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Full Name: Creed Emerson
Nationality: American
Organization: None
Occupation Other - Professor

Creator: William Thistlethwaite
Time Span: 2010 - 2018


Creed Emerson is a law professor.

That sort of occupation would seem rather sedate for a man who would, in the course of several recorded adventures, go up against some very unpleasant people and for the most part win. However, teaching criminal law to a bunch of first-yearers is what Emerson does at the time we first meet him. It was most certainly not what he did for several years beforehand.

Emerson is described succinctly in an early passage: "His rugged features drew admiring stares from the women around him, as did his blue eyes and sandy hair.  At six-two, two hundred pounds, Creed was in excellent shape for a forty year old." These women mentioned, though, were the very young new students and not close to being old enough to interest Emerson. He was there to teach and they were there to learn. The role of teacher was a calm, safe job and after the years of not very calm and certainly not safe work, Emerson enjoyed it.

According to the information given, Emerson had graduated at the top of his class in the law school at UCLA. That was followed by a much sought after starting position with a prestigious and large law firm in L.A. As stated, "He enjoyed trial practice, but disliked the law firm administration, the idea that billing was the top priority, and the routine.  Creed yearned for more excitement."

After not that long sitting behind a desk, Emerson applied to the FBI thinking its work would be far more interesting and rewarding. "Somehow, an offshoot of Homeland Security, the American Protection Agency (APA) got a copy of his application.  They convinced him to come in for an interview and hired him on the spot, at double what the FBI offered." A year was spent in that organization's rigorous training program and then came the field.

"His assignments carried him across the United States and abroad.  Rarely was there a dull moment. The APA had almost unlimited jurisdiction.  It was organized to fight terrorism.  However, like other federal agencies, it expanded beyond the original intent of its founders.  Creed was involved in many cases where his superiors felt that 'national security' was at stake. After ten years with the APA, Creed was their top agent.  He caught or eliminated more enemies of the U.S. then he could remember."

His final mission convinced him that it was time to step away from that work. He was getting up there in years and had the scars and aches to prove it. Something more sedate was definitely called for so he said his goodbyes and took up teaching.

Excitement had not said so long to Emerson, though.


Number of Books:5
First Appearance:2010
Last Appearance:2018

1 The 51st State The 51st State
Written by William Thistlethwaite
Copyright: 2010

The kidnapping of two friends in Cuba causes former covert operative and now law professor Creed Emerson to go back to his old line of work to save them. This puts him up against the communist government and reveals to him a plot that reaches high up in the powers back home.
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2 Gold Power Gold Power
Written by William Thistlethwaite
Copyright: 2010

When fellow professor Taya Gold shows up in Creed Emerson's office and tells him about a discovery she has made that could change the energy industry forever, both know that others will kill to get their hands on or or kill to keep it from ever being known.
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3 Covert Operative Covert Operative
Written by William Thistlethwaite
Copyright: 2014

A prequel to the first book, this story reveals how a newly graduated law student, bored after three months at the law firm that hired him, interrupts a robbery and gets himself noticed by a covert intelligence agency looking for new talent.
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4 47th State Threat 47th State Threat
Written by William Thistlethwaite
Copyright: 2014

Retired as a covert operative, Creed Emerson cannot refuse a request from his old boss. This favor sends him to New Mexico to look for the man's missing niece. This search near the border to Mexico will reveal a biker gang terrorizing a small town, a mysterious corporation that seems to be buying up everything, and a secret government facility no one talks about.
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5 Presidential Abuse of Power Presidential Abuse of Power
Written by William Thistlethwaite
Copyright: 2018

The explosion that destroyed his wife's research facility and took her life has devastated Creed Emerson. When he decides to look into it himself, he finds a collusion between the White House and the Kremlin. That much power against him does not stop him.
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Okay, this is a very unheralded series that deserves a whole lot more attention than it is given. These adventures are very well written and deal with a character who is interesting, believable, and fun to follow. He is no spring chicken which to someone of my late-autumn age is a good thing. I like reading about someone my age doing things I almost think I might have been able to do but know I really couldn't. He can, though, so that is alright.

I noticed by the copyright date that the author wrote a couple in 2010, a couple in 2014, and has one so far in 2018 (as I type this). Hopefully that means another is on the way. I hope so.


My Grade: B+


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