Agent Ginger is an agent for SYNO Security.
SYNO is a 'secret intelligence agency that worked so closely with the British government'. Exactly how long it has been around is not mentioned but considering the fact that it has offices in numerous large cities around the world, it is safe to say it is not new. It is also fairly obvious that despite its international presence, it is decidedly affiliated, in spirit if not officially, with the British government. SYNO "had done more than enough for British security over the years to justify their existence a thousand times over". As far as the non-intelligence world is concerned, it is a corporation devoted to providing security for other companies. Inside the community, however, it is a major player.
Agent Ginger's real name is Amanda Charlton. The 'Agent' part of her codename is obviously because she is an operative. The 'Ginger" comes from her long curly ginger-colored hair. She is described as a tall and attractive girl. To most of the people who have contact with her, she is an unpreposessing individual. Most think she is a secretary at SYNO, personal assistant to the managing director Clive Aynesworth.
The truth is quite a bit different. She is a very confidant and highly capable operative capable of handling herself in an assortment of combat styles including the martial arts. Her skills with a hand gun are impressive and her ability to make a weapon out of most anything is lethal. When she is in the field, people who get in her way tend to fall by the wayside, often unpleasantly so. She is not used that often, though, because with her skills, she is usually the person sent in with everything has gone badly. As a fixer, she is exceptional.
Charlton's father is an English professor. Her mother, a beautiful Lagosian, is a very successful entrepreneur. This mixed parentage has resulted in the beauty that combines her curly ginger hair and a lightly tanned skin.