Writing as: Steven Veerapen

According to Fantastic Fiction: "Steven Veerapen was born in Glasgow and raised in Paisley. Pursuing an interest in the sixteenth century, he was awarded a first-class Honours degree in English, focusing his dissertation on representations of Henry VIII’s six wives. He then received a Masters in Renaissance studies, and a Ph.D. investigating Elizabethan slander. Steven is fascinated by the glamour and ghastliness of life in the 1500s, and has a penchant for myths, mysteries and murders in an age in which the law was as slippery as those who defied it."

Series Books
Jack & Amy Cole A Dangerous Trade (2019)
  Divided Loyalties (2019)
  The Last Judgement (2020)
Ned Savage Succession (2020)
  Coronation (2020)
  Assassination (2020)
Other The Abbey Close [Simon Danforth] (2018)
  The Royal Burgh [Simon Danforth] (2018)
  The Cradle Queen [Simon Danforth] (2018)
  The Queen's Consort (2018)
  The Queen's Gold [Christopher Marlowe] (2021)
  The Queen's Jewel [Christopher Marlowe] (2022)
  Of Blood Descended [Anthony Blanke] (2022)
  The Queen's Fire [Christopher Marlowe] (2023)
  Of Judgement Fallen [Anthony Blanke] (2023)