davis_jammer3 Davis_Jammer2 Davis_Jammer1
Full Name: Frank 'Jammer' Davis
Nationality: American
Organization: NTSB
Occupation Other - Air-Crash Investigator

Creator: Ward Larsen
Time Span: 2010 - 2016


Jammer Davis is an accident investigator for the NTSB.

He is considered by most as one of the very best they have and that is a good thing because he is also one of their most insubordinate ones. He does not play politics worth a bean and cannot understand the idea of doing something simply because his boss said so. Most importantly for his reputation is his unwillingness to just let something go. If he is asked to find out why a plane crashed, he will regardless of whose toes get stepped on.

Davis is a former Major in the U.S. Air Force, a man who was a Marine grunt before changing professions. This history gives him a unique perspective on a lot of things from common pair of boots on the ground feels to how a man in charge of a million dollars worth of aircraft would operate. It also makes him unafraid to get his hand dirty and totally willing to take a gamble when the stakes are worth it.

The reason for Davis' entry here, though, is the fact that one the assignments he has been given which have been recorded in the books thus far, his investigations have lead him into contact with some very unpleasant people who have desires to cause a great deal of harm to the U.S. His actions in the first such case brought him to the attention of the powers-that-be and when a situation came up in the second that could use a man like him, he was the first one thought of.

Davis can shoot pretty well and fight even better and he has a great eye for detail and can spot things amiss too well for his own safety. He likes a good scrap, too, even if that takes him away from his daughter, a high school student who, as a single parent with the death of his wife from a car accident, is the most important thing in Davis' life.


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2010
Last Appearance:2016

1 Fly By Wire Fly By Wire
Written by Ward Larsen
Copyright: 2010

The infamous terrorist known as the Caliph is sending suicide bombers to destroy many oil refineries around the world, starting with those in America. As this goes on, Jammer Davis is asked to investigate the crash of a new cargo plane in France, not knowing the two events are related.

2 Fly By Night Fly By Night
Written by Ward Larsen
Copyright: 2011

One of the CIA's top secret drones has crashed in the Sudan and Jammer Davis is asked head there to find out what brought it down, using another crash as a cover. The two crashes should not actually be related but evidence shows they might be, even as the evidence mounts that someone does not want Davis investigating.

3 Passenger 19 Passenger 19
Written by Ward Larsen
Copyright: 2016

It is a sad but normal part of Jammer Davis' life to look into the crash of an airplane but this time the crash in the jungles of Columnbia is personal for his daughter is listed as one of those onboard.
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The writing of Ward Larsen harkens wonderfully back to a time when the hero had to work at his job, not just react to obvious enemies literally screaming "I'm a terrorist. You'd better stop me."

That does not mean the books slow down anywhere because they definitely do not but Davis is an investigator who actually has to investigate and Mr. Larsen has him do so in very interesting ways that keeps the story going but makes it realistic.

And that makes it even better when Jammer Davis is forced to become a man of action because you can see the impetus building and you start to get more than a bit excited with him.

You can probably see that I am now a huge fan of Jammer Davis. I devoured both books and wanted more - lots more. I hope that Mr. Larsen gives it because I will most certainly be there to enjoy. You should be there, too. You will thank me for it.


My Grade: A


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