author was ... interesting.

Seton was avidly Scottish and not at all interested in being considered British. He was also for quite a few years opening fascist and was a firm believer in a lot of what the German Nazi movement advocated; strict regimentation of the lives of the citizenry and obedience to the Cause above all.

The character Grant would come across, to me, as a fictional representation of that doctrine. Not at all my cup of tea.


My Grade: C+


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