Writing as: D. Wayne Bird

According to the bio on Amazon: "I retired in late 2015. Three days later, my wife and I were headed to Panamá City, Panamá where we intended to live as American ex-pats for the duration..... We'd visited Panamá a couple of times, driving across the country and back. We looked forward to a more active, healthier and less expensive lifestyle. That isn't the way things evolved and we returned to the States, as many American would-be ex-pats do, 13 months later.

While living in Panamá, an idea for a book series began forming in my head. I imagined an American, a former CIA officer, retiring while he was fairly young and very healthy, retiring to Panamá. The Max Springer series was born."

Series Books
Max Springer Butcher of Chamé (2019)
  Enemies Of My Fathers (2019)
  Facing My Demons (2019)
  Panamá Trade Company (2019)
  Pulling The Strings (2020)