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Full Name: Michael Grant
Nationality: British
Organization: MI5
Occupation Agent

Creator: Alec Redwood
Time Span: 1974 - 1979


Michael Grant is an agent with MI-5.

One slightly confusing aspect of Grant's employment was when it is revealed, fairly early on, that he became a civil servant of the Foreign Office in 1963 at the age of 23 but was soon "detailed to the Special Branch of M.I.5". Looking further into the history of the Special Branch as I read of it growing up, I see that there have been numerous incarnations over the 100+ years it has been around, so I decided to ignore any confusion and just so with the fact that he was pulled from normal diplomatic channels and is now in the counter-spy business.

The activities of Grant take place in the mid 70's which shows that he is in his mid-30's when we start following his assignments. He comes from a pretty impressive lineage have a decorated Major General for a father and the Countess Padarewska as his mother. It was from his mother's side that he seems to have acquired his extensive knowledge of and experience with numerous parts of Europe. His acquired fluency in German, French, Polish, and Russian definitely help out in his work.

Grant's resume, which was kindly provided, shows he is into a variety of sports including boxing, fencing, and swimming. He holds a black belt in both judo and karate and he is a gold medalist in marksmanship. Also, a write-up in that document indicates that he is "willing to undertake all the toughest assignments available, a man of determination and ruthlessness yet, despite all that, one of sympathy, tact and understanding. Extremely attractive to women but avoids any 'embarrassing long associations'". [The single quotes on that last part are mine, put there because of how odd it sounds yet strangely amusing.]


Number of Books:5
First Appearance:1974
Last Appearance:1979

1 The Lady Is Not Fooling The Lady Is Not Fooling
Written by Alec Redwood
Copyright: 1974

"The blue-prints of the precision bomb-thrower were in the briefcase which was switched, and poor Mr. Todhunter was the innocent victim. This was when Michael Grant and PC Eddie Townsend became interested in the matter. Other people were also involved, like Thanata, Lady Death, whose interest extended to Michael Grant himself ... But they all had reckoned without Veronica, Eddie's wife, who was certainly not fooling."

2 Mad Dogs And Englishmen Mad Dogs And Englishmen
Written by Alec Redwood
Copyright: 1976

An old American acquaintance visits Michael Grant late one evening with an offer to join him in Berlin to investigate the rise of a neo-Nazi movement. Grant declines. Immediately after, a sour German named Pritzel shows up demanding Grant stay out. Grant is then summoned by his Intelligence chief for an assignment to - you guessed it - Germany.

3 The Day Of The Redeemer The Day Of The Redeemer
Written by Alec Redwood
Copyright: 1977

"The Cohort for the Redemption of Britain seems to have admirable aims, but its methods include smuggling, murder and terrorism. Mike Grant is called in by Intelligence to investigate."

4 Deadline Moscow Deadline Moscow
Written by Alec Redwood
Copyright: 1978

Micheal Grant joked that he had been kidnapped by the CIA when he was so abruptly called to his boss's office and then whisked on a plane to Langley. They needed his help to ferret out a mole in their ranks interfering with the latest treaty negotiations.

5 Wine With Veronica Wine With Veronica
Written by Alec Redwood
Copyright: 1979

[plot unknown] - Note: this book is probably in the Michael Grant series but that has not been confirmed.


Once in a while I come across a series from the past that surprises me by how good it is and how little press it seems to have gotten. I was a major purchaser of spy adventures back in the days that this series came out and I have no recollection of having ever tried this one.

When I started this compendium and began filling the pages with older series, this one did not reappear until much later in my research, showing me how pretty buried it was.

It does not deserve being buried. Or forgotten. It should be revived!


My Grade: A-


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