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Full Name: Amanda Curzon
Nationality: British
Organization: None
Occupation Adventurer

Creator: Frank Usher
Time Span: 1965 - 1970


Amanda Curzon is an entertainer.

That is what she claims and it is supposedly how she earns a living but there are few places where her name would have ever graced a marquee so the description is open to argument.

What she is mostly is a sex-crazed adventurer who seems to be totally under the control of her highly dominating travelling companion, Oscar Sallis, a wrestler by trade. He rules virtually her entire world except for the fact that since she is a whole lot smarter than Sallis (and who isn't, apparently), she knows when to say yes to his sexual demands and that gives her a whole lot of control since Sallis is even more sex-driven than Curzon.

Curzon hails from the Cockney area of East London. How she got to be from there to the region in and round the Iron Curtain is mostly a mystery and largely unimportant though it almost certainly is because that is where Sallis felt he could earn a living wrestling there and where Sallis went, Curzon followed. Except when they fought which seemed a frequent occasion.

It is very important to note that neither of these people are trained agents and it is absolutely clear that no government agency would ever willingly use them. Nevertheless, whether from gullibility or a love of thrills bordering on insane, they both get involved with different spy organizations and manage to just barely escape death on numerous occasions. 'Barely' is particularly appropriate for Curzon because regardless of what she is doing or what is going on around her, there is good chance she will find a reason to undress.


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:1965
Last Appearance:1970

As I mention in the My Comments section, I have not read these books (yet and probably ever). The best source for information that I found was from a truly awesome source of incredibly interesting and compelling reading:

Mystery Woman: An Encyclopedia of Leading Women Characters in Mystery Fiction by Colleen Barnett.

There are now three volumes of this worthwhile tome and I strongly recommend it. The lady knows her stuff and she is fantastic as conveying it.

Note: There is listed in Wikipedia a fourth book in the series. Deadly Legacy (1971). However, a fellow spy-fi fan was kind enough to send me the flyleaf from that book and it is not an Amanda Curzon adventure.

1 The Man From Moscow The Man From Moscow
Written by Frank Usher
Copyright: 1965

In East Germany, Amanda Curzon and Oscar Sallis meet Stanislov, a Russian agent who work at times for the US. Now that his activities are known to his country, he needs to get out of Eastern Europe and he convinces Curzon and Sallis to smuggle him out.

2 No Flowers In Brazlov No Flowers In Brazlov
Written by Frank Usher
Copyright: 1968

Smuggling seems to be a sideline for Amanda Curzone because being more known for it, she agrees while in the Soviet Union to sneak a document from Kruschchev back to Munich.

3 The Boston Crab The Boston Crab
Written by Frank Usher
Copyright: 1970

In Austria, Oscar Sallis gets into trouble for the attempted murder of a woman named Sally with whom he was very familiar, not to mention her daughter, Tanya. The trouble is the husband/father is upset with both Sallis and Curzon and since he is rich, a former SS agent, and in league with the Arabs, that spells trouble for both.


I have rated this series. I mention that because in doing so, I have broken one inviolate (until now) rule that I will not rate a series that I have not read. I have not read any of the three books and have absolutely no desire to do so.

That lack of interest stems from finding in the very few references I can to this series absolutely nothing that makes me the least bit desirous to delve into the series.

Now that is wrong and I admit it. I hope that should someone out there have any better knowledge of this series than the pawltry amount I have, they will speak up and tell me their opinions.

Mind you, should I ever find a copy of these books at a price my limited budget can afford, I would likely change my mind. So, in truth, my principles against reading these books is more based on being cheap than being discerning.


My Grade: C


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