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Full Name: Jack Hunter
Nationality: American
Organization: None
Occupation Other - Actor

Creator: Stephen Jared
Time Span: 2010 - 2018


Jack Hunter is a part-time American spy.

Well, he will be. When we first meet him, he is a swashbuckler. There are not that many people who can say with any degree of honesty that they are a swashbuckler but Hunter can. "Action Jack", that's what he is called by the tens of thousands of people who have enjoyed him swashbuckling around the world.

The introduction to his first recorded adventure puts it well. "Everyone liked Jack Hunter. The whole world knew him-or thought they did. His movies were marvels of light-hearted heroics, quick wit, and charm, each almost perfect portraits of the dashing star himself." It would go on, though, and mention "scandalous shenanigans" that he was often involved in. It would also mention, finally, that in that first hair-raising escapade, "Jack revealed himself to be something quite different from the swashbuckler he had been pretending to be in pictures. Everything changed for the star at that point, never to be the same again".

So, now comes the question of how a movie-star who appears on celluloid as a larger-than-life hero but who is really a very normal, understandably skittish human being becomes a part-time spy. It certainly is not in the pages of that first book where staying alive in the Amazon pursued by head-hunters occupies all his attention. It is, rather, later when the world has heard how awesome he was there (he wasn't) and he has learned how much more he would like himself to be that he would make his foray into the cloak and dagger world.

Luckily for the safety of his backside, the same fantastic woman, Maxine 'Max' Daniels, Hollywood animal trainer and real hero of the day, who saved the day on the South American adventure, will be around to show Hunter the ropes.


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2010
Last Appearance:2018

1 Jack and the Jungle Lion Jack and the Jungle Lion
Written by Stephen Jared
Copyright: 2010

In the movies in which he stars, Jack Hunter is the epitome of macho. In real life, not so much. When he is marooned in the jungles of the Amazon, he would certainly have died if he had not been with Maxine Daniels and her two children. Daniels is an animal-trainer for the movies and knows a thing or three about survival.
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2 The Elephants of Shanghai The Elephants of Shanghai
Written by Stephen Jared
Copyright: 2013

The year is 1942. Jack Hunter is looking for a chance to prove himself to be a real-life hero and that comes when he decides to use his acting ability to infiltrate the Chicago mob who are working with enemy spies. Then he goes missing and it is up to Maxine Daniels to again save his behind which will take her into enemy held China.
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3 The Chameleon Thief of Cairo The Chameleon Thief of Cairo
Written by Stephen Jared
Copyright: 2018

In 1948, Jack Hunter, having received plaudits for his bravery a few years before, is asked to help again. American spies are being killed in Cairo and it is hoped that he can head to the Middle East to learn why and who.
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These are a hoot! Jack Hunter, who looks like Cary Grant on the covers and acts like Grant or Errol Flynn or Douglas Fairbanks (senior or junior), wants to be the hero that everyone who watchs him on the big screen thinks he is but Hunter is just not really cut out for it. Well, totally not cut out for it.

He is not a buffoon so much as just out of his element. The same cannot, luckily, be said for the other real star of this series, Maxine Daniels. She has not pretensions towards being a hero but since she has all the requisite skills, she just naturally falls into the role. It is a good thing for Hunter that she does.

These light-hearted books are not spoofs or put-downs of the spy genre but rather quick and fun tales of adventure with a great couple who deserve to have more written about them. Especially Max since she was not really in the third book except to help propel Hunter in his mind. She needs to come back!


My Grade: B


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