Writing as: Vince Milam

According to the bio on Fantastic Fiction: "VINCE MILAM has lived all over the world, traipsing through the Amazon, Congo, and Papua New Guinea--all the while capturing sights, sounds, and personalities that are incorporated into his writing.

His goal is a good tale told--one that captures the reader's imagination and makes for "couldn't put down" reading.

He relishes great books, fine trout streams, family, old friends, and--especially--writing character-driven fast-paced thrillers with a dose of humor and emotional twists."

Series Books
Case Lee The Suriname Job (2017)
  The New Guinea Job (2018)
  The Caribbean Job (2018)
  The Amazon Job (2019)
  The Hawaii Job (2020)
  The Orcas Island Job (2020)
  The Nevada Job (2020)
  The DC Job (2021)
  The Texas Job (2021)
  The Sawtooth Job (2022)
  The Rhine River Job (2023)
  The Alaska Job (2023)
  The Cairo Job (2024)
Other The Unknown Element [Challenged World] (2015)
  Pretty Little Creatures [Challenged World] (2015)
  Gather The Seekers [Challenged World] (2016)